Thursday 29 September 2016

Linda Ratonne aka Linda Z

Sets from Karups and TheLifeErotic. Some sources say the "Z" in her name is Zimany.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Toctick Clinic

From Thailand. No idea what the words says though but you don't need to know to enjoy this video.

Monday 26 September 2016


Sets from ATK and WeAreHairy

Sunday 25 September 2016

The Rise and Fall of Nikki Fox By BlondTommy

48......48-1/2.........49....... Nikki smiled as she watched the NASDAQ ticker confirm her success. The price of her Rejuvin-8 stock was going through the roof and she was becoming incredibly rich.
Nikki Fox, formerly known as Nancy Flockner, was becoming a multimillionaire overnight, thanks to the amazing success of her new product. Rejuvin-8 was her brainchild; an herbal product which she claimed would take 8 years off one's appearance in as little as 8 months! The company went public almost 6 months ago and she, as the founder, owned a cool million shares. Her net worth had jumped from nearly nothing to over 49 millions dollars, and rising by the minute!
Now a rich woman, at least on paper, Nikki did not hesitate to imbibe in the good life. She checked her long blonde hair in the mirror of her new red convertible Ferrari turbo. Her new $200,000 car was barely a week old and it wasn't her only one. At home, in her $16 million mansion in Beverly Hills, she kept another half dozen exotic cars. The home and cars, along with her soon-to-be vacation chateau in Tahoe were all bought on credit; Credit banks her jumping at to lend her, based on her rising fame and riches.
Rejuvin-8 was launched at the beginning of 2003 as THE answer to aging. It was an herbal tablet that she claimed would give you back your youth in as little as 8 months. Since is was classified as a dietary supplement rather than a drug, scientific proof of its effectiveness was not required. Who needed studies or reports....she was living testimony to its effectiveness. Her ads, which permeated late-night TV featured a picture of her - tall, busty, blonde, blue-eyed with flawless skin in her trademark skin-tight pink sweater and butt-hugging white slacks. In the ad, she was standing, hands on hips, a smirk on her face as a group of young scantily-clad well-endowed hunks ogled her body. The text under the picture proclaimed "The only side effects of Rejuvin-8 are the constant "carding" at clubs and bars, and the stares from people HALF your age!" Not only did these male models pose for her ads, but they accompanied her to various events. At $1,000 per day they were far from cheap, but she loved the attention, albeit paid-for attention.
The ads could be seen on various bill boards and web sites and were becoming more prevalent as the money poured in. To say Nikki was proud of her appearance and accomplishments would be a huge understatement. Nikki was known as the "thirty-something girl who still gets carded". She was actually 38 but never admitted it. The success of her product was based on her being MUCH older than she looked, and the promise that others can have this improvement for only $49.95 a month (one bottle of Rejuvin-8). The stores had trouble keeping the product on the shelf as millions of women, and even men, fought over the chance to look years younger, just like Nikki!
While Nikki started her business from her home, she quickly expanded. Her product caught the eye of a major supplement dealer who encouraged her to go public with a stock offering. Dollar signs danced in her eyes. A mere two years after she first developed the product she was going public with a block-buster supplement. Now nearly 6 months after the IPO Nikki was not only rich, but was now in need of more personal gratification.
Up to this date, she had been shown only in still ads and sound bites. No one had actually seen the real Nikki live and in person. When she first started selling the product, her appearance was of little concern, but as she became more of a celebrity, she began improving her barely-average looks. Besides, who would buy a "beauty product" from a drab-looking woman? She had to be a living endorsement for her wonder pills.
Her early efforts to work out and eat right just didn't do the trick in her mind, so she resorted to several short cuts - heavier makeup, body enhancement undergarments; she even gave up on dying her hair and went with a wig. The transformation was not only quick, but very effective. While she didn't look like a college coed up close, she could easily pass for a 20-something from across the room (or with some major air brushing!) She spared no expense in obtaining the best looks money could buy. As she began to make more money she even treated herself to a nose job to give her that perfect button nose. If money could buy looks, she bought it.
After going public, Nikki turned over a significant portion of the company to others in exchange for cash and a guaranteed spot on the board, as the Product Promotions VP. Nikki insisted on having HER picture on all the ads and promotions, besides she wasn't just the developer, she was a customer! Living proof that using the product every day can give you that fabulous body and looks mere mortals dream of!
Nikki's new promotional plan was a series of short TV commercials featuring her as the star. Each one would focus on a different part of her that was improved by her amazing supplement. This would not only provide her with a chance to flaunt her jaw-dropping assets to the world, but also do wonders for furthering her career as an actress or model. So she dreamed.
When Nikki presented this idea to the Board, they were skeptical to say the least. "Worried" was a better word. While Nikki was definitely good looking, it was obvious to most who knew her, that up close, she was obviously a phony - an older woman trying to look like a college coed. Since Nikki wielded a lot of sway with the company, the Board offered a compromise. She could do all of the commercials, but a stand in would be used for the close ups. Rather than admit she wasn't a ivory-skinned youth, they convinced her that her time was much to valuable to spend hours a day in front of hot lights and a camera. She could do the first shots while an equally-gorgeous stand-in model would do all the retakes and bothersome close ups. Nikki reluctantly bought into this, agreeing that her time was of utmost importance. So long as she appeared in the ads, who cared about close ups.
