Monday 31 October 2016


Set from JustNips. Another weird set, I just like the fact she needs to wear a bra UNDER a padded bra to make it fit. A VS angel wannabe.

Heaps of padding:

Sunday 30 October 2016

The Ladies Room

Author Unknown.


Wednesday evening Debbie and Hank stepped through the panoramic entrance to the 'Wilson Ranch’, and as they did every man in the building almost in unison turned to look at the blonde vision that had just entered. Debbie smiled to herself as she noticed this response. It was absolutely necessary to look her very best for the Wilson’s party, as the Wilson family was by some margin the richest family in the Wichita Falls area. Indeed, Debbie kept telling herself, they’d made it into the 100 richest list in Texas Monthly, and as a result of this she’d spent most of Tuesday preparing herself to make sure she was the one woman at the party no one could take their eyes off of. The Wilson’s part was an annual event for the owners of local businesses and their wives, and as Debbie well knew, this was stiff competition.

The preparations had begun with a long session at the salon, in which Debbie had had her usual weekly manicure and pedicure, but she’d added to that with a thorough make over that had been completed by a fresh touch up to her root making sure her hair looked nothing but golden blonde. It then moved to Debbie's closet where anything a girl might need to create unfettering allure was on hand. When she immerged there was no doubt she had achieved the look she was after.

Debbie looked in the mirror and smiled at what she saw. After some careful consideration she had chosen to wear her white satin party dress, which had been sitting on a hanger since the day she bought it due to it being a size 6 and Debbie being, well, not a size six. Today, however she felt the dress's tightness would be just the thing keep all wondering eyes affixed to her silhouette, and in so doing had completed the ultimate blonde vision. The white satin dress literally clung to every contour of Debbie’s hips, bum and legs. Put simply it was enough to make a grown man cry.

As the Hill’s advanced, eyes were glued to the spectacular wiggle, none more so than those of Mr. Ranklin Wilson, the self made owner of the Wilson cattle empire. He had to step forward,

"Howdy there good to see you guys here"

Hank thrust his hand out "Good to see you Ranklin, great party goin’ on here"

Mr. Wilson moved as though Hank were invisible, his eyes instead fixed on Debbie’s ready to explode chest "Everything good for you Mrs. Hill"

"Its just great thank you Mr. Wilson, I just love what you’ve all done with this place-its givin’ me some ideas for our place"

Mr. Wilson didn’t miss a beat, "It sure is good, I tell you what, if Hank don’t mind, I could give you a tour, y’know get you some more ideas an all"

Hank was about to protest when another familiar voice joined the conversation, "Hi there" said the sugary voice of Brenna Carlson

Mr. Wilson’s eyes once again bulged, Debbie quickly surveyed Brenna’s look. Debbie had to concede Brenna looked spectacular, wearing a form fitting blue velvet dress with a plunging neckline and some seriously high heels.

"I’m about to be given a tour by Mr. Wilson" said Debbie smugly, anxious to show Brenna just how close she was to the Wilsons

Once again Mr. Wilson didn’t miss a beat, and flashing a broad smile began "Hell, I can show the both of you’s, just come with me and I’ll show you what a man worth twenty million bucks spends his money on"

Debbie and Brenna giggled in unison, "Why we’d love to"

And with that Debbie and Brenna, accompanied by the great Mr. Wilson began the tour of the Wilson Ranch, Mr. Wilson’s hands straying every once in a while to their beautifully cupped behinds. Hank sighed, he’d only been at the party for ten minutes and already his wife was running around with another guy. As he shrugged to himself another voice made him turn,

"He got Debbie too" said the tired voice of Dale Carlson

"Yep-say, you wanna go get a drink"


And with that the two men headed to the bar, slouched down and began to take advantage of the free Glen Fiddich.

In no time at all Dale had been dragged off by somebody to talk about something Hank couldn't careless about. He was now face to face with nothing but the bottom of an empty glass. He swung around and glanced at the crowd but there was no sign of Debbie, and that empty feeling was starting to settle in again. He had felt it before, and more often now than ever. It was the feeling born of the realization that Debbie needed Hank more than she loved him. He wondered if she ever loved him at all, as he reached back and put his empty glass on the bar.

