Saturday 31 May 2014

The Wonder Years - "Little Debbie"

Legendary chesty cheerleader Dina Delgado (Stefanie Scott - no, not the new one) is found out and breaks many young men's hearts.

You can see the video here. Fun starts at 18:30.

Friday 30 May 2014

Great Teacher Onizuka Volume 25

A young substitute teacher is groped by her students.

Thursday 29 May 2014

"Salsa Dancer" by: Kat

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Conchita Wurst

I dunno what to say about this. Drag Queen FAIL? Real name Tom Neuwirth, "she" represented and won the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest for Austria.

A little closer to reality:

Even in guy mode he looks like he's got make-up on. Some people reckon Tom may actually be:

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Eliska 7914

From the Czech Casting series.

Monday 26 May 2014

Selma Blair - A Dirty Shame (2004)

Selma Blair plays Caprice in this movie who turns into a sex addict after she is hit on the head. I just found it weird that they cast a famously flat actress to play a character with giant udders.

I really like Selma and this  movie was downright weird. An except from Director John Waters:

"According to Waters, when he asked the MPAA what he would need to cut in order for them to give his film an R rating, they replied that "after a while, we just stopped taking notes", and if everything they objected to was cut, only ten minutes could be distributed.[6] They decided to simply release it with an NC-17 rating."


The real Selma:

Sunday 25 May 2014

Patty - Susan Kellerman

From the movie Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (1988). Patty is exposed in a catfight with Elvira.

In her padded form:

Fun starts around 21:10.

