Friday 31 October 2014

Ghost tits.

The famous video featuring Olivia Munn.

OMG! Ghost tits by smileblast

Thursday 30 October 2014


Fully padded:


Wednesday 29 October 2014

Andrew Christian

For the female readers. Consider this the Ann Summers of male underwear.

They have 3 main types:
The Shock Jock in the main one:

If you want to make the front look even more realistic:
You can even pad the butt:

Another type is the "Almost Naked":
Ahh, the male ego.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Lucie 5209

From the Czech Casting series.

Monday 27 October 2014

Japanese amateur 5

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Saturday 25 October 2014

Vanessa English

I found this girl when I was looking for more stories by the other Vanessa English. Anyway, this Vanessa is an up in coming BJJ exponent from Nottingham, UK who took gold at this year’s World Championships at purple belt. She is currently ranked #1 in the purple light-feather division, according to the IBJJF rankings and recently obtained her brown belt.

Good to know such a tough woman feel the need to exaggerate her assets sometimes.


Ready to fight:
Winning the World Championship:

Friday 24 October 2014

Penelope's Wild Ride by Vanessa English

Penelope was not wanting to get on that horse. Something had happened to her jodhpurs in the wash and they had shrunk. She was already expanding the seams as it was with her plus sized bottom that was shoe horned into a pantygirdle. But now she seemed she was ready to burst. But how could she not go out and ride that prized stallion she had boasted she could tame? Everyone she knew was out there and just waiting for her and her grand entrance. So she soldiered on, trying to make those jodhpurs not seem so tight and slowly walking out, keeping each leg very stiff as she goes.
            "That stupid Pablo," she thought, "this is his fault."
            Pablo was her stable boy but it wasn't really his fault her clothes had shrunk.

            They day before Penelope had rode in to the stables as triumphant as ever. She was the local beauty queen of equestrian and if you didn't know, just ask her. For all her riding ability and talent came with it twice as much arrogance. She loved to stroll around in her tan jodhpurs and boots, even if she wasn't riding that day. Her long black hair framed her pretty face and upturned nose perfectly. When she'd strut down those stables she knew she had the eye of every guy in sight. She also had the envy of every girl as well, which was just fine with Penelope.
            However the current queen was having a minor crisis due to the arrival of a new princess. Ally was everything Penelope was not. Ally was not born into a wealthy family. She didn't wear the finest riding boots money could buy, rather she wore a used pair found at a second hand store. She also didn't wear those form fitting jodhpurs Penelope loved so much. Ally was always wearing a comfy pair of jeans and t-shirt when she went riding. The only way Ally could even use the prestegious stables at the Coral Ridge Country Club was due to the fact that her father worked there.
            She was well liked by everyone and was really just grateful to have a place she could ride on a regular basis. Ally was a natural beauty, never wore make up, and had a body to die for. While Penelope slipped falsies into her bra to achieve her C cup, Ally needed no help in that department. And at 22 Ally was also 10 years younger than the rich, haughty Penelope.
            When Ally first started coming around only two months ago heads were quickly turned, not just by her looks but her ability to control a horse. Penelope also noticed and as expected, felt threatened. Whenever Ally would walked past her she always heard comments like "They let anyone in here these days," or "can't they impliment some sort of a dress code?"
            These thoughtless comments hurt more than Ally would ever let on but she figured it was best not to make trouble. She'd never want to cause any problems for her father so she just kept her mouth shut and went about her business. This is exactly the sort of behavior that just made Penelope burn even more.
            "That girl must be deaf or dumb," she'd think after one of her nasty comments went seemingly unnoticed.
            It was shortly thereafter that the rumour about Ally sleeping with several of the stable boys went around. It wasn't true and no one was sure where it started but Ally had a feeling. It was another case where she would just let something slide.
            "Don't let her see you sweat," she'd tell herself. Most days she was able to pull it off. But everyone has a breaking point and in no time it seemed Ally was reaching hers. That was when Lord Byron entered the picture.
            Lord Byron was a prize horse who had a tendency to be a bit wild at times. That his owner had chose Coral Ridge to house his prized animal was quite a coup for the stable. Coral Ridge wanted one of their own riders to show him off in a little exhibition. This would help provide a nice small PR opportunity for Coral Ridge and show they had not only had the finest stables but the finest clientele.
            Ally was the obvious choice here. A pretty blonde with superb riding skills would be just be perfect. But it was not to be. Bill Johnson, who ran the day to day operations of Coral Ridge, had already told Ally that she would be first one to ride Lord Byron when Penelope had burst into his office.
            "Just what do you think you're doing?" she demanded. She was an intimidating sight in her jodhpurs, boots, and holding a riding crop. Bill sat up straight.
            "Ms. Frost! Um, what can I do for you?" he managed to get out.
            Penelope placed a gloved hand on her arched hip. "You know why I'm here. How dare you choose that bimbo to ride Lord Byron!"
            "But Ms. Frost, this wasn't a personal decision..."
            "Don't you give me that. I know the rumours about that girl. I know why you chose her."
            "Now see here," Bill said getting up.
            "No, you see here," Penelope said poking Bill in the chest. "Unlike your little trampy stable slut, I pay to use these facillities. And I have been a member here for as long as I can remember."
            "Yes but..."
            "But nothing. You may run these stables but I know who runs Coral Ridge Country Club and if you'd like to keep your cushy little job you'll rethink that decision quick!" She then stormed out of the office slamming the door behind her. Bill sat back down. He knew she had him over a barrel. He couldn't stand Penelope Frost but knew he had no choice.
            Ally was in shock. And was mad. This woman had gone too far.