After days spent searching the various modeling agencies a young woman was finally found that measured up to Nikki's great looks. Since only portions of the model's face and body would only be shown in close ups, there was little risk the public would figure out it wasn't the same person. Besides very few people had actually seen her other than her heavily air-brushed still shots.
There would be five different 30-second spots - one each focusing on each of her superlative assets: 1) teeth and nails, 2) legs/butt muscle tone 3) eyes and complexion, 4) hair, and finally 5) her fabulous bust line improvements. All would be credited to her regular usage of Rejuvin-8.
Kim Gerhardt was the model chosen to do the close-ups. She was a 23-yr old German-born blonde. Her luxurious long hair, ivory skin and eye-popping figure would easily equal Nikki's assets. Kim stayed in great shape by practicing martial arts regularly and was soon to earn her black belt. Nikki looked her over good, as though she were livestock. On one hand she was pleased that such a gorgeous looking "girl" was chosen to portray her, on the other hand, she was feeling a bit threatened by the women's incredible good looks. Maybe she was too good looking. Nikki hated competition.
The makeup staff had to make some changes to Kim to make her better fit Nikki's looks. Her overflowing D-cup chest had to be reigned in with a minimizer bra to better resemble Nikki's C cups. Kim was also 5'-10", several inches taller than Nikki. This would have to be made up on Nikki's end with even taller heels or lift inserts.
To say that Nikki was the jealous type, would be a huge understatement. While she would never admit it, she insisted on being the best-looking woman in the company, which now numbered about 300 employees. To ensure her spot as the company's "hot babe" Nikki rarely hired any women who could be considered attractive. If any women started to get any attention with her looks Nikki would make sure that that women got "downgraded". This was usually done with a payoff, but sometime with force. An overweight woman who lost a lot of weight, and went blonde was paid $10,000 under the table to put back on 20 lbs and dye her hair back to dishwater blonde. Another skinny woman who had a boob job was given $5,000 and threatened with being fired if she did not start binding her chest and wearing baggy tops. She was also given an additional $2,500 to have falsies accidentally fall out of her sweater at a company function, giving everyone the impression she was stuffed. Another newly hired 20-something natural blonde was told to dye her roots brown and wear horn-rimmed glasses and frumpy clothes. She also had to confess to wearing a girdle to obtain her fab figure (even though it was a lie)
Kim presented an unusual problem to Nikki. Typically she would get both barrels from Nikki's downgrading shotgun, but since she was to resemble Nikki there was little she could do, except keep her out of sight of the others. This was done by forcing Kim to perform menial tasks in her office, away from the leering eyes of the Rejuvin-8 staff. Just like Cinderella, Kim was force to scrub floors and run errands for Nikki while she wasn't shooting commercials. Once the shooting was done, Nikki would take her down several pegs in the appearance column. Money can buy anything!
Kim was paid nearly twice the going wage for her work, which kept her satisfied. Nikki barely spoke to her and when she did it was as though she were a servant. During the filming Nikki was never present when Kim did her part. Nikki barely had time to do own few minutes of filming. Kim was to either work on her part of the commercial or do Nikki's cleaning and gophering. Otherwise she was to leave the building. Contact with other employees was forbidden.
The idea behind each commercial was for Nikki to do the entire spot from start to finish, close-ups and all. Later Kim would duplicate the shot wearing the same attire. The film editors would then cut in the close ups of Kim at the appropriate spot making it seem like there was just one woman in the ad - gorgeous, youthful Nikki.
The first ad promoted the benefits of Rejuvin-8 in building strong teeth and nails. Nikki, sitting in a dentist's chair in her usual pink sweater and tight white slacks would tell the viewers how her product would guarantee perfect white teeth and long strong fingernails. The camera would then zoom in on each of these. This is where the cut would be made to Kim. Her perfect bright-white teeth and to-die-for nails were to be the envy of all who watched.
The second ad went in the same manner but focused on muscle tone. Nikki would rip away her velcroed white pants to reveal a bikini bottom, and would proceed to flaunt her long toned and tan legs along with her buns of steel. The real flaunting was actually done using Kim's god-given assets.
The third shoot had Nikki at the Optometrist reading an eye chart. Nikki would rattle off all the letters clear down to the 20-10 line, demonstrating her incredible vision due to the wonder pills. The camera would then zoom in on her deep blue eyes. You could not help but notice her perfectly flawless complexion at this point. She would then smile and say how she doesn't even need to use makeup thanks to Rejuvin-8.
The fourth shot showed her walking through a college campus with her long thick golden blonde hair flowing behind her. Young men staring in awe as their female companions looked on jealously, wishing their hair was half as wonderful as Nikki's. A close-up would show her running her perfectly manicured hand through her luxurious, super thick, long, healthy ultra-blonde hair.
The last shot was the most provocative. It showed Nikki in a tighter than usual pink button-down sweater on the beach of all places. Again with young muscle-bound studs gazing at her drop-dead gorgeous body she would blush as the top button popped off under the strain of her full round breasts. The camera would zoom in towards her amazing cleavage and she would chuckle "Its hard to keep these babies confined, ever since I started take Rejuvin-8" She would then rip open her sweater displaying her string bikini top and amazing youthful breasts. Of course once the top button popped it would be all Kim they filmed.
