Sunday 30 November 2014

Breast Men (1997)

Lola is a bra stuffer in the HBO movie.
The scene where David Schwimmer meets her on the street is about 30 minutes in, while the part she pulls tissues out of her bra is within the opening 5 minutes.
Lola is played by Amanda Foreman.
Full movie below. Enjoy!

The is a lot of interesting stuff throughout the whole movie actually...

Saturday 29 November 2014

Contest rev.1 by Kat

Many thanks to Kat for this original story.

You can read other stories by the same author on this blog here: and

The author is a reader of this blog so and comments and feedback are welcome.

The Cat’s Caboose was one of the hottest club in town. Though it had an adult entertainment license, it was not a typical strip club. There were a few cage dancers who from time to time would remove clothing, but the  atmosphere was more that of a downtown urban dance club. A young,  professional, trendy clientele would pack the joint  from Wednesdays to Sundays. On Mondays and Tuesdays the club would try to fill the place  by holding a trivia strip contest for “amateurs”. At first there used to be a decent turn out of guests, but after a while it became obvious that the “amateurs” were generally pro strippers. The odd true amateur would show up because of a lost bet or initiation, but this was a rarity. The club’s manager, Bruce Cross was determined to make “strip trivia night” a success. But the only way he could do this was to get true amateurs to participate. His plan was to get some well known attractive girls to sign up.  He raised the prize money for the winner from $1,000 to $5,000, but still he couldn’t persuade anyone to participate. He figured that if he could only get one match-up with real amateurs, then others would surely follow.

Bruce’s big break came when one of his cute waitresses inquired about becoming a cage dancer. Cindy, a cute petite brunet with a slender athletic body was working her way through college and was very popular on campus and with the regular club clientele. Bruce convinced her that since she was already prepared to bare her body, she may as well first enter the contest.  She was a bit skeptical at first, but Bruce convinced her that she would probably win, and even if she didn’t he promised to pay her the $5,000 for her efforts. Finally she agreed.

Bruce now had one contestant. He just needed to find one more and his dream match would be set. Unfortunately, no one was throwing their hat into the  ring. Finally in desperation Bruce approached Danielle Brooks. Dani was an undergrad classmate of Bruce’s, before doing a law degree at Yale and returning to a senior position at the DA's Office.  She was not only bright, successful, well recognized and stunningly beautiful, but she was also known as a ruthless prosecutor as well as to be a bit of a cock tease. (The club owner, Sam Amato had once wined and dined her for months, and never got past first base.) Dani’s first reaction was that of total disbelief, “Bruce, are you fucking nuts, why would I risk being humiliated just for you to get in a good crowd?” Bruce explained to her that she was too bright to loose, and that she had nothing to worry about. He also told her that in addition to the prize money, for this special match he would pledge a $20,000 donation to the winner’s charity of choice. He told her that it would be well publicized and that she would be seen as doing it for charity. Dani wasn’t convinced but was still listening. She was unsure of how the competition was set up, so Bruce explained the contest rules. “It’s pretty simple actually. The contestants are to wear eight pieces of clothing, not including footwear.  Trivia questions, pulled from a hat, are asked of each participant. You have thirty seconds to answer correctly. You loose a piece of clothing for each wrong answer.  Your opponent has the option of answering the question that you missed.  If she answers correctly you loose an additional piece”. “Do you strip each piece off to music?” asked Dani. “No” responded Bruce, “participants are restrained to posts on stage by Velcro straps, so the clothing is cut off with shears.” Dani looked puzzled, “Why are we restrained? And, who  gets to do the cutting?” Bruce smiled “Well it’s a bit like WWF wrestling. The girls pretend to resist and pull against the restraints and plead for mercy. The ‘cutter’, who is the highest bidder in the silent auction held earlier in the night, can choose to grant mercy and not cut the final garment.” Dani still wasn’t convinced. “Bruce,  to be straight with you, I’d probably beat your local bimbo, without even  missing one question. And, the charity aspect certainly is appealing. But, I simply couldn’t risk the possibility, no matter how remote, of loosing. I am very flattered that you want me, but every guy in town, including every slime ball I ever put behind bars wants to see me naked and I simply can’t chance being totally humiliated.” Bruce was a bit disappointed but thanked Dani, and told her that he’d contact her later in the week to see if she’d have a change of heart.