Elvira-Mistress of the Dark (1988).Μεροs 2 by clublife257

Saturday 24 May 2014

Friday 23 May 2014

Cute Attorney Gets Frisked

Copyright by Wraith 2003

Kelly Logan drove home from an all day legal seminar, and was upset by what happened at the end of the seminar. Kelly thought back to when she went to get some finger food, and a glass of wine after the seminar ended. Kelly tried to forget the nerve of this D.A. out of some insignificant flea spec town. He stood very close behind her, and Kelly felt crowed. She tried to ignore him, but standing in line he would constantly tap her on the shoulder, and kept up his inept flirting. Kelly tried to be nice, and told him she wasn’t interested, but he followed her to a table, and sat down right next to her. All Kelly wanted to do was get a quiet bite to eat, but out of frustration she stood up to leave, but caught one of her high-heels on the edge of her briefcase and stumbled. She didn’t mean to spill her full glass of red wine on his lap. Kelly tried to apologize, but he mumbled something under his breath about getting even when he left the table. Kelly wiped up the wine residue that splashed on her skirt, and quickly left the seminar.
Kelly drove home thinking about weather to send a card with dry-cleaning expenses, or not. “Damn!” Kelly said as she saw the blinking red and blue lights behind her. Kelly pulled her Lexus to the side of the road and stopped.
“Howdy Ma’am, how ya doing tonight? You were going kinda fast back there, could you please show me your license and registration?” Officer Bob Houston said. Tonight was boring, and all he was doing was listening to the game. He almost didn’t pull this car over, but it was something to do, and would take up some time. Bob was surprised how good looking this woman was, and saw she had on a black pinstriped business skirt with the matching jacket lying on the passenger’s seat. She was wearing a nice silk light pink shirt, and Bob watched as she turned to dig through her purse on the passenger’s seat, and got a great view down her blouse of her bra, and thought, “Damn she’s good looking. She must be working late. I’ll just give her a warning, try and get her phone number, and get back to the game.”
Kelly knew she was speeding as she passed through a hick town, but she never saw the police as she flew down the country road doing 75mph in a posted 45mph. Kelly got her papers out of her purse, and didn’t like the way he was staring down her blouse. She decided right then to bully the cop, and said, “Do you know who I am? Well I’ll tell you, I’m Kelly Logan! I’m the lead attorney for Markus, Brown, and Russet. For your information, that is the largest attorney practice in the tri-county. So if you don’t want a lawsuit filed on speed trap enforcement, targeting minorities, and what ever else I can think up, you’ll get in you car, and go harass the locals. Do you understand me?” She handed him the requested items with her business card on top.
“Yes Ma’am I think I do.”
“Good, now hand me my license, and I’ll be on my way. I’m glad you understand, you’ll never be able to win.”
Bob was tired, and not in the mood to take shit from anyone, and the last thing he needed was a pushy lawyer threatening him. He hated lawyers with a passion, and thought, “What the hell? Let’s have some fun!” Bob took the license, and the registration, and slipped them into his shirt pocket, and said, “Ma’am, it’s too bad your tits aren’t as big as your mouth, but then again, I doubt you’d fit behind the wheel.”
“Oh My.” Kelly said amused. She wore a modest A-Cup, and couldn’t believe he would be so stupid as to make a sexual reference about her bra size at a traffic stop, and said, “You’ve got the biggest lawsuit coming, and you’ll be dead 10 years and still owe me money.” Kelly laughed at him, and she thought, “I love being a lawyer!” Kelly said in her most lawyerly voice, “Now hand me my license, and I’ll be on my way, or do I file sexual harassment charges, and then a nice fat lawsuit?”
“License? What license? Ma’am, I just asked for your identification, and you said you lost it. Ma’am I’ll need to take you to the station so I can verify just who the hell you are. Oh my... Is that wine I smell? When we get to the station you will be booked for reckless driving, and driving while intoxicated. Please step out of the car for a sobriety test.”
Kelly was fuming at the possibility she might have been too severe with the officer, and thought, “He might be able to make a case against me with just the smell from the spilled wine, but I bet he is bluffing.” Kelly took a chance and said, “I don’t have time, nor am I in the mood to play your childish games. Give me my license, and I’ll be on my way. This is your last chance.”
“Ma’am, I’m going to explain to you what’s going to happen, and I’ll use small word so your dumb lawyer ass can understand. I’m placing you under arrest for reckless driving, driving without identification, and probable drunk driving. You will get out of your car. I will frisk you for my safety. Now if you don’t cooperate or if you utter one word of complaint you will be booked for resisting arrest. This being Friday night you’ll have to spend the weekend at our luxury accommodations, and while you’re waiting to talk to the judge, I may conduct a search of your trunk, and who knows what might be hiding in there waiting for the right person to find. I assure you that after it is found, it will be off to jail for you. You’ll be 10 years in prison still trying to prove your innocence. Step out of the car, so I can begin my search.”