The filming started immediately as Nikki has desperate to get her face and body all over the TV. It occurred to Nikki that she might reveal some of her beauty "secrets" during her portion of the filming, so, at her request, she insisted on only ONE person to present at the filming - the cameraman. In this age of digital photography it would be a simple task to blend the filming of Nikki and Kim into a smooth seamless transition. Nikki realized that several scenes would involve some display of her.....enhancements...and that word could not get out. Therefore, as soon as the filming and editing were done, she would make sure the cameraman disappeared.
To accomplish this she hired an illegal alien worker. Once done she would report him to the INS and have him deported, taking his secrets, and Nikki's worries, with him. After some serious searching she located and contracted with a Stephan Povinsky, a Polish native. After making sure he was not in the country illegally, she gave him a nice contract and the shooting could begin.
Stephan and Nikki shot all there scenes in a single day. Since much of the "money shots" were to be done using Kim, there was little concern for retaking any shots. Nikki barked out orders at Stephan, and afterwards told him that if he made any mention of what he saw that any future contracts with the Rejuvin-8 company would be impossible.
Over the next few days, Stephan worked with Kim. They replicated as close as possible the scenes laid out by Nikki. However, unlike Nikki, Kim got along well with Stephan. Both were from the same region in Europe and both spoke fluent German. Stephan himself could have been a male model if he so chose - 6'2" tall, muscular with classic blond looks - but that would likely draw more attention to his illegal status.
Nikki would check in often during the filming of Kim and constantly harped about it taking so long, and wasting her valuable time and money. She kept insisting she should have done the entire feature by herself, except for her tight schedule. After each session she would all but throw Stephan out the door, and made Kim get back to her menial tasks, away from the other in the company. Unbeknownst to Nikki, Stephan and Kim would meet up after work and enjoy each others company immensely over dinner or a show.
As fate would have it, during one of Kim and Stephan's secret outings at a nice French Bistro, they couldn't help but overhear Nikki's voice in the booth beside them. A myriad of flowers made a clear view difficult but Nikki's harsh voice was unmistakable. She was dining with her usual "rent a date" male stud and she was talking about a plan that caught both Kim and Stephan by surprise. Nikki told her stud of her plan to deport the photographer early next week and then for him to "work over" Kim in a back alley to "downgrade" her looks several notches. This would not only eliminate any competition but ensure that Kim would never get credit for the parts she played in the five short commercials. Nikki would take all the credit, and the close-ups would obviously be her and her gorgeous body!
Kim and Stephan could barely finish their appetizers before they both fled the cafe' in total shock. Both of them had been deceived. They couldn't let this awful woman do such horrible things to them. They had to come up with a plan.
Nikki and her stud agreed on their plans and returned to her mansion, this time in her brand new Rolls Royce, driven by a chauffeur. She made sure everyone in the place saw her with her young male-model and as she drove off in the back of her priceless car. Every day was a different auto and a different stud from her limitless stable. She had it all and wanted the world to know.
The next day back at the studio, Stephan was busily editing all the digital "footage" he had take over the past week. He would blend in the close-up shots of Kim's exquisite body with Nikki's film making it seem that Nikki owned all of Kim's natural attributes. Nikki couldn't help but smile as she saw some of the preliminary work. Yes, she thought, I am gorgeous and the rest of the world will soon learn the same. Rejuvin-8 stock will skyrocket as people clamor to get cases of the product.
The stock hit 51 that evening and Nikki, not satisfied with watching her portfolio grow called her broker and demanded that he purchase another five million options on the stock. This would allow her to sell the stock at its future value by paying a per-share fee up front. Her sales experts projected the stock to hit the mid-80s by the end of the quarter. Of course, if the stock did not rise, her options were worthless, if she did not exercise them prior to the due date. That, of course, was impossible. She rolled the dice with little worry of failure.
Little did Nikki know however, that Stephan was also creating a backup file for each of the five ads, ones that did NOT switch over to Kim at the appropriate moment. Kim smiled over his shoulder as he saved each file and readied it for broadcast the next week.
In the days prior to the first broadcast, to be aired in the late evening, Nikki was out promoting herself and her wonder product to all she knew. With a 20-something stud on each arm and diamonds draped over her (with one large stone drawing attention to her deep cleavage which peeked out of the narrow opening in her pink sweater). She looked marvelous, even better than before. This product was THE answer she proclaimed. "Watch me tomorrow night and you will be convinced that Rejuvin-8 is the answer"
In truth Rejuvin-8 was just another conglomeration of worthless herbs and vitamins. Maybe not harmful, but in no way related to the beauty she proclaimed to derive from it. In her excitement, she doubled her order for futures, against the advise of her analyst. Nikki wanted not only to be more famous, but even richer than she had ever dreamed, and it was only days away!
At 10:48 Tuesday night, the first ad began to roll. Rejuvin-8 had closed at 53 1/2 that evening. Little did Nikki realize, but this would be the peak of the mountain for the stock, and the company. It was going to be all downhill from hear with the first small avalanche about to begin.
Nikki sipped her expensive champagne at the bash she had arranged to watch the first of her brilliantly designed ad campaign. Nearly all of the company's executives and their spouses were on hand for the viewing. Silence befell the room as the ad began. It showed Nikki getting out of a dentist chair extolling the wonders of Rejuvin-8 and how it improved her nails and teeth. She flashed her pearly whites at the camera as it zoomed in. However, instead of the switch to Kim's perfect teeth the unedited version continued. As the camera zoomed in to Nikki's teeth it became somewhat obvious that these were not the perfect flawless teeth she was describing. They were in fact very average looking, and most were either capped or veneered to make them appear perfect and white. Each one slightly different in color. To make matters worse her lips were obviously of an older woman who had undergone collagen injections. Nothing bad, just nothing amazing. Some of the crowd picked up on this but said nothing.