            Penelope Frost had always opted to dress at the country club. She kept enough clothes there for a small family and for a day as special as tomorrow she carefully picked out her riding outfit. Only her best jodhpurs would do. She figures the best thing would be to have them cleaned that night.
            "Pablo," she shouted to the stable boy who attended to her. "I need this outfit to look perfect tomorrow, you understand?"
            "Yes Ms. Frost," Pablo said.
            "And I mean perfect!"
            "Yes Ms. Frost," Pablo said again. Penelope then went off for the night to get some rest. She couldn't wait. There was going to be cameras and small horde off people all clamoring for her. Oh and that silly horse too.

            Pablo meanwhile had taken the small bundle of clothes and was heading off the have them cleaned when he ran into Ally.
            "Hey Pablo," she said smiling.
            "Hello Ally," he replied.
            "Whatcha got there?"
            "Oh nothing. Just some of Ms. Frost's clothes."
            "Oh," Ally said. She was still burning from being removed as tomorrow's featured rider. That was she noticed Penelope's panty girdle mixed in the pile of clothes.
            "You know Pablo," Ally said, "you do so much around here. Why don't you let me take care of that for you?"
            Pablo had been working overtime all week and had no problem turning this job over to her.
            "Thank you Ally," he said, quickly shoving the pile of clothes in her arms.
            "No, no, thank you," Ally said and she headed off to the laundry room. She chuckled to herself. So miss thing wears big ole panty girdle, she thought to herself. Pretty darn funny. And she had seen this type before from the advertisements. It flattens the tummy. And lifts the buttocks. And helps maintain your girlish figure. Yeah and holds all your flab in, she thought. Finally Ms. Penelope Frost was going to have what was coming to her...

            That morning Penelope managed to oversleep. The excitement of the reporters had kept her up late and she ended up sleeping through her alarm. Still she was able to make to Coral Ridge with only a few minutes to spare. She went to her dressing room and sure enough there was her favorite pair of black jodhpurs, white blouse, and boots (already shined naturally) all laid out for her. Penelope had opted to use her inflatable bra to achieve her seemingly magnicient bust today. Falsies could pop out, especially if this horse decided to be wild. Better to play it safe with the inflatable, she thought. Then as she put her jodhpurs on she noticed it was a lot harder than it normally was.