“You can’t do this!” Kelly was shocked he would continue to bully her. She was used to people cowering, and doing whatever she wanted.
“Sure I can. Just watch and see. Now get out of the car so I can start my search. I’m dying to know exactly how small those tits are. Looks like there’s an awful lot of padding in your bra. I bet you have to buy your bras in the little girls department, and dream nightly of someday wearing a woman’s sized bra.” Bob said laughing and thought, “I’m going to humiliate this woman, and damn she has a pretty mouth. I love that red lipstick.”
Kelly quickly put her hand over the top couple buttons of her blouse. She knew he just got another good look down her blouse, and was embarrassed she was caught wearing a padded push-up bra. Kelly hated she was small busted, and was sure her days of being teased to her face were long over, but here she was a grown respectable attorney taking shit from a nobody she wouldn’t even talk to. Kelly felt herself flashing back to her high school days, and the daily teasing she received for being flat chested. Kelly stepped out of her Lexus, and tried not to flash her panties, but was concerned by his leering smile. She thought he might have seen more than she intended. Kelly stood by her door, and watched the officer’s blue eyes as they traveled slowly down her body, and then just as slowly back up. Kelly blushed when she noticed him staring intently at her small breasts, and at his gesture she walked to the trunk.
Officer Bob Houston said with a cocky grin, “Ma’am, is there anything hidden under your clothing other than your flat naked body, I should know about before I begin my search? I’m just about to verify your tits are nothing but padding, and it’s a crying shame your tits are so small. You’d be one hot babe with woman sized tits.” Bob chuckled at his joke, and stared directly at her tits, and could tell he royally pissed off this lawyer, and that was fine by him.
“Shut-up you asshole!” Kelly was furious she was still being taunted about her bra size, and said, “Let’s get this over with. I’m tired of listening to you inane chatter, and I just want to go home as quickly as possible. Could you speed this process up?”
“You will go home when I say you can. Turn around, place your hands on the trunk, and spread your feet.” Bob said. He was quietly pleased she would not cower to him just yet. He would savor the exact moment she submits to his authority.
Kelly hated cowering to this officer’s demands, but she knew small towns, and thought, “He’s being an asshole, but damn him. I can’t wait for a hearing with a judge on Monday morning. Wait a Minute! I know! He is just a stupid horny man under that uniform, and all I have to do is use some of my vast female charms, and he’ll let me go in exchange for my phone number. Damn, I must be tired. This is going to be so easy.” Kelly shook out her long brown hair, and gave the officer a sexy smile when she leaned over her Lexus, and placed her hands on the trunk. She felt vulnerable when she spread her feet, and got into position for her frisking, but was not scared at all. Kelly made sure her short black skirt rode up a little to show her fantastic legs, and she tilted her hips backward, and this caused her skirt to cling tighter to her tight ass. Kelly knew he would be professional about his search. Kelly turned her head, and looked the officer in the eyes again, and was pleased he was looking at her legs, and said in a sexy voice, “I’m sorry, I was discourteous. Please conduct your search, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I was thinking about a case, and I was preoccupied. You’re out here doing a dangerous job, and you don’t need people yelling at you. I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apology for my rude behavior, and maybe we could go out for a drink sometime.”
Bob was laughing inside, and thought, “Damn your good lady, but not tonight.” Bob took a long look at the woman leaning over her car. He liked the way her clothing was now pulled tight against her body. He could see a hint of her white bra through her pink silk shirt, and he liked the way her tight skirt became tighter when she spread her feet, and conformed to every curve of her hips and ass. Bob walked up to the woman, and placed his hands on her head, and touched her long brown hair. Bob felt its silkiness when he ran his fingers through her hair. Bob slide his hands up the side of her neck, and lightly across her face, and drew his hands away from her, and let her soft hair flow through his fingers. Bob felt a tremor in Kelly, and did this a couple more times. He wanted to prolong the search, and build anticipation in her, and crack her hard shell. Bob knew he would leave this proud attorney on her knees crying, or just on her knees. Bob touched her forehead, and ran his fingers across her eyebrows, and slowly circled her eyes. He took his index finger and moved it down across her nose, and then he rubbed her upper lip, and delicately circled her mouth. He used his lightest touch, and traced the outline of her closed lips. He made another pass, and tried to push his finger inside her mouth.
Kelly was horrified by what she was allowing to take place. Kelly straightened up, and turned to face the officer. She struggled not to slap him, and says, “Officer, I consented to this search, but I demand you conduct this search in accordance to department regulations. I will no longer abide your groping in the name of doing your duty.