Then the ad went on to say how Rejuvin-8 gave her long and strong nails. Nikki held out her hand as the camera zoomed. Again, no switch to Kim's youthful hands and naturally gorgeous nails. The camera caught Nikki's more aged hands. The nails looked nice but most of the women in the room could tell fake nails from real ones. A few hushed gasps could be heard across the room. Nikki looked on in confusion. She wasn't sure what had happened. Were Kim's teeth and hands no better than her own, or was there some screw up in the filming? She quickly left the room to avoid any further embarrassment.
While many in the room did not notice much wrong, likely due to the amount of alcohol they had consumed, the financial world reacted somewhat more strongly. The meteoric rise of the stock was halted in its tracks. The next day the stock opened at 52 points and dropped another 3 points over the day to 49. Obviously the investors were not impressed and Nikki's net worth dropped a cool 3 million just like that. Things did not get any better for Nikki that day as she received a phone message from her real estate agent that the funding for her new chateau in Tahoe had been cancelled pending further review of her finances. A little of the glow had been taken off of Golden Girl Nikki.
Despite numerous calls to Stephan to see what had gone wrong, Nikki could not reach him. The next ad was scheduled for the next day. Surely this would help set things right. Her fabulous legs and rear would put the stock back in the right direction.
This time there was no big party. Nikki viewed ad #2 from home, hoping this would make most forget about the screw up of the first ad. Again the ad started with Nikki in her usual tight pink sweater and hip-hugging white pants. She strutted towards the camera as she spoke of the effects Rejuvin-8 had on her muscle tone. "I had nice legs to start with, but after just 8 months of taking Rejuvin-8, I earned THIS!" With that Nikki ripped away her Velcro-attached pants to reveal what should have been a close up of Kim's long and shapely legs, and round firm butt. However, thanks to Stephan's creative computer work, the scene stayed on Nikki as she ripped away her pants. Instead of Kim's coltish tanned legs, the viewer got an eyeful of Nikki's pasty-white legs and long-lined girdle! Her puffy veined-lined skin bulged out both the top and bottom of the girdle. Inlike Kim's legs, there was no sign of any muscle tone what-so-ever. You could also make out the bottom of her corset holding in her waist. To make things worse, her apparently long legs were the work of 5-inch heels which up till that point, were concealed by her pants. Nikki's voice over proclaimed that this is what Rejuvin-8 had given her, and could give YOU, for only $49.95 a month" End of ad.
The reaction this time was not muted. Nikki stood shell-shocked. Tens of thousands of viewers had just learned of her secret as she made a fool of herself. She could hear the laughter all the way from her mansion in the hills. Wall Street again took notice as the stock hit the skids! After stagnating at 49 since the first ad, the stock dropped a full 15 points the next day to 34. Another 15 million cut off her net worth. Worse than that, her options could become totally worthless if the stock did not climb above 54 dollars. Nikki downed three quick drinks and took some valium to calm herself down.
The next day the phone rang off the hook as Nikki tried to take hold of the situation. Creditors called and left numerous messages. Her loan on the Tahoe chalet was cancelled. Her existing mortgage on her mansion was adjusted to a higher risk class adding over 2 percentage points to her rate. The bank which gave her loans on her cars wanted an explanation...and cash, soon!
Nikki was afraid to show her face, so tried to limit the damage from her home. Making calls all day she tried to tell all who would listen that is was just a joke. It was intended to catch the public's eye. A little humor. The Rejuvin-8 executives and creditors were not laughing. She had better make up for it fast, or else!
Nikki tried to call Stephan again for an explanation. She left several messages. The next ad should be run ASAP and also include an explanation of the last ad. Rejuvin-8 was not to be made a laughing stock. Heads would roll after she set things straight!
Stephan and Kim listened to Nikki's raging phone messages and couldn't help but laugh. The deceitful bitch was getting her comeuppance, and the worse was yet to come!
Stephan worked with the broadcaster to air both the 3rd and 4th ads the same night, just as Nikki had wanted. Little did she know that these were going to be more of the humilation from both barrels!
The word had gotten out about the hilarious ads put on by Rejuvin-8 and the viewing audience had increased more than ten-fold. Nearly three million viewers were tuned in to see what was up with this odd ad campaign for the ant--aging pills. Ad #3 started with Nikki at the eye doctors. With the eye chart well in the back ground Nikki turned and read all the letters in the bottom line with ease (of course she had memorized them). She turned back to the camera smiling and said "Rejuvin-8 not only gives me bright clear eyes, but has improved my vision to better than 20-10! She raised her hand up to her eyes for emphasis as the camera zoomed in. While the previous screening of the ad then showed Kim's gorgeous deep blue eyes (and perfect skin), the close up that hit the airwaves was of Nikki's actual eyes. It became quite obvious that her baby blues were colored contacts as a brown ring could be seen on the edges and the blue color looked very fake. Also at that close range, her fake eyelashes were totally revealed. Instead of Kim's youthful dewy complexion, the audience was subjected to what appeared to be dry aging skin, with crows feet covered by heavy makeup. It was definitely not something anyone would ever PAY to own.