"Freshen that for you sir?" Hank heard a woman's voice ask.

Hank turned around to see that the bartender was a lovely young woman who he estimated to be in her early twenties. Melissa stood offering him a fresh drink. His eyes widened as he looked into the girls big brown eyes, then down her beautifully sculptured face and on to her thin shapely figure that was displayed fabulously by her tight white, and rather low cut tee shirt, and tight black skirt. Hank began to speak of impulse rather than clear thinking

"Howdy there, I have to say you’re the best lookin’ thing I’ve seen at this here party"

Melissa looked over at the 6ft5 man, he was a little old she reflected but that chest did look well toned and there was a distinct lack of desirable men in Wichita Falls, "Thanks, I’m Melissa"

"My names Hank, Hank Hill, I own the Chevy dealership on the expressway-"

"Oh really, I’m lookin’ for a new car" said Melissa, trying to sound impressed

"Sure you are, I tell you what babe, you come down and I’ll set you up in the sweetest new Camaro you ever saw."

Melissa giggled, only semi believing it. She’d enjoy telling all her friends at college about the sleazy car salesman that had hit on her.

The semi-drunk Hank continued, hoping all the time that Debbie would walk in and get jealous, so he reached out and grabbed her hand "How 'bout one dance"

"Sorry sir, I need to stay here and serve the guests." That was the standard answer.

"I'm a guessed too." Hank said as he grabbed Melissa's hand and pulled her onto the dance floor.

Melissa wanting to avoid a big scene, danced politely with Hank for the duration of the song. It turned out that he wasn't a bad dancer, and the end of the song she tried her best to hide the fact that she was actually enjoying it.

As Debbie entered the room her eyes froze on the sight of Hank dancing with a girl who to Debbie’s expert eye almost certainly was a teenager. Indeed, as Debbie looked closer she couldn’t help feeling a pang a jealousy; she had the kind of physique Debbie had lost several years back. Brenna placed her hand on Debbie’s shoulder and began, "Looks like Hank’s having fun, eh Debs"

Debbie knew Brenna was trying to play to her jealousy so she tried to play it cool, but fumbled slightly as she lit up one of her Marlboro Lights. Brenna continued, enjoying Debbie’s discomfort

"Did you happen to notice the buns on little miss cheerleader?" Brenna asked.

Debbie never was a woman of character, and hiding her pettiness and jealousy was against every instinct she had. While she didn't want to let on that she was jealous, there was no real way she could hold back from making a catty remark.

"No I was too busy noticing that ridiculous padded bra she's wearing." Debbie replied.

"Yeah so is Hank. Too bad he can't tell the fake ones from the real ones" Brenna said as she looked at Debbie's chest.

Debbie's lips stiffened up a little bit. She hated when her put-downs backfired.

"How old do you think she is Debs?" Brenna asked not letting it go. Debbie took a long drag and remained silent.

Brenna continued, "Well I’m thinkin’ she can’t be twenty." Debbie tried to remain reaction less, but Brenna watched as Debbie’s eyes stared at Melissa’s ass, and her hands slowly began to feel around her own derriere. Brenna smiled. It was so easy to prey on Debbie’s vanity. "If I were you, I’d get in there and make with a little bump and grind of your own." Debbie looked at Brenna like she had heard her for the first time in her life.

"She’s no match for a real woman like you!" Brenna added. "Now go on out there and show her."

Debbie glanced round, as she strutted toward the dancing couple. Hank had no right to embarrass her like this, everybody could see him dancing with some star struck teenager, and what would that lead them to assume. Brenna was right. This teenybopper was no match for her. She took one more self-assured glance down at herself as she smoothed her hands over her figure.

On the dance floor Melissa and Hank said their good-byes, Hank once again advertising the Camaro, and headed in their separate directions. Debbie strutted up to, and stopped directly in front of Melissa.

"Oh, miss. Just a second." Debbie started politely with a big smile on her face. "Did you enjoy your little dance with my husband?"

Melissa was caught by surprise "Who Hank? Is he your husband?" Melissa turned to watch Hank walk back to the bar. She then turned back to Debbie and realized that she was in a little trouble.