“Ma’am, I’m calling for back-up, and when another officer arrives, we will be placing you under arrest for resisting arrest, driving without identification, and possible drunk driving, and we’ll see what types of drugs are in your trunk, and charge you later. You’ll be arraigned Monday before the judge. Your big attorney firm will be notified its lead attorney is in jail on drunk driving and drug related charges, and is in need of serious council. I wonder what your boss will say when word of your arrest hits the papers? Oh, by the way, I hear the phones are broke in the county lockup. I’ll bet my last dollar, you spend the weekend without making your one phone call.” Officer Houston says with a cocky smile, and thought, “Groping? Lady, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”
“Now officer, can’t we talk about this? I apologized for my behavior, but I cannot condone your search.” Kelly said, but thought, “Damn him! He knows this arrest, and the media attention will destroy my career. Sure, I can sue the township later, and get this officer fired, but there will be a stain forever on my career, that may not go away. FUCK! I have no choice!”
“Ma’am, you have two choices, either I continue my search here, and you go home tonight, or you go to the station, and spend the weekend. Now chose!” he said in a rough voice.
Kelly refused to give him the pleasure, and resumed her position. Kelly cringed when he touched her neck, and slid his fingers up her face. He made his light touch feel more like a caress than last time. Kelly was single for the last couple months, and was biting her lower lip, trying to stop her body from responding to his intimate touch. She was outraged he would touch her like this, and when she started to think about what was yet to come she got nervous, and shivered. Kelly felt the hands move to her shoulders, and again she shivered because she knew there would be no stopping him now, and she must endure her search in quiet. Kelly felt his fingers trace the outline of her bra. The gentle touch became rougher when the hands started to caress and massage her shoulders and neck. Kelly almost moaned because the massage felt so good and relaxing. She closed her eyes, and felt the stress of the last couple days start to drain out of her, and for a split second she forgot she was standing on a desolate roadside.
The massage stopped, and Kelly felt him gather her long hair into a ponytail, and draped it over her left shoulder. The massage started again at her shoulders, but this time Kelly fought the feelings when his thumbs kneaded her shoulder blades, and slowly his hands moved lower and lower. Kelly felt his gentle caress of her spine to her waistband, and then back up to her ribs. She quivered, when she realized it was only a matter of seconds before he felt her small breasts, and then she felt his hands start to slide around her body to her breasts. Kelly felt the officer lift both her breasts like he was weighing them, and Kelly’s blood boiled when she heard him laugh. It took everything Kelly had to stand still, and not turn and slap the officer. She was aware he was trying to humiliate her, but she saw no way of stopping him. Kelly wanted to scream as he caressed her breasts, and gently rolled her sensitive nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Kelly felt her nipples responding to his touch, and ground her teeth together in helpless frustration.
Officer Houston knew exactly what he was doing, he was trying to cause conflicts in her body, and she would hate herself even more for responding to his touch. Bob slowly kneaded her tits for a full minute, and said, “Just as I thought. Feels like a A-cup, bordering on a small B with all the padding, but I like the way your hard nipples are pushing their way out from under all the padding” Bob loved the tremor in her body, and he continued to caress her hard nipples until her breathing became erratic. Bob continued, and fondled her tits until she let out a quiet moan, and smiled at his small victory.
Kelly fought to stand there quietly when she felt her blouse start to be unbuttoned, and felt like a tramp because her body readily responded to the officer’s crude touch. Kelly blushed deeper when her vagina started to ache for his light touch, and just stood there leaning over the car, and soon felt sandwiched between the car’s trunk and the officer’s hard-on. Kelly felt so humiliated when the officer pushed himself even tighter against her ass, and started grinding. Kelly shifted her feet, and felt helpless as she just stood there, and let the officer undress her, and grind against her ass. Kelly bit her tongue and suppressed her moan of pleasure. She would not give him the pleasure again. Kelly winced when she felt his hand on her bra, and the officer harshly squeezed both her nipples.
Bob took his time while he opened the pink blouse. He alternated his touch. He caressed her small tits, and undid a button, and then caressed her tits again. He made sure to take his time, and finally he untucked her shirt, and then unbuttoned the last button on her blouse, Bob ran his hands up her naked toned stomach across her small tits, and pulled the shirt off her shoulders, and let the blouse hang half on her body. Bob reached around, and unsnapped the front-opening bra, and pulled it off her shoulders. Bob returned his hands to her tits, and pulled and fondled her small breasts, and smiled when he was rewarded with a not so quiet moan. Bob liked the way she tried to remain clothed by bending her elbows, and trapped her clothing from falling to the ground, but he knew as soon as she stood up she would lower her arms, and her blouse and bra would fall to the dirt.