Kim and Stephan rolled in laughter while watching the ad from her apartment bed. Nikki again had to pick her jaw up off the table as the ad ended.
This time it was a one-two punch. Even before she could get on the phone, the next ad popped up on the TV. Nikki, along with her rent-a-stud sat speechless on her expensive couch and waited for the next blow.
This ad focused on the health benefits Rejuvin-8 had on hair. Nikki walked through a college campus with her long thick golden blonde hair flowing behind her. Men and women alike ogled at her amazing tresses as she blended in with the youthful student population. As the camera zoomed in slowly on her hair Nikki spoke, "While I have always had a nice head of natural blonde hair, I can thank Rejuvin-8 for giving me the most amazing, thick, luxurious golden blonde hair ever imaginable. Nikki had paid $3,000 to replace her usual blonde wig with one identical to Kim's natural hair. It was nearly impossible to tell it was not real. Except.....for a very close close-up shot. Nikki flaunted her hair to the camera, fully expecting the televised shot to be that of Kim and her natural hair. Instead the camera stayed on Nikki as she stroked both hands firmly through her wig. The close up not only captured her fake nails again, but caught on film the edge of her wig showing as she pulled on her hair. Rather than a natural hairline it was clearly obvious that Nikki's so-called blonde hair was just a WIG! A few strands of drab brown hair could even be seen as Nikki held her head back flaunting her amazing locks. The voice over finished with "Don't you wish you could have hair even half this great? Well you can, with Rejuvin-8!"
This time the reaction was immediate and harsh. The stock price, which was holding in the mid-30s all day, plummeted 20 more points over the next hour, and drifted down from their.....14....11....9 dollars a share! The company execs were furious and screamed for an explanation from Nikki. Nikki had bigger problems to deal with.
The huge drop in the stock price had not only cut Nikki's stock value down to less than $10 million, but her vast shares of options were now worthless. Since these were bought on margin, most of her net worth was now in question. The banks and creditors piled on. Her mansion was foreclosed on. The car dealer demanded all his cars back. Even her contingent of studs was eliminated. Several other creditors hounded her for explanations and immediate payment. After days of negotiating, Nikki was left with a 90-day lease on her former house and just one of her cars and after begging. Her contracts with all of the rental studs was immediately cancelled. Nikki would have to look for a much less expensive option for her "young stud" live-in boyfriend.
On the other side of the coin, Kim and Stephan had "shorted" the stock with all the money they could muster. This allowed them to make big money if the stock price dropped over the next 30 days. With the huge decline in value, the pair was rolling in money, nearly a million dollars at last count. More was in the making too.
With all the commotion, the fact that there was still one more ad to be aired, was all but forgotten. The top execs, Nikki and numerous financial advisors were scrambling to stop the bleeding. Rejuvin-8 sales had dropped over 90% and the company was sinking fast. As the execs strategized as to how to save the company the last ad aired that evening. This time to over 25 million viewers who had heard about the fiasco and humiliation of both Nikki and Rejuvin-8. Not since the last episode of "Who Killed JR" had so many viewers been awaiting a broadcast.
Nikki and the company execs were scrambling to save the remains of her company and her dignity. They planned on a last-minute live presentation to quell the slide of the stock. This time, instead of Nikki, they would substitute Kim and have her flaunt all of her amazing assets to the public. She would be Nikki and show the world that the product really worked, and that the ads were just a joke.
This would never happen. The final ad aired. Nikki just happened by her TV as it began.
This one focused on the wonder pills benefits to her bust line. Nikki strolled along a beach, again with men and women staring at her. She wore her trademark pink sweater, showing just a bit of cleavage to give the impression that she was modestly concealing a set of amazing firm breasts. She pressed both hands under her sweater-clad breasts and spoke...."I used to be just average in the bust department, maybe a full B cup, but with the help of Rejuvin-8 I now own a set of full firm and supple D cups! Not only that, they are STILL growing. With my product, even you can be so lucky to own a body like THIS!" With that the camera, now focused on the small bit of her exposed cleavage, she ripped open her sweater to display what was underneath. Again, instead of cutting to Kim's full natural D cups in a bikini top, they stayed with what Nikki originally shot.
The pink sweater ripped open and exposed an oversized heavily padded bra. A pair of huge silicone falsies protruded out the top of the underwired garment. Also, since Nikki was only a C-cup in her padded bra and falsies (and Kim at least a full D cup) she had to resort to additional padding to compensate. Wads of Kleenex could be seen under the translucent silicone falsies. In her haste to further enhance her bust to Kim's size, she had sloppily rammed full handfuls of tissue down each bra cup, never expecting this to be broadcast to 25 million homes! Nikki nearly passed out as most of the country would soon know that she was not only flat-chested....but a big time bra stuffer!
Needless to say, sales of the pills dropped to zero, and demands for refunds were pouring in from all directions. The stock price plummeted to under a dollar in less than 30 minutes. Nikki's humiliation quickly turned to rage as creditors were banging down her doors for answers and payments. Meanwhile, the fortunes of Kim and Stephan were skyrocketing. There initial investment of about $20,000 was now worth nearly 3 million!