"Oh yeah he’s really sweet." Melissa said happily

Debbie flared her nostrils and stepped a little closer taking a deep breath causing her breasts to swell out the top of her dress.

Melissa was taken aback by Debbie's posture and quickly tried to dispel any impure thoughts before Debbie had a chance to say anything.

" He was trying to sell me a Camaro. Can you imagine?" Melissa said playfully.

Debbie's posture seemed to change instantly as a cool confident smile crossed her faced. She looked Melissa up and down and snickered "Did you actually think I could have imagine anything else?" Then feigning sympathy continued. "Oh you poor thing. Did you think Hank was hitting on you?" Debbie laughed confidently. "I swear there is just no telling how low that man will sink to sell a car." Debbie again looked Melissa up and down. Melissa was receiving Debbie's message loud and clear. She wasn't good enough for Hank. It hurt. She looked at Debbie and at her bombshell good looks, and she suddenly felt very insecure.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Melissa said submissively.

"You guess?" Debbie put her arm around Melissa's shoulder. "You need to grow up honey. This isn't high school, and Hanks not the captain of the pep squad. He's one of the area's leading businessmen. Do you really think he's is looking to trade someone like me, for a minimum wage barmaid who's still waiting to grow out of her training bra?"

Melissa took a deep breath. "You-.", but she thought better of finishing that thought out loud. She'd never been so directly insulted by a party guest before, but she was a professional and decided the best thing to do was bite her tongue. Besides she did dance with the woman's husband, and just maybe she had a right to blow off a little steam.

"Ma'am, I am sorry. I had no idea he was your husband. It won't happen again." Melissa said hoping Debbie would except her apology and lighten up.

"Oh I'm sure it won't, because if it does-" Debbie stepped closer to get in Melissa's face, their chests bumping into each other's, as she peaked down Melissa's shirt. -"I'll take those foam rubber tits of yours, and shove them up your ass."

Melissa covered her plunging neckline with her hand. So much for getting Debbie to lighten up. She swallowed hard.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good I'm glad we understand each other. Now why don't you run along and get someone a drink, or mop up a spill with those-" Debbie said pointing at Melissa breasts, "-or do what ever it is you're getting paid to do? Hmm?"

"Yes ma'am" Melissa said as she turned and hurried away.

Debbie smiled and turned to a women passing by. "Cindy, Love that dress-"

Melissa returned to her station behind the bar and looked disapprovingly at Hank who handed her an empty scotch and soda.

"Was that fun for you? Hmmm? Dragging me out there on the dance floor to make your wife jealous. Is that how you get your kicks?" Melissa took the empty glass from Hank but she didn't fill it. She stood there waiting for an answer.

"No I just wanted to dance is all. It ain't no big deal." Hank said.

"Well it was a big deal to your wife Mr. Hill."

"Debbie?" Hank asked surprised.

"Oh is that her name? She never actually said. All I know is some blonde in a white dress walked up to me, introduced herself as your wife, and told me-" Melissa put her hand on her chest. "-Well, never mind what she told me, but suffices to say, you could do me a big favor and not hang around here."

"Blonde hair, white dress, bad attitude? Sounds like my Debbie alright." Hank said as he shook his head. Melissa refilled his drink.

"Well next time you want to piss off your wife, don't do it with the hired help."

"I'm sorry Melissa, You're right I was trying to make her jealous-but I wasn't trying to make trouble for a nice girl like you. I just thought I would get her attention that's all."

"Well you sure got it all right, and all it did was get me embarrassed and insulted." Melissa said.

"Can I make it up to you?" Hank asked

"Yeah, you can promise not to use people like that. Next time you want somebody's help, you ask for it. OK?"

"I thought you wouldn't understand." Hank said sadly as he drank his drink down, a sign that Melissa knew right away meant this guy wanted to talk. Great, another drunk wants to bore her with the details of his bad marriage. She wanted to dodge it. It was a busy night and this guy and his wife had already been enough trouble. But she also knew how naïve Hank was, and maybe a little Debbie-bashing wouldn’t hurt after all. Besides, it would be an injustice to leave him to fend for himself against that barracuda. So even though she might spend the next four hours playing amateur shrink to a guy who could afford the real thing, she decided to jump in.