Bob thought it was time to move on, and squatted on the ground. Bob let his hands caress her thin waist, and slowly moved down her hips, and across her ass. He gave a gentle squeeze of those fine globes, and took his time as he gently caressed her ass. He could tell his touching was getting to her, and trailed one finger all the way down her black skirt, then down the back of her nylon covered leg until he touched her ankles. He loved the feeling of her stockings against his palms as he circled her left ankle, and inch-by-inch his hands rose, and slowly caressed his way up her long legs. Bob took his time, and he caressed up to her knee, and slide his hands back down the stocking cover leg, and started back up, but this time on the right leg. Bob slowly slide his hands up her right leg under her black pinstriped skirt. Bob was surprised she was wearing a white garterbelt with her tan stockings, and not pantyhose. He caressed her right leg up to her upper thighs in the same slow manner. He felt her shiver as his thumbs rubbed the cleft of her ass. He ran his fingers around the legbands of her white satin panties. Bob slide his hands back down to her ankles, and again switched legs, and continued his slow exploration of her Nylon clad legs.
Kelly felt the caress of her lower legs, and felt she was close to tears. She was powerless for the first time in her life, and this scared her more than anything else, but all she could think about was saving her career, and what a small price this was to pay. Her body on the other hand responded as he caressed her inner thighs. Kelly tried to fight her body’s natural reaction as his caresses became more intimate. She was humiliated and bit her lip to stop herself from moaning when his hands started to caress her ass on top of her panties. Kelly groaned as his left hand raised her skirt over her waist, and tucked it into her garterbelt. Kelly felt his other hand slip between her open legs, and started to intimately touch her vagina.
Bob cupped her pussy, and lightly squeezed it. He moved his palm back and forth between her thighs, and could feel the moist heat starting in her panties. Bob changed tactics now, and concentrated his index finger on her clit. He rubbed her clit, and alternated between firm and soft caresses. Bob waited until she started to respond, and slid his index finger slowly back and forth across her slit, and worked her panties inside her. He increased the speed of his finger when he felt her hips start to rock with his movements he pulled her panties to the side, and slipped two fingers inside.
Kelly tried without success to stop her body from responding to his touch. Kelly hated herself as she lost her concentration, and moaned out loud. It was only a quiet moan, but Kelly felt she betrayed herself. She was fighting to stay in control, and didn’t want to give the bastard the satisfaction, but was losing. She tried to stop her hips, but they rocked forward to get his fingers deeper inside her. Kelly moaned in frustration when she felt the finger broke contact with her vagina, and was astounded she was grateful when she felt him take off her panties. Kelly moved her feet closer together, so he could pull her panties off easier, and silently cursed her weakness for his touch.
Bob pulled down her panties to her thighs, and wiped his wet fingers on her ass, and knew he had this slut right where he wanted her. Bob pulled the panties down, and told her when she tried to step out of her panties, “Leave ‘em around your ankles.” Bob liked the look of her dainty white panties around her ankles stretched between her black high-heels. He continued, and said, “Spread those matchsticks again if you want my fingers back in your wet cunt. Damn, that was fast.”
Kelly closed her eyes in shame. She was embarrassed she spread her legs so fast. “Oh God. Right there!” Kelly moaned when she felt him flick her clit. Kelly was lost in her need to cum, and she felt him push another finger into her tight wet hole. She felt his three large fingers stretching her vagina, and the little pain she felt acted as an aphrodisiac. Kelly unconsciously lowered her arms, and her shirt and bra fell to the ground. Kelly immediately placed her hands on her breasts, and caressed her hard nipples. Kelly moaned loudly, “OH GOD YES!” and pulled her nipples harder when she felt the officer pinch her clit. Kelly was very close to cumming, and screamed “No! Don’t stop! I’m almost there!” She was relieved when he untucked her skirt, and started to fumble with the zipper. She felt the tugs on the hem of her skirt, and could not offer any resistance when her skirt was pulled off her hips. She blushed when her skirt fell to a puddle around her feet on top of her blouse. Kelly screamed, “YES! OHGOD YES!” when she felt his fingers once again tweaked her hard clit, and then the fingers were pushed inside, and started to saw in and out. Kelly closed her eyes, and rocked her hips in time to the fingers. She lost all concept she was outside naked along side a deserted road, and all that mattered was the fingers sliding in and out of her cunt. “Faster! Do it faster. Just a little more… I’m almost there… Oh… yes… I’m… I’m gonna cum. Kelly felt the fingers suddenly pulled out and screamed, “NOOOOO! You can’t! You can’t stop now! I have to cum!”