The execs at Rejuvin-8 had to act quickly if there was any hope of saving the company. They needed to calm their customers and regain their confidence that the product was as good as advertised, and that the Nikki episodes were a bad attempt at humor. To do this they needed a true-to-life, healthy and pure spokes model. It was obvious who that person would be - Kim
After several phone calls, Kim was contacted and asked to make an emergency appearance at the company headquarters. There, she would display herself to the public, in person, and let them see that "Nikki" was an honest-to-goodness tall, busty, young blue-eyed blonde, and all natural. They would see her up close and personal to allay any fears they had that the product was a scam.
After haggling over an appearance fee, the finally settled on a half million dollars up front and a five-year contract for a million a year. With that, Kim rushed over the Rejuvin-8 headquarters where angry customers and stockholders alike were demanding answers.
Nikki was livid with rage and needed to get revenge, quickly. She jumped in her last-remaining Ferrari with her last-remaining "stud" and headed off to the company headquarters. There she hoped to find Kim and take her revenge. She planned to make Kim pay big time for the humiliation and financial loss she had caused.
Kim arrived through the back entrance of the company building and was escorted to Nikki's dressing room to prepare herself. She needed to maintain the Nikki image as close as possible to keep the customers convinced there was only one company spokes model. Kim proceeded to dress herself in the trademark Nikki apparel - tight pink sweater and tight white slacks. With her larger bust line the sweater was stretched out and showed much more cleavage than the real Nikki could ever muster, but that would only help convince the crowd that she was the real deal. Kim had to pass on the extra-high heels that Nikki wore since her height was already in excess of Nikki's with the heels.
Nikki and her stooge blew into the back employee parking lot, and with her company key entered the back of the building in search of Kim. Her eyes raged with anger as she stormed down the empty hallways in search of Kim. She just knew she was here and revenge was at hand. Her stud, now sweating profusely for some reason, followed looking somewhat confused.
Kim checked her perfect blonde hair in the mirror before getting ready for her first public appearance as 'Nikki". Just as she turned for the door, it flew open and smashed against the wall. There, standing in the doorway, was what appeared to be her evil twin. Nikki, dressed in the identical tight pink sweater and slacks, gasped to catch her breath. She was looking somewhat ragged from the past couple of days and the rush down here did little to compliment her appearance.
"Nikki, what a surprise to see you" chirped Kim. "I hear you are out of a job"
"Don't play with me you cheap excuse for a model!" yelled Nikki "You have ruined my life and now you have the nerve to step into the limelight I created! I am afraid its not going to happen, you bleach-blonde bra stuffing bitch!"
"I may look like you Nikki, but sorry to say I don't have to resort to the same tricks you so shamelessly employ. That's why they hired me in the first place" Kim replied with a smug look on her face.
Nikki's face turned red as she replied "You're going to need more than tricks to look good after Tom gets done with you!" With that she motioned to her accomplice, who was still trying to catch his breath, and was sweating profusely for some reason. Tom, as she called him, pulled his fist out of his pocket flexed his fingers, showing off the brass knuckles he was wearing. "Work over her face first then trash her body next" snorted Nikki. "I don't want anyone confusing this bitch with me any more!"
While this man resembled the usual young, well-endowed and muscular stud that usually was at Nikki's side, he looked somewhat....phony and ill at ease for some reason. There was something peculiar about both his appearance and motions.
Tom lunged at Kim and took a roundhouse swing at her face. Kim used her martial arts training to easily avoid the punch and scrambled for the door. Tom staggered and nearly fell. He seem to move more like Frankenstein than a young stud. As Kim reached for the door she was grabbed from behind by Nikki. Nikki held tight as Tom regained his footing and began to take another swing at Kim. This time there would be no ducking as Nikki had her around the neck with her arm.
Just inches before Tom's fist met Kim's face, it stopped suddenly. Another arm had reach through the partially-opened door and hooked Tom by the elbow. The door flew open and there stood Stephan. Stephan spun Tom around with his left arm and landed a powerful punch to his face with his right. Nikki gasped and released Kim as she saw Tom's head snap back; his dark sunglasses came flying off and his nose was bloodied. Before Tom even knew what hit him, Stephan landed a second punch to his mouth. Not only did a few teeth go flying, but his full wig came flying off too as Tom fell on his back.
"Oh my god, he looks just like Tom Jenkins" shouted Kim "Nikki's old boyfriend, only much bigger!" Not only was Tom's face now visible without the dark glasses but his balding head was also now exposed. Trapped on his back Tom tried to kick at Stephan to keep him back. Stephan grabbed both of Tom's feet and held them under his arm.
"I think I can fix that" said Stephan, as he pulled one of Tom's talled-heeled boots off. Not only did the boots have a full 3-inch platform heel, but Stephan dumped out a three-inch lift insert onto the floor for all to see. After doing the same with the other boot, Stephan grabbed Tom by the front of his sweater and pulled him back to his feet. This time, Tom was a full head shorter than Stephan.
Tom weakly threw another punch at Stephan but it had little affect as it bounced off Stephan's well-muscled chest. "Seems you don't know when to quit, eh baldy?" With that Stephan grabbed Tom by the front of his thick sweater and landed another punch to his face. Tom flew back against the wall. His sweater torn fully open in the front just as Stephan had planned. Now exposed under the sweater was a full muscle suit! Fake foam rubber chest, shoulder and arm padding to make Tom look like one of Nikki' rent-a-studs.