"Mr. I'm a bar tender, which practically makes me psychologist. If you don't mind me saying so, you're out matched by that woman. Next time try asking my advice before you take her on, or you could get yourself, or me, killed!."

Hank smiled as she handed him a fresh drink.

"Ok, I will." Hank assured her.

"What can I get for you ma'am?" Melissa asked of the woman who had just walked up the to bar.

"I'll have what he's having. Unless it's poison that is. You can't be in that much hot water can you Hank?"

Hank looked up from his drink. "Oh, hi Brenna." He said without much enthusiasm.

"Then again, you know how Debbie hates to be embarrassed." Brenna said knowingly. "So why would you start dancing with a young pretty woman in the middle of a party with all her friends watching?" Brenna asked slyly. "Maybe you wanted to embarrass her. Hmm?" Hank looked up at Brenna and then over at Melissa who smiled and gave him a quick wink.

"No that was my fault ma'am. I just loved that song, and he was the only one here who was enough of a gentleman to accept my request for a dance." Melissa said.

"Really?" Brenna said surprised. "Does Debbie know that? Cause the last time I saw her she looked like she was about to pop a stitch." She looked at Hank and said in a voice lowered enough to create an air of secrecy but still loud enough for Melissa to here. "We wouldn't want that to happen again, would we." She put her hand on Hanks arm and laughed into her glass as she took a sip of her drink.

"I was just being a gentleman, that's all Brenna." Hank said confidently as Melissa smiled.

"Oh," Brenna said as if the air had come out of her balloon. "I always knew you were a perfect gentleman, Hank." Brenna said, disappointed that this seemed like it was going to end on a happy note. She couldn't let that happen. She leaned in and used her smooth secret voice again "Not that I would have blamed you Hank after the way she's thrown herself at every man in the party." She looked at Hank and Melissa. "Doesn't it bother you?" Brenna took a sip of her drink and waited for a reaction. Melissa glared at Brenna. It was obvious she was a troublemaker, and no friend of Debbie's or Hank's for that matter.

"No, being attractive is part of who Debbie is. I think she carries it well." Hank said, hiding his true feelings.

"Less of a part of her than meets the eye, I’m sure." Brenna said as she finished her drink and placed it on the bar. She looked up at Melissa and added in a sneaky tone, "If you know what I mean," as she winked at Melissa. Melissa raised an eyebrow.

"See ya Hank." Brenna said and started to walk away.

"See ya Brenna." Hank said.

Brenna strutted away and wondered if her seed would take root.

"I see why you wouldn't want to say anything bad about your wife in front of her, she's evil. Who is she?" Melissa asked

"Brenna Carlson, our neighbor. She's Debbie's best friend. Can you imagine?" Hank said.

"She's your wife's best friend? With friends like that who needs enemies?" Melissa laughed.

"They are two peas in a pod." Hank continued. "All they do is compete with each other."

"Compete? Over what?" Melissa asked.

"Everything." Hanks explained. "How big their house is, how smart the children are, how much money Dale and I make, who's the prettiest, you name it."

"So who's winning?" Melissa said sarcastically.

"Well I think the goal is to be the most envied woman in town, and I think Debbie believes she has the edge."

Melissa laughed. "That is the shallowest thing I’ve ever heard."

"Believe me, that’s the deep end of the pool." Hank said.

Melissa laughed and poured herself a drink along with Hank. "No offense Hank, but those two are walking proof that beauty is only skin deep." She clinked her glass against Hank’s and took a drink.

"I’d drink to that, but in their case it doesn’t even run skin deep." Hank fire back.

Melissa laughed and leaned on the bar to get closer to Hank.

"Oh? Just what did Brenna mean when she said there was less to your wife than meets the eye?" Melissa asked. "Why don't you tell me what that’s all about."

"Well I shouldn’t" Hank said as a smile crept onto his face.

Melissa became suddenly very curious. What was the big secret? Melissa figured it had something to do with Debbie’s breasts. Those huge perfect boobs that Debbie carried around, shoving in everyone’s face, were probably fake. That would be funny Melissa thought to her self. Maybe she could get Hank to admit it. Heck, he’d hinted at it, so had Brenna. He’s probably dying to say it, Melissa figured.