            Out on the field a small group of reporters from equestrian magazines had gathered. Lord Bryon was saddled and ready for his inaugural ride at Coral Ridge Country Club. Ally was there too, bright and early. She figured the sight of Penelope Frost struggling to walk in those too tight riding pants was going to be a scream. But then something came over her. Her concious kicked in and she thought this sort of thing made her no better than Penelope. She raced down to the dressing rooms and found Penelope about to walk out.
            "Hi Penelope."
            "Are you doing okay there? You looked a little..."
            "Packed in? I know. My pants must have shrunk. I don't have time to go get another pair. What am I going to do?"
            "Well you could wear a pair of my jeans..."
            Penelope couldn't believe her ears. "Jeans?"
            "You can't be serious. You just want me to look as bad as you."
            "You know little miss stable slut, I know what you are up to. Trying to make me look bad. Jeans indeed. I have a reputation to uphold around here you know."
            Ally was shock. What was this woman smoking?
            "All I was trying..."
            "I know so just cut it out. Now if you'll excuse me...," Penelope said and pushed Ally out of her way, "I have some reporter to impress." And with that Penelope brushed her perfectly quaffed hair back, put her helmet on and  walked down the hall and out on the equestrian course. Ally just stood there dumbfounded and angry.
            She wasn't going to let Penelope Frost ruin her day she so she too headed out as well. She came out in time to see Penelope being helped onto Lord Byron. Ally noticed how stiff she looked as opposed to her normal hip swinging routine. Still it looked as Penelope was going to come out of this on top, as usual. That thought depressed Ally so rather than watch that phony snob charm the reporters she decided to take a walk.
            She looked over her shoulder and saw the reporters laughing at something Penelope had said. Penelope had a huge grin on her face. Ally started to walk through the course which had the typical things you'd expect to see. Well trimmed hedges and tiny well placed lakes. Hurdles here and there. It was all prefectly groomed and since Penelope was the only one using it this morning, it was okay to walk out there. She walked far enough that Penelope Frost's laughter was finally out of ear shot.

            Back at the start of the course Penelope was about to start to take the horse for a little trot. No jumping or anything crazy like that. Not this horse. And certainly not with her pants so damn tight. Still the reporters were quite taken with the dark haired beauty with the killer bod.
            "So Ms. Frost how do you expect to keep this beast in line," one reporter asked.
            "Oh, I just know how to show them who's boss," she said grinning.
            "And just how do you do that?" another one asked.
            "Simple enough. I pretend I'm at home with a date and give him a kick in the ribs." And with that she demonstrated by taking shiny boots and kicking Lord Byron in the ribs. The horse had grown disinterested with the whole affair but the kick woke him back up. Who did this woman think she was anyway?
            "Care to demonstrate that?" the first one asked.
            "Oh sure. See I take my heels like so," Penelope said playfully and she pulled her heels out, "and I bring them back in like so." And with that she jammed her heels into Lord Byron. The horse didn't take too kindly to this and reacted. He gave her a little buck.
            "Whoa!" Penelope said as the horse bucked her a little bit. She wasn't nervous about that first one but when the horse kept going she started to lose her cool.
            Lord Byron bucked and then again sending Penelope bottom riding up and down.
            "Stop that!" she yelled as she flopped around on the horse. The johpurs were straining as it is and now they were about to bust about at the seems. A few more bucks and well you know.
            "Make him stop," Penelope yelled nervously as her bottom bounced up and down. Still she was on the horse and that was the one thing Lord Byron wanted to change. He made one last buck that lifted the naughty snob out of the saddle completely and caused her to bend over at the waist which was more than her jodhpurs could stand.
            RRRRRIPPPPPP!!! The sound echoed over the course as Penelope Frost's black jodhpurs spilt. Her round rump landed back on the horse with her arms wrapping around Lord Byron's neck. Bent over on the horse everyone could see her white panty girdle and to her horror she could  her the cameras clicking. But before she could protest Lord Byron took off running.
            The small crowd could only helplessly watch as the horse starting running the course with the yelling, protesting Penelope hanging on for dear life. He jumped over the first hedge and then ran around the second one. He galloped all the way to the back of the course before slowing down as he came to an impossibly high hedge.
            Thank God, Penelope thought but she quickly changed her mind. The horse quickly took off running at the ten foot hedge at full speed. Penelope screamed as the hedge loomed closer and closer. Just as Lord Byron was about to run into the hedge he put the breaks on and put his head down. Penelope on the other hand kept on going and flew off the horse at full speed.