"Ah, it seems like fake chests run in the family, eh Nikki?" laughed Kim.
At this point Tom was in full retreat. Begging not to get hit again. He desperately ripped off the muscle padding, muttering that he was just a harmless skinny wimp who couldn't hurt anyone. Stephan and Kim laughed as Nikki turned beat red with embarrassment at seeing her boyfriend totally emasculated.
There Tom stood, short balding and built like a plucked chicken, standing next to his physical opposite - Stephan. To add insult to injury, Kim approached Tom "just one more thing I need to see" she said as she looked down at Tom's bulging crotch. Tom looked down too and gulped deeply. Kim zipped down his pants to expose his well-packed briefs. She then pulled back and down on the elastic waistband. Instead of a well endowed "package", she laughed as a rolled up sock and two wads of tissue fell from his briefs. After his "endowment" had spilled out on the floor she quipped "Not much left down there either, eh Tom?!" and snapped the band back on what was left of his "manhood".
Nikki figured the distraction of Tom's humiliation was a good time to make a break for it. She dashed out the open door before Kim or Stephan could react. Trying to sprint on high heels, she made it to the back door. Just outside was the Ferrari. She pulled the keys from her pocket focusing on the drivers door and hoping the others were not too close behind.
Gasping for breath with sweat pouring down her face, she reached for the door handle. Just as she attempted to open the door, the car began to move. She glanced up in shock. With all her focus and getting to the car, she didn't see the tow truck attached to it. Her car was getting towed! She screamed at the driver to no avail, and was left standing in the parking lot with no easy escape.
Nikki turned around to see Kim and Stephan approach her. There were several other people following them.
Kim crossed her arms and smiled. "It looks like your little game is over.....Ms. Flockner. Time to show the world what a big phony and scumbag you really are." A crowd gathered all around. Dozens of people, and what appeared to be reporters. Two or three television cameras appeared from the back. Nikki couldn't believe what was happening...and so fast.
Nikki hissed "You don't know what the hell you are talking about, you cheap pretender. If not for me, you would be just another model-wanna-be, hoping to have half my fame and looks!" She put her hands on her hips and stuck out her chest with that.
"Well" Kim replied "it looks like you will soon only have HALF of what you have too!"
With that, another woman stepped toward Nikki. She was accompanied by a Sheriff's officer.
"Ms Flockner, I am here on behalf of Beauty Enterprises. I work for a repossession agency and have been instructed to reclaim unpaid for merchandise you obtained from my client" said the woman as she looked at her clip board. The Sheriff, expecting a fight, handcuffed Nikki behind the back and held her arm.
"The items which I have been contracted to reposess include a custom-made human-hair blonde wig - $3,000 value, and a pair of double-extra-large ultra-quality breast forms - $1,800 value." Nikki's jaw almost hit the pavement as TV cameras pushed in for a better shot. Even more reporters crowded in with cameras and microphones.
In total disbelief, like a very bad dream, Nikki watched as the women unclipped her gorgeous long blonde wig and removed it. As the wig went into a side bag everyone's eyes, and cameras, were focused on what was left of Nikki's hair. Her youthful, long luxurious shiny golden blonde hair was now reduced to drab, flat, damp, short thinning mousy brown hair. Numerous hair pins and wig tape made it look even more dreadful. Nikki's face turned pale as her crowning glory was stripped from her in front of millions...of viewers! So much for Rejuvin-8's healthy affects on hair!! Kim took that moment to tilt her head back and run her hand through her thick long NATURAL blonde hair, right in front of Nikki "Nice hair Nikki" she giggled.
Before she could even grasp what had just happened to her glorious hair, the repossessor continued her assault on Nikki's beauty. Her tight pink sweater was being unbuttoned by this woman as she stood helpless. The cameras pressed even closer, zooming in on Nikki's cleavage. The woman gently reached inside the sweater and pulled out what appeared to be softball-sized silicone falsies. These were also placed in the bag as the woman turned and strode off. The sheriff removed the handcuffs and joined her.
Nikki's face contorted as she looked down at what was left of her chest. Without the huge pads, her full C cups had disappeared in thin air. However, despite the removal of most of Nikki's boobs, she still had the exact same cleavage. With a smirk on her face, Kim quickly revealed the secret by undoing the last remaining button and Nikki watched helplessly. The crowd laughed in hysterics as this exposed Nikki once again.
Nikki's tiny sagging AA-cup breasts were pressed tightly together and taped up to provide the illusion of full deep cleavage. The huge silicone falsies were inserted on each side of the "cleavage" to give the impression of large firm youthful breasts. Now, the tiny squeezed breasts looked totally out of place with the huge hard-shell fully padded bra that hung on each side of them. Without the silicone "filling" the bra was holding nothing but air, with puny taped-up boobs in the center.
Nikki's embarrassment at getting totally deflated turned to anger. She glared at Kim and spouted "What are YOU smiling at? I hear you also use a special bra to disguise your boobs too!" With that, she reached under Kim's tight sweater and took hold of the front of her bra. Before Kim could stop her, she ripped the bra right off of Kim from underneather her sweater and held it in the air. "Look at this!" she shouted, assuming the bra would be heavily padded also. Then, she lowered the bra and inspected it. Not only was there no padding at all, but it appeared to be a minimizer bra, made to reduce the appearance of a women's chest size. Her eyes went from the large constricting bra to Kim's chest. Her mouth hung open as she noticed that Kim's breasts, now free from the flattening bra, were nearly bursting out of her sweater, nearly 2 cups sizes bigger now....almost DD cups!