"Oh no you don't. You got me in it this far. Now you have to tell me everything. " Melissa said

"I should, it's just that I've never told anyone before-."

"They're fake, aren't they?"

"Huh?" Hank said, a little surprised.

"Her boobs. They're fake, right?" Melissa asked starkly.

"Shhhhh!" Hank said as he leaned in a little closer and looked around. "She got 'em done right after we got married."

"Ha! I knew it." Melissa laughed. "So how small was she? Was she really flat or what?"

Hank laughed. "She was pretty flat." He laughed again. "You'd never know it to look at her though, she used wear so much padding." Hank said, continuing to laugh.

"Really? That is so funny. No wonder she was such an expert on padding."

"What do you mean" Hank asked.

"Well, since we're spilling our guts, she told me if I didn't stay away from you she was going to take my padded bra and shove it up my ass or something like that." Melissa said.

"Is that a padded bra?" Hank asked.

"No, not really." Melissa said. "It's a push up. You know it's got these little tiny pads in it just to make cleavage. I wear it for the tips. Look." Melissa turned away from the bar and reached into her bra and pulled out a thin football shaped pad. "See. They're tiny. They just make the bottom of the bra stiff which helps push 'em up. They don't even make that big a difference, look." She posed in front of Hank turning from side to side. She was right Hank noticed. Her right breast hung just a little lower and more toward her armpit than her left. It didn't look any smaller.

"I would have taken your word for it. You didn't have to take that out you know." Hank said

"I wanted you to be sure, so that when that phony wife of yours whispers in your ear later that my boobs are foam rubber, you'll know the truth."

"Oh I'm sure she will. If she thinks you're competition that is."

"You know, I believe it. What a bitch." Melissa said, feeling a little helpless. "So tell me about how much padding she wore again."

Hank laughed. " A lot. You could use one of her bra's to wash the car."

Melissa laughed. "You're kidding."

"No joke, they were so thick, that she had a separate lingerie chest just for her bras because she could only fit two to a drawer." Hank was on a roll. "She was about a B cup and she padded herself up to a D."

Melissa burst out laughing. "Oh my God. That is so ridiculous." Melissa shook her head. "Just so she could walk around and have everyone envy her?" Melissa asked.

"Yeah, that's about it." Hank said. "I mean it wasn't for me; when we got in bed, her boobs went in the drawer." Melissa laughed and poured Hank another drink. "She just wore them to impress everybody else." Hank continued.

"Was everyone really impressed by a big pair of falsies?"

"Yeah, no one knew they were falsies. Debbie went to great lengths to keep them a secret. She would have died if anyone found out. That's why she couldn't wait to get the "real deals" as she calls them."

"That pretty sad when she's so fake, she thinks implant are the real deal." Melissa said as she continued to giggle. "Did she ever get found out?"

"No, not really, some of the women like Brenna were always staring at her boobs and peeking down Debbie's dresses like they were trying to see. My guess is they were suspicious" Hank went on.

"Really? You're kidding. Debbie just did that to me you know. That's how she figured my bra was padded. Can you believe it?" Melissa said still annoyed. "Of course you can believe it, what am I saying? It's me who can't believe it."

"-And Debbie would just plain lie. She told everyone she was a D-cup, and talked about how hard it is to have huge boobs because you can't find clothes that fit and stuff like that. If you say it enough, people start to believe it."

"So basically she had to live a lie all the time." Melissa said.

"Yeah, her biggest fear was everyone finding out she wore falsies. Pool parties were particularly scary."

"I can imagine." Melissa said as she leaned back on the bar in front of Hank and refilled his glass.

"She had this bikini that was basically a padded bra, and when she came out of the pool it had soaked up like a gallon of water and it would start to sag and pull away from her own boobs, and you could see how small she really was." Hank was really enjoying it now. Melissa laughed hysterically as hank continued.

"Not only that, but the water would run out of them for, like, ten minutes. So what she used to do was always have a towel next to the pool that she would grab as soon as she got out. Then she would cover her boobs up like she was drying off and discreetly squeeze her boobs to get tall the water to run into the towel." Hank said laughingly.