“Me first. It’s time to offer me your apology. I want you to use all your oral skills, and if I’m happy...” Bob was thrilled she turned into such a slut, and laughed about what the big city lawyer would say if she knew he filmed her begging to cum. Bob planned on showing his dash-cam after work to the other officers.
Kelly felt herself turned around, and struggled not to trip with her panties down around her ankles. Kelly leaned her ass against the cold trunk, and didn't care she stood on her new pink blouse and her skirt. She was humiliated to be practically naked and only wore her garterbelt, and hi-heels while she stood on the side of a road. Kelly felt his hands putting downward pressure on her shoulders, and knew then what the cost of her freedom was. Kelly sank to her knees. She was excited, yet nervous. She watched as the officer unzipped his pants, and pulled out his hard cock. Kelly felt him roughly grab a handful of her long hair, and quickly pulled her face to his crotch. Kelly was used to being in charge, and never let a man grab her hair for a blowjob, and Kelly shook her head to get him to release his hold. Kelly felt his hard cock leave a long wet streak across her left cheek. 
“Quit fuckin around, and start sucking.” Bob says. He is getting mad at this bitch because she turned her head to avoid sucking him. He grabbed her hair with both hands, and he would get his blowjob one way or another.
Kelly felt her head pulled back, and she reached up, and took him in her mouth. Kelly gagged when he jutted his hips forward, and started to fuck her mouth. Kelly liked to be in charge, and felt degraded she was being used as nothing more than a hole for his release.
“Damn woman. This is the sorriest blowjob I’ve ever received. Come on, use that tongue bitch!” Bob was moving her head back and forth in time with his thrusts. “Harder! Now, lick the tip. Yea, that’s better. Finally! Oh yea baby. That’s it! Keep your tongue moving.” Bob set up a slow steady rhythm, and fucked her mouth. He didn’t want to cum too soon. “Get ready to swallow bitch. If you miss one single drop, I’ll haul your fat ass to the station. Get ready slut!” Bob felt himself about ready to cum, and rammed his cock deep into the slut’s mouth, and groaned when he started to fill her mouth with his cum.
Kelly was gagging, and she hated she was forced to swallow his cum. Kelly was relieved when he pulled his softening cock to the entrance of her mouth. Kelly struggled not to, but had to swallow some cum, or choke. When he finally pulled his softening cock out of her mouth Kelly turned to the left, and threw-up. Kelly was thankful when the dry-heaves stopped, and quickly wiped her lips. Kelly was grateful her adventure was over, and she could go home. Kelly was not happy about the thought she would have to go home and masturbate to release the tension in her body. Kelly was embarrassed to be on her hands and knees naked except for her garterbelt. She saw the officer smirking at her when she struggled to stand up and pulled up her panties. Kelly was getting now mad. She spoke to the officer in her lawyerly voice, “You’ve had you fun. Now get out of my way, I’m going home.”
“You ain’t done yet slut. I don’t know why your getting dressed I haven’t sampled your pussy yet.” Bob said. 
“Well… well… well, what do we have here? Bob, you know there are laws about this kind of behavior, and I cannot condone abuse of power…”
“Wha…” Kelly quickly swiveled around to hear who was talking behind her. “Oh my God, it’s you! This isn’t what it looks like.” She was shocked to see the D.A. she spilled her wine on. Kelly blushed when she saw the D.A. looking at her full bush. She hurried and pulled up her panties, and franticly picked up her skirt, and struggled and pulled it on. She blushed because the skirt was snug on her hips, and it took some effort to get it over her hips, and she could feel her small breast wobble. Kelly felt better when she covered her lower body. Kelly grabbed her dirty shirt off the ground, and held the shirt against her breasts, and blushed a deeper shade of red when she thought how long he stood beside her bumper and watched her with this officer, and she was sure he got a good look at her vagina when she was throwing-up on her hands and knees. Kelly quickly turned her back towards the officers, and pulled on her shirt.
“Howdy, Brian. I stopped this little lady for speeding, and she has no identification, and after I said I smelled alcohol on her, she offered me a blowjob to let her go.”
Kelly quickly turned around to confront the officer, and blushed when her shirt flew open, and exposed her small breasts again. Kelly held her shirt closed, and screamed, “You lying piece of shit! I did no such thing. He blackmailed me. He said, he would falsely arrest me for drunken driving, plant drugs in my trunk, and call the media. If you look in his pocket he has my license. I’m so sorry about the wine, but you have to believe me! You know I didn’t drink after the seminar. I accidentally spilled my only wine on both of us, and then immediately left. I didn’t even get to taste the wine. I want this officer fired! He took advantage of me.”