Sure enough, a couple of days later, Dani answers the phone. “Hey Dani, it’s Bruce. Before you hang up on me, hear me out. I mentioned to a media buddy that you shot down my idea. And he said that it was too bad, because if you had been one of the contestants he could have persuaded Girls-Gone-Wild to feature it on their new reality show.” “Bruce” replied Dani, “that makes it even worse, I would never subject myself to the possibility of humiliation on such a grand scale.” “How about if you were guaranteed to win?” asked Bruce. “What are you suggesting?” she responded.  “Well, as you previously stated, you would probably win in a walk anyway,  but if you were provided the questions in advance, you'd have no worries.  We could even make your questions extremely hard, so that you would look  like a genius answering them. However, so it doesn’t look fixed, you’d have to tank at least a couple of the questions. Besides it would make for a better show.” “Bruce, I still don’t know. I’m pretty conservative, and I’m not sure about how much of a show you want”. “Well, to make it exciting, I was thinking bra and panties”. “No way, I just couldn’t”. “For Christ’s sake Dani, you’ve got the body of a supermodel, and the bikinis you wear at the beach, show off more than most bras and panties! Come on, it’s fool proof and it’s for charity. Besides, just think of all those guys that you'll tease. ”  Dani thought that it would be indeed fun to be a tease especially to a large TV audience, “Promise you’ll get me the questions at least three days in advance.  And, just in case there’s a mix up, I want all the questions, even the bimbo’s!” Bruce smiled “Consider it done. We’ll schedule it for two weeks from this Monday. I’ll have a competitor’s agreement sent to you right away. We need to have it signed and returned to us by Friday in order to secure the TV production team.” The gorgeous blonde attorney acknowledged “OK, I’ll do it!” 

A couple of days later, Bruce received the signed contract back from Danielle, and he immediately started up his promotional machine.  Ads in the papers, on radio, flyers were being distributed at the club, on campus and around the downtown financial district. Within a few days, the whole city was talking about the event. Danielle was being deluged by requests for interviews. She had never felt so popular. She started thinking about all of the men hoping to see her naked body on display, then being totally frustrated by having their wish denied. The though of men fantasizing about her was empowering and a real turn-on. She started to plan what she was going to wear. Particularly, what bra and panty. She wanted something that was sexy and classy, but did not reveal too much.

Cindy was also getting a lot of attention, and was starting to get a bit nervous. She had always been proud of her looks and firm body, and was by no means a prude. But, she realized that it would be tough to beat Danielle at trivia, and was worried that she would be made out to be a fool. 

A few days before the event, Danielle received the trivia questions. There  were more than a hundred questions highlighted for each girl. Danielle’s questions were definitively tougher than Cindy’s, but with the exception of the sports category, she felt that she already knew all the answers.  Nevertheless, just to be safe she reviewed each section thoroughly, with particular attention on the sports. 

The Saturday night prior to the event, Cat’s Caboose held a press conference to hype the match-up even more and to announce the charities that each girl was supporting. Cindy was supporting the World Wild Life Foundation, while Danielle was supporting the new Opera House. It was very similar to a weigh-in for a prize fight. Both Cindy and Danielle looked fabulously sexy.  Danielle was very articulate and confident in predicting victory. Cindy’s self confidence was starting to wane, so she figured that a bit of trash talk might throw Danielle off of her game. When asked if she was  intimidated by Danielle’s great body and perfectly groomed blonde hair. Cindy replied. “Hey, anyone with a good plastic surgeon and a good hairstylist can be blonde with a nice body. Why should that intimidate me?” Danielle was fuming and screamed across the table “sweetheart, you should be intimidated! Very intimidated! I’m the real deal, and I’m going to humiliate you in front of millions!” The stage was now set for the battle of the ages.

Monday night had arrived. There was so much hype, and so much demand for entry passes, that scalpers were getting more than $200 per seat. The great number of guys that Danielle had teased and frustrated over the years, as well as the ex-cons that she prosecuted would gladly pay anything to get a chance to see her stripped. Both contestants got a hundred passes each to invite supporters. Cindy invited her sorority sisters and some of her other college friends. Danielle invited her office staff, some lawyer friends and representatives of the Opera Society.

There was a festive mood at the club. Throughout the evening all sorts of promotional contests were taking place, including the silent auction to choose the cutter. Finally it was time for the main event. Girls-Gone-Wild  had all their equipment set up, and Brad Jones, the recently retired football star, was the MC for the night. He started off by explaining the rules of the competition, then introduced Cindy to great applause. As Cindy, dressed in her old high-school cheerleading outfit, walked across the stage, Brad listed her eight pieces of clothing. Excluding her running shoes she wore:  two ankle socks, a sweater, cheerleading vest, sports-bra, short skirt,  cheerleading panties and finally a thong.  Two bouncers then used Velcro to restrain Cindy to two posts on the stage wall. Her legs were comfortably spread apart, and her arms were outstreached to the side. Danielle was then introduced. Being the odds on favorite, she received far less applause than her underdog rival.  Danielle was immaculately dressed in a business suit.  As always she looked stunning with not even a single blonde hair out of place. Her 5'8" frame combined with her four inch stiletto heals dwarfed petite Cindy who stood no more than 5'2". Brad listed Danielle's clothing items: Excluding her pumps, she wore a grey jacket, matching tight grey skirt hemmed just below the knees, a black belt, white blouse, two self clinging nylon patterned stockings, bra and panty. Like Cindy, Danielle was restrained to posts.