Melissa burst out laughing. "I would have loved to see that. Too bad she still doesn't wear them I'd love walk right up to her in the middle of this party, reach down her top and yank 'em out right in front of everyone!"

Hank and Melissa laughed.

"Let's drink to that." Hank said. Melissa raised her glass. "Ok, here is to missed opportunities." She said as the two stared at Debbie from across the room.

"Well, we may have missed that one but there are others you know." Hank said with a raised eyebrow and a confident smile on his face.

"Oooo, Tell me. Tell me. Tell me." Melissa said as she stared at Debbie and then back at Hank.

"Well Debbie needs quite a bit of help to get into that painted on dress she's wearing."

"What? Like a jar of Vaseline and a pair of pliers?" Melissa laughed.

"No, like a girdle and corset." Hank said.

Melissa stood there dumbfounded for a second, and then looked across the room at Debbie. Her satin white dress looked like a giant opera glove and fit her just as tightly. Her dramatically small waist and perfectly shaped derriere were stunning. Melissa looked in wonder at how the dress clung to every inch of Debbie's body, including her legs where it wrapped around her thighs so tightly, with a hemline that ended just above her knees, that she could not separate her legs at all. It surely was the driving force behind Debbie's sexy walk, in which she had to rotate her hips back and forth like the agitator in a washing machine just to make some forward progress. There was not even the slightest slit to give legs room to move.

Across the room Debbie was talking to Sue Wilson about her favorite subject. "Debbie that dress is stunning. You really look gorgeous, but then you always do." Said Mrs. Wilson admiringly.

"Thanks, I saw this in Sach's down in Dallas and fell in love with it. So did Hank if you know what I mean Sue." Debbie laughed and elbowed Sue and winked.

"To tell you the truth Debbie, I think every man at this party has fallen in love with it too." Which was Sue's way of letting Debbie know that maybe it was a little much.

"Yeah, maybe not all the wives though huh?" said Debbie as she nudged Sue again.

Sue rolled her eyes and took a deep breath. There was just no use dropping subtle hints to Debbie, she just didn't get it. Just once it would be nice to tell Debbie she looked nice, and have her just say "thank you" and nothing else. But Debbie always found a way to show her competitive spirit, which Sue disliked. Does she really want to know if all the women envy her?

"Well if I hear any rumblings, I'll let you know." Sue said condescendingly.

Debbie looked toward the bar and noticed Melissa staring at her. Not at her eyes though, but at her dress. She turned back to Mrs. Wilson

"Well if you do, you can tell them to kiss my tight little ass." Debbie said as looked at Sue and cracked up laughing. The drinks were getting to her now. Sue faked a laugh and then turned towards the bar and took a sip of her drink, Debbie really was insufferable she thought to herself. Debbie stopped laughing and took a breath as she looked at Sue trying to find something to compliment her about and perhaps keep the conversation going. But instead of finding something nice to say, she found herself suddenly distracted by Sue's hair. She noticed that the roots of her auburn red locks were graying and thought that she really should have had those touched up before the party. She then spent the next few moments trying to picture Sue with gray hair, and wondering how old she was.

"If you'll excuse me Debbie, I have to go and mingle with the other guests." Sue said as she smiled and slipped away.

"Sure. Bye now." It was about time she found out what Hank was up to anyhow. She turned back to see that Melissa was still staring at her, and Hank still sitting at the bar. Enough was enough already. She took a breath and walked toward the bar.

Behind the bar, Melissa was still transfixed on Debbie as the white satin hourglass moved across the room toward them. "You're going to tell me all about that, " she said with a look of determination on her face "but not right now, here she comes."

Debbie walked up and stood next to Hank. Melissa watched Debbie very closely, examining her figure for signs of the things Hank had mentioned.

"So you're still here?" Debbie said to Hank coldly.

"Sorry Honey, but this is where the booze is. Besides, it was here or on the dance floor, and we already know how you feel about that." Hank said with a smile. "Come on sit down have a drink"

"Sit, are you crazy?" Debbie said exasperated "and wrinkle my dress again?" She placed her hands on her stomach and smoothed her dress. "It's taken an hour to get the wrinkles out from the car ride over."

