Tuesday 29 September 2015

Nikol 1324

From the Czech Casting series.

Monday 28 September 2015

Fake nosebridge

This is something for Asian and African girls who want a more pointy nose!
The page is in Chinese but Google Translate does a decent enough job for you to understand the instructions.


Pulling it off!

Sunday 27 September 2015

Lily Donaldson

VS model Lily is a 33B. Very doubtful...

Padded power:


Saturday 26 September 2015

Bullies Get Even with Suburban Mom by John Knuckles

A beautiful MILF gets caught in a humiliating situation by three neighborhood bullies


Kathy Carter sipped her morning coffee, staring aimlessly out the kitchen window.  The seconds turned into minutes.  She ran her pretty fingers through her long blonde hair; her large chest heaved as she sighed.  Her son Lenny had just been picked up by the school bus, and she savored having the house for herself.

Good coffee.

The new coffee maker only made one cup at a time.  Because one was all their new home needed.

There was no Mr. Carter.  Not anymore.

It was just Kathy and Lenny in that big house.  They didn't even have any pets.  Not much furniture, either.

Last year, they lived somewhere else.  Somewhere smaller.

And Mr. Carter lived with them.

They were happy.  They were a family.  They were in love.

That was before his accident.  And the emergency operation.  And the funeral.

And before their lawsuit.  And before the multimillion-dollar settlement.

Now, they were rich.  Lived in a mansion.  Alongside all the other mansions in their gated community.

Kathy Carter didn't work anymore.  She didn't have to.  Most of the other wives didn't.  A few did... the lawyers and doctors.  But not women like Kathy.

Kathy Carter used to be a Hooter's waitress.  Made a nice income, too.  She certainly had the curves, confidence and street smarts to entice anyone - and with her naturally-enormous "hooters," she more than lived up to the name.  It was hard work... but tons of fun.  Truth be told, she loved being a tease.  Men would follow her around like a puppy dog - and one wink of the eye could earn her a marriage proposal!  Customers would beg, bribe and whimper for her phone number!  Kathy LOVED having all this power over men!  It... got her kind of hot.

Back then, she worked HARD to keep her curvy body in tip-top condition.  She worked out in the gym five days a week.  She dieted and trained diligently.  Her livelihood depended on it.

She didn't need money anymore.  She had enough for a lifetime.  She had no use for a gym, either.  Fuck it.

What she needed was a man.  Mr. Carter had expired 16 months ago.  That was a long time for a 36-year-old lady to be alone.

She had... needs.

Burning needs.

Mr. Carter used to satisfy ALL her cravings.  ALL her fantasies.  Even the rough, BDSM stuff - role playing, bondage, costumes and spankings.  Kathy would get so HOT when her husband would tear off her clothes, strip her bare and make her cum!  Oh, how she loved being Mr. Carter's submissive slut in private - and the tough-talking Hooter's goddess in public!  Mr. Carter could manhandle her, degrade her and violate her... but for everyone else, she was an incorrigible tease!

The memory made Kathy smile wistfully.

Ever since that fateful day, she'd been celibate.  Hadn't even touched herself.  And her needs went painfully unfulfilled.

No matter - this wasn't about her.  This was about her son.  Lenny missed Daddy so much!  Losing his father and moving away to this strange neighborhood was confusing for the boy.  She didn't dare date anyone.  No more major changes.  This was hard enough.

It didn't help that Lenny was getting bullied.

The bullies were the Thompson boys, Andy and Fred.  And their little tramp girlfriend, Tiffany.  The two boys were big for their age and terrorized the other kids; Tiffany was younger, but dressed like she was in her early 20s and "experienced."  She smoked, cussed and wore lots of makeup.  Kathy wasn't sure which boy Tiffany dated.  Or which one was Andy and which one was Fred.

It didn't matter.

What mattered was that they bullied her son.

Kathy spoke to their parents.  Nothing happened.  She spoke to the principal.  Again, nothing.

On several occasions, she had to take matters in her own hands:

Most of the time, when she caught the gang bullying, she'd simply chase them away: the kids would run like cowards when they saw her yelling.  Sure, they might make the occasional smart ass comment about her big tits ("Look out!  Here comes Miss Moo!  Jiggle, jiggle!") while they ran, but that was the extent of it.  This happened 99 percent of the time.

But the other one percent...