Prior to the first question, the winner of the silent auction was introduced. It was none other than the club’s owner, Sam Amato who bid a staggering $25,000 for the right to shear off the cloths.

Both girls breezed through the first five questions. Cindy then messed up on a question relating to the constitution, which Danielle was able to answer. Sam slipped off Cindy’s runners and gently slid off both her socks.  A few more questions, including some really tough ones for Danielle, were answered correctly by both girls, when Cindy messed up again. As with the  previous miss, Danielle was able to respond correctly. Sam proceeded to use the shears to cut off Cindy’s sweater and skirt. There was a few cheers but also some groans, as the crowd seemed squarely in Cindy’s camp.

Dannielle didn’t like the fact that most of the crowd was against her, so she thought that it was an appropriate time to tank a question and show that she too was vulnerable. The next question was a true or false question on molecular biology. Danielle incorrectly answered “true”, obviously Cindy  correctly answered “false” . Sam seemed to take great pleasure in removing Danielle’s pumps, and instead of gently removing her nylons as he did with Cindy’s socks, he used the shears, cutting up Danielle’s inner thighs purposely trying to get a glimpse of her panties. The crowd cheered wildly as sam replaced Danielle's pumps on to her now bare feet. Danielle’s next  question was sports related, and thought she would try to get some more  sympathy by answering that incorrectly as well. Cindy, a true sports fanatic, easily answered correctly, therefore putting Sam to work again. It took some time for him to cut off her $1000 jacket. Then he removed her belt, held it high in one hand and, as if to say “fuck you for teasing me for all those months”, he cut it in two with the shears.  Danielle started to get a bit cross and thought to herself that she was going to renege on her deal to get down to her bra and panties. She was not going to give Sam the satisfaction of cutting off one more piece of clothing.

Both girls answered the next ten questions correctly. Cindy finally missed a European history question, that Danielle had no problem answering.  Sam first cut off Cindy’s vest then her cheerleading panty. Cindy looked  totally hot, standing there with nothing on but a white sports bra and white cotton thong. Her nipples were visibly hard as they pressed against her bra. Her tight thong panties left a small camel toe impression. The crowd applauded approvingly. A smirk ran across Danielle’s face as Cindy glanced over.  A few more rounds of questions were answered correctly before Cindy,  surprisingly, messed up on a sports question. Danielle, having seen all the  questions beforehand knew the answer, and was debating whether she should  finish the competition right then and there, or whether she should prolong Cindy's misery. Being a typical ruthless bitch, Danielle decided to draw out her opponent's humiliation a bit longer, and therefore passed on  answering. Sam took no pleasure in cutting off Cindy’s bra. The crowd, however, cheered loudly in appreciation of Cindy’s breasts. They weren’t large by any means, barely a B-cup. But they were absolutely fabulous in shape and suited her frame perfectly.

Cindy looked a bit shell shocked. She knew that she was down to her last straw, and that Danielle was breezing through all the questions with ease.  In desperation, Cindy tried to throw her off her game similarly to her  verbal attack at the press conference. Cindy shouted over to Danielle,  “You’re lucky to be winning so that everyone watching doesn’t see that you’re a bottled blonde.” Sure enough, Danielle was rattled and missed her next question. Danielle thought to herself, how stupid it was to be rattled, she knew the right answer, but she was just careless.  She also thought how stupid it was that she didn't end the game only moments earlier when she had the chance. To add to Danielle’s troubles, Cindy was able to answer the question correctly. Sam almost couldn’t contain his pleasure at cutting off Danielle’s shirt and particularly her tight skirt, where he cut right up the crotch line. Unlike Cindy’s undergarments, Danielle’s left everything to the imagination. Her Bra and panty were matching white satin. The bra was fully cupped and didn’t even offer a hint of nipple, and the panty was lined and offered no detail of what lay below. Nevertheless, the crowd went nuts.  Bruce Cross was elated, he didn’t know that Danielle missed the question by accident, and just figured that everything was going as planned. Sam looked quite pleased at the spectacle, when Danielle whispered to him “Sam don’t get your hopes up, you won’t get another chance at me”. Sam smiled at whispered back “don’t bet on that sweetheart!”