“Shut up you lying bitch. I did no such thing. Hell Brian, look at her. If she offered you a blowjob, could you refuse? Brian, she’s a slut. Feel her panties they are soaked…”
“Bob, I believe you. Calm down. We better get her to the station, and processed. We need to find out who she is, and I will personally take charge of the investigation. I told you I’d get even bitch, and by god I’m going to make you pay. Hey Bob how was the blowjob? I saw you had to face-fuck her, and give her some pointers, but don’t worry by the time she leaves our hospitality she will have the best mouth in the tri-state. You better call the boys, and tell them there is going to be a party. Did you video her performance on the dash cam?”
“Hell yea! I was going to show it after work. Brian did you see the ass on this babe? It’s a work of art, and she’s got some damn sexy legs, but no tits at all. She’s flat as a board. Hell her bra is nothing but padding.”
“Bob, I plan on inspecting her entire body inside and out, and as soon as you hook her up we can move the party.”
“You can’t do this! I’m innocent…” Kelly screamed as she was handcuffed. She was scared now with her arms handcuffed behind her back, and embarrassed with her shirt hanging wide-open. Kelly knew they could see her naked breasts, and pleaded, “Please button my shirt.” Kelly hung her head in shame when both men laughed at her request. Kelly was shocked when the D.A. felt the padding in her bra, and then with a big smile on his face placed her white bra over her shoulder, and cupped her breast. Kelly knew she made a tactical mistake, and thought if I had only talked to him after the seminar, and now this D.A. could ruin her life with the dash video, and not just her career. Kelly couldn’t believe the way they talked about her, and her body, and worse the things she would have to do at the jail. Kelly was lead to the D.A.’s car, and was placed in the front seat. She tried to make her shirt cover her breasts, but the D.A. just pulled it off her shoulders.
Kelly sat there topless, and humiliated, but was shocked he pushed her skirt up to her waist. She felt like such a slut, but had no choice because with her hands handcuffed behind her back she could not fix her clothing. She listened to him as he explained, “Bitch, I’m going to train you like a dog, and I bet you’re sorry now for acting like a stuck-up bitch when all I wanted to do was talk. You’ll be using your mouth a lot tonight, but it won’t be for talking. The prisoners are going to love their new attorney. What do you think they’ll use first, your mouth, cunt, or ass?”
Kelly cried, and was in a total state of shock, and disgusted by the things he told her she had to do. Kelly realized she was turned on by the way he talked to her. This was the first time in her life anyone dared not to treat her with respect, and Kelly could not believe her body liked the idea she would no longer be treated like a queen. She knew she would be used hard tonight, and in any manner they chose, and there was nothing she could do about it, and that thought sent ripples of pleasure through her body. She silently dreamed one day she could give total control to another person, but in the end Kelly always had to be in control of everything, and she knew this was the reason that ended most of her relationships.
Kelly reached the station, and prayed it was all a bad dream as she was lead inside the police building, but was humiliated she was ushered into the police station topless. Kelly was marched through the entire station, and was introduced one by one to the entire police force, and cringed when almost every officer greeted her and fondled her breast or ass. The worst part was when a police sergeant laughed at her small breasts, and passed her padded bra around the precinct, and then lifted her skirt to check if she was a real woman. Kelly thought she would die from humiliation when the entire police force laughed at the large wet spot on her panties. Kelly was finally led into a quiet room, and was happy she was released from her handcuffs, and quickly covered her breasts with her shirt. She looked about the room and saw a mirror covered one whole wall, and wondered if she was being filmed.
Kelly heard the D.A. say, “Strip!” Kelly blushed at her reflection in the mirror. The image was not of her as a perfectly groomed attorney, but looked like a woman that just had rough sex outdoors. Kelly looked hard at her reflection and could not believe it was actually her. The mirror’s reflection showed a woman with a dust-covered skirt that badly needed straightened, and the woman’s blouse was fully unbuttoned, and showed most of both breasts, and the woman’s hair was messed up. This was not the image Kelly was used to. In fact this was the first time Kelly was ever dressed in anything short of perfection. 
Kelly waited for the shock of her reflection to wear off, and she blushed when she felt her pussy throb in anticipation of what this night would hold, and dropped her shirt to the floor.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Whitney Able / All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)

Not sure what you call those. They are stick on type bras that pull yours boobs together. Maybe be a "pull-up" bra rather than push...

Thanks to my friend jimmythehand who pointed me to the clip.

Whitney Able / All the Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006) by 1ggw

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Kiarra Knight

She has been featured on Karups HA and ATK Galleria.