Last week, she saw the gang "pants" Lenny, leaving him outdoors in his Underoos.  Her son was very shy; being exposed like this had him in tears.  Kathy sprinted out of the house to confront them.  The boys cautiously inched backwards - but the pint-sized girlfriend got right in Kathy's face:

"What's the big idea?  Go take a hike, you old cow!"  The impudent girl even shoved Kathy in the shoulder - like she was ready to KICK ASS in a catfight!

Kathy snarled and grabbed the girl by the ear - like she was a naughty little girl.  The Thompson boys couldn't believe it!  Tiffany had always been the leader of their group, despite being the youngest.  Watching her get dominated like this was stunning! Tiffany punched, kicked and clawed - but the furious mother swatted her limbs away.

"L - Let me go, Miss Moo!!  Get your fat hands off of me!  Let me GO!!"

But instead of letting her go, Kathy pantsed Tiffany: her designer jeans AND her panties!  All at once - right in front of the Thompson boys!

"You think it's funny to pants someone smaller than you?  Then let's raise the stakes, Pee Wee!"  Kathy proudly held the girl's jeans and panties in the air - like they were trophies.

"Aaah!!!" Tiffany shrieked.  She was NAKED below the waist!!!  "My - my privates!!  Nobody look!!"

"Please, little girl!" laughed Kathy.  "You don't have anything worth looking at!  And I'm guessing these little tits of yours are the byproduct of stuffing.  Am I right?"

"NOO!!!  I - I don't stuff!  Please!  No!!"

Kathy grabbed the bottom of Tiffany's shirt.  The girl battled like a hellcat, but the bigger, stronger MILF easily stripped it off.

"Stop it!  Stop it!" shrieked Tiffany, jumping up and down, desperately trying to hide her body.  Her bra stuck-out unnaturally.  "I don't stuff!  I promise,  I don't!!"  The poor girl was in hysterics!  She had worked so hard to look and act mature - and this crazy MILF was unveiling her undeveloped body!  She had intended to reveal herself to her boyfriend ONLY when her body finally blossomed!  She was frozen with fear!

"Nice bra, Pee Wee!  Let me get a better look at it!"  Kathy turned the horrified girl around.  The curvy blonde unhooked the back - and then RIPPED it clean off her chest!

"Stop calling me Pee Wee!!!  Leave me alone!  Stop!  I - I - I'm sorry!!  Noooooooo!!"

For Tiffany, it felt like time was moving in slow motion: Her bra was pulled from her torso... and two large balls of tissue paper floated up in the sky and tumbled and turned... before falling limply to the ground.  Her flat, tiny tits were fully exposed.  She didn't have a stitch of clothes left on her body.

She had... no tits.  None.  No pubes.  Just a bare crotch.  No curves, either.

Her chest had two itsy-bitsy nipples.  And nothing more.

Instead of being "experienced" and sexy, she was revealed to still be a little girl - maybe even a bit young for her age!  She was nowhere close to being a woman!

"Look at you!" laughed Kathy.  "You act like some tough, mature hotty - but you're still a baby girl with a little baby body!  And you know what happens to bad babies?"

"Wh - what?!"

Kathy flipped Tiffany over her knee and gave the crying, wailing little brat a bare-assed spanking before dumping her like a lump in the yard.  Her bully boyfriend(s) just watched!

Poor Tiffany!  Just minutes before, she was dressed like a sexy, mature vixen.  Now she was buck naked... and everyone could see that she had the body of a little schoolgirl.  Stripped of her clothes and getting spanked by a larger, curvier, mature woman only made her look that much more like an adolescent.

"Let that be a lesson, Pee Wee!" Kathy triumphantly declared.  "Mess with my son again, and we'll do this a second time!"

The girl rolled and writhed on the grass, crying hysterically.  Her tiny tits and hairless pussy were fully exposed as she kicked and screamed.

"Wah!  Wah!  You - you've ruined EVERYTHING!!  Wah!!  Wah!!"

"Cheer up, baby!" Kathy teased.  "One day, maybe you'll be a REAL woman.  But until then, get your scrawny butt out of here!"  The MILF gave Tiffany a playful kick to the tush.

The boys helped the humiliated girl to her feet and ran away - Tiffany still butt-naked as she hobbled off, clutching her pussy and embarrassing little tits.  You could hear her loud sobs a mile away!  She was howling in shame... knowing full well she had to run naked by the schoolyard in all her diminished glory!

How the other kids would taunt her!