A number of rounds passed and Danielle was actually quite impressed that Cindy was staying alive.  Danielle, down to only her bra and panty was being particularly careful not mess up as she did earlier.   Brad looked over to the side of the stage, where standing in an overcoat and wearing a fedora was Johnny Pattelli, son of  Frank Patelli. Since Danielle put old Frank behind bars for tax fraud, Johnny was now head of the largest crime family in the city. Brad's facial expression became very serious. Johnny looked over at Sam on stage and gave him a quick wink. Brad discretely slipped a paper from under his sleeve,  then asked Danielle a marine biology question that she couldn't recall seeing before. Sam and Johnny had huge grins on their faces. Danielle was in big trouble, she didn’t know the answer. Her pulse started to race.  Perspiration ran down the side of her face. She couldn’t think of an answer, she could only think of all the VIP’s she invited as guests, as well as the millions watching on cable, seeing her naked breasts. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Johnny Pattelli moving over to get a better view. The timer reached 30 seconds and as the buzzer went off, the crowd erupted.  They were finally going to see Danielle’s tits. “No!” screamed Danielle, as Sam first cut the top straps of her bra. “No, please don’t!" she screamed as Sam reached around her back and cut the remaining harness. The bra cups remained fastened to her chest. Then slowly they started to slip down. It was a moment of two before the bra fell to the ground. There was almost as much laughter as there were cheers. Danielle’s breasts were much smaller and droopier than had been advertised. In fact they were much smaller than  Cindy's, and not nearly as well shaped. The fact that Danielle stood so much taller than Cindy, made her tits look even smaller in comparison. Sam  picked up the bra from the ground, and lifted it up for the crowd and  viewers to see the very ample padding in the cups. Danielle tried desperately to cover-up, but she couldn’t slip though the restraints.

As the crowd’s cheers died down, Cindy would have her chance to answer the question. Danielle was certain that Cindy wouldn’t get such a tough one right either. Sam looked over to Cindy and winked. Cindy smiled as she eagerly blurted out the right answer. Danielle started to freak. She pleaded with Sam “Sam, please, please have mercy on me. Don’t cut off my  panties. I’m sorry for teasing you for all those months. I’ll make it up  to you. I’ll do anything you want. Anything! Isn’t it enought that everyone has seen my small titties, just don’t humiliate me any  more.” Sam turned away from Danielle and started to walk towards Cindy.  Danielle figured she had been granted mercy and a look of relief came upon her. She thought that even though she had just been humiliated by having her tiny tits exposed, at least she was saved the ultimate humiliation of having her pussy displayed for all to see. She could never have lived down the degradation of having all the men she had teased in the past and all the ex-cons that she had put in the slammer getting the chance to inspect her most private parts. 

Sam unfastened Cindy, and whispered something into her ear as he took off his suit jacket and put it over her slender shoulders. They both turned and started moving towards Danielle. "What's going on. Your going to let me go right?" Sam just smiled as he cut her panty at the hip. Cindy then held  the fabric in place, as Sam cut the panty on the other hip. Sam too held  the panty fabric in place . He stood to the side so that everyone had a  good view, and asked for a drum roll. Sam and Cindy then let the satin  fabric fall from his grasp. Danielle’s face was white as a ghost as  everyone saw her shaved pussy lips and her neatly manicured dark brown pubes that betrayed the curly blonde locks sitting on her pretty head.

Danielle turned her head away in shame only to see a TV monitor with the name Danielle Brooks subtitled in bold lettering focusing on her small breasts, then cutting to her padded bra now laying on the stage floor, then cutting to a closeup of her dark pussy with shaved lips.  

Thursday 27 November 2014




Tuesday 25 November 2014

Lucie 2204

From the Czech Casting series.

Monday 24 November 2014

Sunday 23 November 2014


No, not this.

But this girl. She is the latest Met-Art model. They share 1 similarity though: a lot of people will be whacking off to them :)))

Looks like she has perfect B-C cups. Then:


Saturday 22 November 2014

Dr Norman Rowe offers 24-hour boob jobs in New York


HAVE you ever wanted bigger breasts for a day? A New York plastic surgeon is offering 24-hour boob jobs that can be performed in a lunch break, so women can see and feel what it’s like to sport a bigger bust.
“It just gives volume,” Dr Norman Rowe told the UK Mirror.
“The 24-hour time frame shows patients what they’re going to look like but also what the added weight would feel like.”
The procedure involves injecting the chest with saline solution, which is safely absorbed into the bloodstream over time, Dr Rowe said.
Kali Goodwin, 27, recently got procedure for her fifth anniversary with her boyfriend, according to America’s ABC News.
“I got this really great dress and I’m kind of hoping that, at year five, it will be a bigger night than most,” she said.
The injections cost $US2500 ($2870) and take about 20 minutes.
If women like the result, the cost of the procedure can be put toward a full augmentation, which starts at around $US10,000.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Samantha Ruth Prabhu

These Indians seems to have something going on in their bras :)
Maybe they got it right instead or surgery...