"Well it looks great now, honey" Hank said assuringly.

"You're damned right it does." Debbie said seductively as she leaned in and gave Hank a kiss on the cheek. "It's gonna stay that way if I have to stand all night." Debbie laughed slapping Hank on the back. With the discussion of her favorite subject, namely how she looked, she seemed to forget all about why she came over in the first place.

"I will have that drink though." Debbie added, looking at Hank knowing he would handle the details.

"Melissa? Vodka Martini, please."

"Right away!" Melissa said as she began to concoct Debbie's potable, all the time transfixed on the blondes silhouette.

"I'll be right back baby, I have to use the little girls room." Debbie said and strutted away.

From behind the bar Melissa stared at Debbie as she walked away, her eyes probing her smooth behind. It was amazing how firm, and shapely she looked in that shimmering white satin encasing her derriere, it was flawless. Or was it? She suddenly saw something, below her bum, on the back of her thighs just a few inches above the hem of her dress. Lines. The dress was clinging so tightly to the back of her thighs, that as Debbie walked, the shiny material clearly displayed the blemishes in her perfect look. The two lines ran horizontally across the back of each thigh, forming then disappearing again as she walked. They must be where her girdle ended and her fat thighs bulges out the bottom. Hank wasn't lying, she was wearing a girdle.

"You know what? I see it!" Melissa said to Hank, excitedly. "You see what darlin'?" Hank turned around to look, but wasn't sure what he was supposed to be looking at.

"Your wife's girdle. I can see it through her dress from behind when she walks." Melissa said confidently.

"Really? You have better eyes than any woman I know. She even has a hawk like Brenna guessing when she has it on."

"Well this time She screwed herself. That dress is just too tight and too shiny, to hide anything under. It shows every little crease." Melissa said through a satisfied smirk.

"Every little crease? Hmm I wonder?" Melissa said curiously. "If she's so worried about creasing her dress, what is she going to do in the ladies room?" She looked at Hank, who had a puzzled look on his face.

"I'm not following you." Hank said confused.

"Were you serious about helping me get back at her?" Melissa said seductively

"What did you have in mind?" Hank said and smiled.

A few moments later Melissa slowly pulled open the door to the ladies room. It was a lavishly appointed room with two porcelain sinks, above which hung two gilded vanity mirrors. Across from the sinks were two stalls with louvered doors, which reached all the way to the floor. Full-length walls, which ran floor to ceiling, separated the stalls and each stall had its own light, which went on when the door was closed. Melissa tiptoed over to the first stall, which was dark and unoccupied. She looked at the door to the remaining stall, which was closed. The light from inside the stall was shining through the louvers, but it was obstructed. A shadow ran down the middle of the door as if something were hanging just inside it. She looked at the door to open stall and saw a coat hook at the very top, right in the center. She looked back at the closed stall door and smiled. Quietly she picked up a chair that was next to the sink and placed it in front of the door to the empty stall and stood on it. She pushed the door closed and leaned over the top of the door, reaching down to the latch, and locked it. Ever so slowly she reached up toward the top of the closed stall door, then she heard the shuffling of high heels on the tile floor inside. She paused and waited. Next she heard the sound of snapping elastic and hushed grunting. She bit her lip as she realized she was listening to Debbie tugging her girdle back up. Melissa couldn't resist she leaned over and peeked over the top of the door into Debbie's stall. She could see Debbie's Blonde hair, she was looking down, and she would certainly have her hands full. She reached over the top of the stall door and felt for coat hook that surely held what she was after. In a second she had it. She pull her hand back over the top of the door and stared at the bounty in her arms; Debbie's white satin dress.

"Hey! My dress! Who is that?" Debbie demanded. " What do you think you're doing?!!" she said shocked and annoyed.

Outside Melissa draped the dress over her arm triumphantly. She moved the chair back to the vanity. "OH? Well why don't you just come out and get it?"

Inside the stall Debbie looked down at the beige firm control girdle that encased her hips and thighs, then up to the waist cincher around her middle and started to panic. She couldn't be seen like this. What was she going to do?