And they did.  "Tiny Tits Tiffany" was her new nickname.

The sexy MILF hadn't seen the gang since then.  Not until she saw them out her window, standing in her yard.  Just now.

Kathy shook her head and put down her coffee.

"Those stupid fucking kids!  If they want a war, I'll give them a war!"

She still had on her overnight makeup mask, so she went to the shower to wash up.  If those kids were still there when she got out, she'd tan their hides once again!

Kathy gave herself a fast shower and quickly dried off.  She peaked out the window:

The bullies were still there in her front yard.  Just... standing there.

Kathy swore again and finished drying her naked body - her big tits, curvy hips and legs.  She studied her nude anatomy in the bathroom mirror and winced; she really needed to start working out again... this WAS NOT acceptable.  Dammit!

She grabbed her long black bathrobe and put it on.

It was an incredibly sexy bathrobe.  A long black gown that followed behind her, with fluffy, soft material at top.

She quickly tied the sash and stormed outside, shutting her front door hard.

"You three!" she yelled as she stepped outdoors.  "You have to the count of 10 to get off my yard - or I'm calling the cops!"

"Oh, relax, Fatty!" Tiffany retorted while rolling her eyes.  "It's not like we're murdering anyone.  Like, whatever!"

That was IT!!!  Kathy bolted after the three bullies to teach them a lesson again!

"Still have a smart mouth, Pee Wee?  I think you need another spanking!"

This time the kids ran.  Fast!  Tiffany especially!

Kathy slowed down and chuckled as the bullies fled.  "Thought so," she smugly gloated.  "Stay off my yard, all of you punks!  Or I'll strip and spank each of you!  Don't laugh, Thompson boys - I'm not afraid to whip your naked butts either!  And Pee Wee, after I strip you again, I'll use all that tissue paper in your bra to mop up all your pathetic makeup!  You're not fooling anyone,  Tiny Tits Tiffany!"

Kathy turned around to leave, her nose high up in the air - and an expression of self-satisfaction splashed over her face.  "Ha!  I win again!  Stupid kids!"

One of the Thompson boys stepped forward from behind her.  She didn't know which one.

He stepped on the back of her bathrobe.

The bathrobe pulled and stopped moving.

Kathy, walking smugly with her nose in the air, kept walking...

...until she POPPED right out of her bathrobe!!

Not realizing that she had left her bathrobe behind and was now completely naked, Kathy continued to walk, proud and confident.  The bullies watched in amazement at the sight: She was INSANELY curvy!  Even more so now, with her post-Hooter's weight.  And her flesh was so inviting...

"If you show up on my yard again, you'll wish you were never born!  Got that?!"

"Whatever you say, Miss Moo.  By the way: Nice ASS!!!"

The warm sunlight and cool breeze caressed her body.  Kathy looked down.

MY... GOD!!!!

She... she was naked!  Her big, giant tits!  Her womanly pussy!  Kathy gasped - she felt faint... she - she used to have nightmares about this...

"Aaaahhhhh!!!!" she screamed. "My clothes!  My body!"

"Nice ass?!  I don't think Miss Moo has a nice ass at all," said Tiffany.  "I think she's fat!  What do you think the rest of her looks like?  I bet she's all fat and blubbery!  I bet she's gross!"

"No!  Oh, God!"

Kathy sprinted for her front door.  Her huge tits bounced madly as she ran...

The three kids watched her ass cheeks bounce and shake.

"Look at Miss Moo's thunder-thighs!" one of the boys laughed.

Kathy desperately tried to turn the doorknob.  Oh no!!  It was LOCKED!!

And her house keys were in her bathrobe pocket!  And her bathrobe was...

She looked over her shoulder.

Tiffany was now wearing it!  That little bra-stuffing BRAT was mimicking her gestures!  While the boys... while the two boys were taking cell phone pics of her naked body!

Cell phone pics????  She hadn't considered that... OH GOD!!!!!!

"Stop it!" Kathy hollered, blushing furiously.  The more she shook in rage, the more her body jiggled!  Nobody had seen her naked since her husband had died... and now her nudity was being recorded by her kid's bullies?!!  She was mortified: The same naked flesh that ONLY Mr. Carter was allowed to see was being filmed, scrutinized and mocked by neighborhood punks!

Kathy's hands trembled.  If all those horny, pent-up customers who drooled over her at Hooter's could see her now!  None of them got to see her even an INCH out of wardrobe... but a bunch of kids had stripped her bare?!  In public?!  On the street where she lives?!