            On the other side of the hedge Ally was wondering what all the commotion was. She turned toward the hedge in time to see Penelope's head, chest and forearms pop through. She came through so quick and hard her helmet strap snapped and her helmet flew right off.
            "Whoa!" Ally said surprised. Penelope just moaned for a second. She was stuck in the thorny hedge. Her perfect hair was now all in her face. In fact it seemed like her whole hairdo was right on her forhead. She looked up and saw Ally staring her. Quickly she got her wits back.
            "Don't just stand there! Pull me out of here!" she demanded.
            Ally didn't think about the tone Penelope was using and her natural instincts to help someone in need took over. She approached Penelope and feeling pity for her she brushed her disheveled hair out of her face. But to her surprise Penelope's hair didn't go back at all. Instead it fell right off. Penelope Frost wore a wig."Oh my," Ally said shocked at the sight of Penelope's head without it's glamorous wig. Her real hair was short, almost bald, and brownish and very mousy. "Damn you! Look what you did! Get my wig back! No, get me out of here. I'll put it back on. Hurry before those reporters get here."Ally walked up to Penelope and grabbed her hands and started to pull.
            "No, no, not that way. Pull my legs! You're doing it wrong."
            But it was too late. Too small POPS were heard as Ally yanked Penelope forward and a thorny branch ripped her inflatable bra.
            "NO!" Penelope screamed as her once impressive chest quickly shrank to their natural A cup size. Ally stopped and watched Penelope's bustline go from impressive to completely flat. Ally couldn't help but laugh. This woman was a total fraud. But Penelope didn't find the matter funny at all. Not one little bit.
            "You stupid cow! Look what you did!"
            "What I did? I didn't stick you in a hedge."
            "This is your fault," Penelope's face was turning red as she yelled. "You knew what you were doing. Wait 'till I get out of here. You and your father are as good as gone from here! You hear me! Gone!"
            Ally had heard enough. She could take all of the insults but threatening her dad was going too far. Just the mention of her father getting fired over this phony bitch made Ally burn. She looked around on the ground and spotted Penelope's riding crop. She bent over and picked it up.    
            "What are you doing? Get me out of here," Penelope demanded. But Ally didn't say a word. She just took the crop and walked over to the other side of the hedge. Penelope's round bottom was sticking out of the other side, panty girdle exposed, legs dangling. Ally figured this was long overdue.
            "What are you doing back there? Pull me out before those reporters come!"
            Ally just smiled as she tapped the panty girdle clad bottom with the crop. She smiled as she pulled it back. She thought about all the snide comments. The rumours. The grief. This was going to feel good. Penelope's over stuffed panty girdle wiggled as she tried desperately to get out.
            "Don't you dare! You better not spank me young lady or I'll...OWWW! Oh! OW! OW! Stop!"
            Minutes later the reporter found where Lord Byron had lost it's rider.  Ally was no where in sight. There was a hush for a moment as they saw Penelope in the hedge. It was quite a sight. Her jodhpurs were at half mast, panty girdle had been pulled down with her jiggly bottom exposed and bright red, obviously quite a spanking had been delivered. The riding crop was wedged between her cheeks. On the other side the haughty queen of Coral Ridge Country Club was bawling like a child. Her wig was sitting on a stick right next to her, while her near bald head looked positively withered in the sun. Her blouse had been ripped open and her small pancake breasts were now on display. Her tattered inflatable bra on the ground in front of her. Her crying had caused her mascara to run, giving her a Tammy Faye Bakker look.
            One reporter looked to another and remarked, "Wow that's some horse."