Nikki's eyes bulged as she could not stop gazing at Kim's magnificent cleavage. A muted whimper could be heard from Nikki as her mouth hung open in awe for a short moment. The identical sweater which hung limply over Nikki's sunken chest, was about to bust a seam over Kim's magnificent bosom. Kim gave an innocent smile as she noticed the entire crowd staring at her chest. She looked over at Nikki's puny chest and gave her a a pitiful look.
With all of this being shown over network television, the pummeling of what was left of the stock value continued. Someone in the crowd blurted out that the stock price had now dropped to zero. Not only were Nikki's millions wiped out, but her options put her in debt to the tune of nearly 5 million dollars! She would be cleaned out of all her assets and belongings before the week was over, all due to a busty young blonde she dared to tangle with. "Looks like things are falling... FLAT... everywhere now, eh Nikki" chirped Kim as the crowd wailed in laughter. With Nikki in a daze Kim took the moment to put her arm around the much smaller woman to emphasize the dramatic difference in their bustlines. Nikki's eyes were glued to Kim's incredible cleavage.
Kim continued the "downgrading" of Nikki's appearance. With her arm around Nikki's somewhat exposed midsection she released the top clasps of her very tight corset. The immense pressure on this undersized garment caused the other weak clasps to give way. Kim stood back and watched as Nikki's thin waistline began to quickly billow out from the top down. Nikki tried to hold the garment closed but it was too late. Her thick bulging waistline popped the remaining clasp and popped the top button in her tight slacks as well. Everyone gasped and Nikki's tiny waistline was now a protruding puffy white pot-bellied mass!
The tight white pants, unable to withstand the pressure of her girth, ripped a seem in the rear. Then the front zipper gave way. Her size 1 slacks were self destructing exposing a heavy-duty girdle, which was also in the process of blowing a seam. By the time all the ripping, tearing and popping had ended, Nikki stood staring down and her once-fabulous body. Now it was not just flat chested, but her midsection and rear were exposed to be bloated cellulite-laden mass of ugliness. Her pot belly hung over what was left of her girdle. Her fat butt protruded out the rear of the split seam in her pants.   Even what was left of her flat chest and sunken down even lower without the corset to push it up! Nikki's body was a total disaster, for the world to see!
Nikki flew into a rage again. She had lost her gorgeous blond hair, her buxom chest, her great body, and her fortune. She was now about the lose what was left of her composure. With Kim turning to leave this circus, Nikki raised her leg in an effort to kick Kim in the middle of her back. Little did she know that she was dealing with a black belt martial arts expert.
Kim spun just in time and grabbed Nikki by her boot. Nikki stumbled to keep herself upright, hopping on one leg. Kim smiled as she calmly snapped the 4-inch heel off of Nikki's $600 boot. She then dumped out the extra 2-inch lifts hidden in the boot which allowed Nikki to measure up to Kim's statuesque height. She then let go and Nikki fell hard to the ground as the TV camera's continued to roll. She quickly got back up, mad as a wet cat (and looking like one) she found she could not stand up with just one boot, and reluctantly removed the other boot. Just like her puny boyfriend, Nikki was now cut down to her own size - barely 5'4".
Again Kim tried to exit this ugly scene, but Nikki was now totally hysterical. She leaped up at the much-taller blonde, attempting to grab at her luxurious hair. In mid air, before Nikki even hit the ground, Kim had administered several carefully placed blows with her closed fist. A right-left combo blackened Nikki's eyes and knocked out her blue contacts as well as her false eyelashes. Then a sharp elbow to her nose with another quick left. An ugly crunching sound could be heard as Kim well-aimed blow turned Nikki's $20,000 button nose(job) into a flattened mess resembling a potato. Lastly a spinning heel kick struck Nikki right in the mouth. As Nikki fell backwards, several of her teeth caps and veneers could be seen littering the ground. Making things worse, Nikki spun around as she fell, half conscious, and landed face-first on the pavement, leaving a face-print with her heavy makeup.
After several seconds, Nikki finally pulled herself up to her knees. She had been totally destroyed and humiliated. Her mansion... gone, her exotic cars...gone, her cadre of studs.....gone, her millions....gone, her gorgeous blonde hair, youthful appearance, full proud chest, sexy figure and glamorous height.....all stripped away for good. Stripped away by the very person she wanted to be - Kim Gerhardt. Not only was she pulled off her high mantle and totally destroyed by the woman she loathed, but it was all caught on every television network, radio station and newspaper in town. For the next several weeks, the scene would be played over and over again. Her scrawny, short, flat-chested body, drab mousy hair and ruined face would be compared to Kim's perfect looks like the ultimate BEFORE and AFTER duo.
Just as Nikki tried to push her way out of the disaster, one last insult befell her. Two police men stopped her, picked her up by each arm and handcuffed her once again. "Nancy Flockner, you are under arrest on charges of insider trading, making false and misleading claims, libel, slander, assault and battery, ...and numerous other crimes". Stephan chimed in with one last cut...."..and don't forget - Impersonating a REAL woman", as he smiled and put his arm around Kim.

Saturday 24 September 2016

Thursday 22 September 2016


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