"C - Come over here!  G - Give me back my bathrobe!" Kathy stuttered.  "Now!"

"But you said we can't go on your lawn!  You said you'd call the police!" Tiffany teased.

"Please!  I - I need my keys!" Kathy cried.

Tiffany shrugged.  "Okay, Miss Moo.  Come and get it.  I'm not going to risk going to jail."

"Don't you DARE call me Miss Moo!" yelled Kathy.  "My name is Miss Carter!"

"No it's not.  It's Miss Moo.  Admit it and walk to me - or NO bathrobe!"

"Fine!  M - My name is... Miss Moo!" Kathy cried.  "Just don't move.  I - I'll walk to you!"  Kathy slowly walked to the three kids, holding her large tits in one arm and hiding her crotch with her other hand.  This made her walk verrrrry sllllowwwwwwlly....

The Thompson boys continued to film her every awkward move.  And the horrible things they said:

"Hey, check out her tits!  They're enormous!"

"Like giant cantaloupes!"

"I think I saw some bush!"

"Too bad she's fatter than we thought.  Miss Moo needs to go on a diet!"

"I'd still bang her.  More cushion for the pushin'!"

Kathy wanted to cry.  This was awful!

Finally, the humiliated MILF was in front of Tiffany.  The two boys were circling around, taking turns filming her naked ass and clenched front.  And they continued to make terrible comments:

"What a big butt!  I'm uploading this to the MILF Sluts website!"

"Look, her ass has a pair of pimples!  See?  On her left cheek, near the crack?"

"Her tummy is soft.  She has a jelly-belly!  Ha Ha!!"

Each rude coment cut Kathy like a knife.  She wanted to die!  "Please.  Hand me my bathrobe.  Please."

"Okay," agreed Tiffany.  "Give me your hands,  Miss Moo."

Kathy was startled.  Her hands?!  But... her hands were the only thing hiding her tits and pussy!

"N - no, just please put the bathrobe over my shoulders!"

"Oh, don't be silly," chided Tiffany.  "Give me your hands - or NO bathrobe!"

Nooooo!!!!  Her entire body turned bright red.  Tears began to form in her eyes.

"Please, I - I beg you!" Kathy pleaded.  "Don't make me expose myself!  Not to a bunch of kids!  You... you can't!"

"Let me repeat myself, you old cow: Give me your hands - or NO bathrobe!"

The streets were becoming more crowded.  The neighbors were moving about... and every second, the traffic increased...

"Fine, you bitch!" Kathy finally cried, holding out both her hands.

Freed from her hands, her large, saggy tits instantly drooped down.  Way down!!  Big and pale, they hung like heavy sacks.  But her nipples were bright pink and fully-erect, easily the diameter of a McDonald's hamburger. You could poke your eyes out in those things!

An overgrown brownish-blonde bush adorned her pussy.  Obviously, Kathy was no longer spending time on her feminine grooming.  After all... who was going to see it anyway?

She was completely naked.  Nothing was hidden.

Both Thompson boys recorded every last detail: Her heaving tits, her womanly hips, her hairy pussy.  They boldly pushed their phones within inches of her most private, most intimate parts.  One touched her nipple with his phone on a closeup,  making it further harden.  Another was so horribly close to her pussy, she could feel his hot breath on her crotch and thighs!

"Oh, God!!  Oh, God!!"

Kathy closed her eyes.  It was SO humiliating!  But for some reason, her body was responding in ways it hadn't for a very, very long time...

But Tiffany snapped Kathy out of her fantasies by grabbing her - and forcing her naked body over her lap!

"Eek!!  Wh - What are you doing?!"

But her reaction time was too slow.  She was trapped.


"THIS is for calling me a bitch!"

A big pink handprint glowed on Kathy's white ass.

"Ow!!  Let go of me, Pee Wee!  You - you - you can't - "


"THIS is for spanking me last week."

"Ow, ow, ow, ow!!" cried the embarrassed MILF.





The poor blonde mom was trying to roll her naked ass out of reach, but Tiffany easily held her firmly in place.  And her ass was so big, it was almost impossible to miss!

"And those were to teach YOU a lesson!  Now say you're sorry,  Miss Moo!"




Kathy was dumped naked on the ground.  Just like Tiffany, she showed EVERYTHING as she writhed and rolled on the grass, her ass on fire!  Her body jiggled obscenely - the pain was so great, she couldn't even cover her privates.  The evil brothers grinned menacingly as they filmed every detail.

"OHHHHHhhhhhh!!  Ow!!  Wah!  Wah!  Wah!" she cried.  "My tushy hurts!!  Ow!!  I - I'm sorry!!  I'm sorry!!  Miss Moo is sorry!!"

She rolled from front to back - and back to front.  She rubbed and massaged her red-hot ass, inadvertently stretching it wide, giving the boys some splendid shots of her puckered anus.  Her tits were flopping all over the place.

"It burns!  It burns!  Miss Moo's ass burns!!  Wah!  Wah!"

"Oh, cheer up, baby.  Maybe one day, you'll be a REAL woman."

Her face as red as her butt, Kathy stumbled to her feet.  She was dizzy and off-balance, and completely humiliated.  But to her surprise, the three kids gently offered to dress her.

"No hard feelings, Miss Moo.  We'll dress you.  Your fat, cow-like body will be our secret!  Hold out your arms."

With tears streaking her face, the curvy blonde stood with her arms out, waiting to be dressed.  Her ass was still burning hot, and her tits swayed softly in the breeze.  She could feel the cool air blow against her clitty... she was still bawling like a baby...

"O - Okay!" she whimpered.  "Miss Moo thanks you!"  Sniff...

The bathrobe was slipped over her arms.

Kathy sighed in relief... this nightmare was almost over...

But when she tried to pull the bathrobe closed, something was NOT right.  It... it didn't close up front!  Her tits were still jiggling about on the street!  Her pussy was completely exposed.  And there were people walking up and down the street!  The kids obviously didn't put it on correctly.

And her sash... how in the world did it get lodged in between her legs?!

"Here, Miss Moo - let me pull this tight for you," Tiffany sweetly offered.  She pulled the sash up.

Kathy felt it slide between her thighs - over her anus and right on her pussy.  The edges tickled her clitty!

"Oh!  OH!  Tiffany - this... this isn't -"

It was silk.  And it had been 16 long months...

"I'm so clumsy!" Tiffany apologized.  "Here, let me pull harder."

And the girl yanked and pulled on the silk scarf until it found its way smack IN BETWEEN her pussy lips... and then she pulled and tugged even HARDER!  led Kathy around the yard like she was walking a puppy!

"Oooooohhhhhh..." Kathy began to moan.  "Ohhhhhhhh... I'm - I'm - oh GOD!!  I AM CUMMING!!!!!!"

"You're what, Miss Moo?" Tiffany innocently asked.  "It's difficult to understand you when you're making those silly moaning noises.  Say it again."

The Thompson boys continued to film...

"I'M CUMMING!!!!  MISS MOO IS CUMMING!!!  I - I - OOoooooooohhhhhhh.....!!!!!"

"I still can't figure out what Miss Moo is saying," Tiffany said.  "Boys, make sure her heartbeat is okay.  She sounds like she's hurt - moaning like that!"

The Thompson boys didn't have to be asked twice.  Each grabbed one of Kathy's giant tits and started rubbing and groping her long-neglected nipples.  Meanwhile, that long silk sash kept sliding inch by inch through her thighs, over her anus, and in between her tender pussy lips.  It... it was too much!!

Kathy was going out of her mind!  Her tender, hypersensitive clitty!  She was helpless!


Tiffany led her by the sash and walked the humiliated MILF to the middle of the street!  One neighbor was mowing his lawn.  Another was tending to her flower garden.  A group of teens were playing football across the street.

A few drops leaked from the part of the sash closest to her pussy!  Tiffany stared in amazement - and then pulled as hard as she could:


And she squirted all over the sash!  All over the street!  Her back arched and she gripped and tugged her nipples hard!  Her nips were yanked skyward - and her pussy exploded in relief!

With the three kids looking at her with mischievous expressions, the humiliated MILF ran back to her house - and unlocked the door - and raced inside!  A trail of slime dripped from her thighs.


Tiffany grinned.

Wonder what would happen next week?  Hmm...


Thursday 24 September 2015

Jessica Moroz

From Cosmid.net
Not small, but still she wears a bombshell bra.

With the Flag Counter in place, I now know for sure that this blog has visitors from Korea and Japan. If any of you see this, please get in touch with me. I need your help with a story. Email me at mlsfirm@yahoo.com

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Morgan March

Series from Porn Star Tryouts.