"Who is that? Is this some kind of joke? Because I don't think it's very funny!" Debbie said, doing her best to sound in control

"It's me, the one with the padded bra. Why don't you come out and, what was it again? Shove my foam rubber tits up my ass." Melissa said confidently.

"You!" It was flashing before Debbie's eyes. Hank, the dance floor, the bar tender. She was out for revenge. She wants a showdown, Debbie thought, but she couldn't go out there like this. A sudden fear swept over her, and she glanced down at herself again, then to the door and around at the stall walls. Can she see her? Had she peeked over the stall? She hasn't said anything yet, so she probably didn't. Debbie needed to calm her down and get her dress back before she was seen.

"Listen I was just upset with Hank. Let's not let this get out of hand. I really don't want any trouble. I'm sorry for what I said earlier." Debbie said with in a very apologetic tone.

"My- My, your tone has changed, and for the better I might add. I have to say I was really expecting you come running out here and kick my ass. I never expected you to back down like this. It doesn't seem like you." Melissa said, fully understanding that Debbie was suddenly powerless.

It was working. Debbie felt a bit of relief; maybe she was going to be able to avoid a disaster. "Can I have my dress back now?" Debbie asked pitifully.

"Sure, come out and get it." Melissa said. Knowing it probably wasn't going to be that easy.

"No. I mean-here, just hand it to me over the door." Debbie said as her hand appeared over the door. Melissa walk over looked up at Debbie's open grasp and at her perfectly manicured, long finger nails, and noticed from underneath, that her own natural nails were all very short and of different lengths.

"Nice nails." Melissa said admiringly. "Are they yours?"

"Where's my dress? I can't reach it." Debbie said, Tip towing up to make her arm a little longer over the door.

"It's right here. You now this really is a great dress, and you looked almost perfect in it. Let me ask you something, why do you wear it so tight?"

Debbie was confused and a little annoyed at the question, but the last thing she wanted to do under these circumstances, was get into a discussion about how she looked.

"Why do you care?" Debbie asked

"Because I want to know why a woman with your figure flaws would showcase them by wearing such a tight dress." answered Melissa

"What are you talking about ?!" Debbie said trying to sound confused but secretly fearing where this might be going.

"I mean I saw your girdle." Said Melissa.

"What? You saw my-what?" Debbie sputtered. She was stunned. The words hit her like a cold bucket of water. She took a sharp deep breath and unconsciously sucked in her stomach. She placed her hand over the shiny control panels on the front of her girdle as if to feel them. She looked down at her girdle and wondered how Melissa could have seen it.

"Your girdle." Melissa enjoyed saying it. Inside the stall Debbie winched again upon hearing the word.

"The one you have to wear to squeeze yourself into this dress. The one that's making it hard for you breath right now, I would guess." Melissa laughed.

In the stall Debbie's heart sank. Was she really found out? She'll be the laughing stock of town. Worse yet, when everyone finds out about her girdles, she'll have to stop wearing them. Debbie knew she was not ready to face the world with her real figure. Her mind was racing; there must be way out of this. Melissa still hadn't seen her, she's probably just guessing about the girdle. How could she see it? Debbie glanced down at herself again and ran her hands over her girdle. It was smooth, no seems, no clips, nothing that would show through, she was always so careful about such things. Maybe Melissa was trying to get her to make a mistake. That must be why she wanted her to come out, so she could be sure. Debbie thought about it. She could just stay in the stall and deny it. As long as she didn't come out, Melissa couldn't know for sure. She'd stay in there all night if she had too.

"You saw my girdle? That's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard. I don't mean to disappoint you sweetheart, but I don't wear a girdle." Debbie crossed her fingers, could she really bluff her way out of this?

"Oh no?" Asked Melissa

"No." Debbie said firmly, "Your X-ray vision must be out of order, Supergirl." Debbie realized she had laid down the gauntlet. Was Melissa going to provide proof? She couldn't help wondering how Melissa had guessed she was wearing a girdle. She held her breath.

"Funny, but I didn't need X-Ray vision, just little miscalculation on your part. This dress is too tight on you. Oh I know you think it looks sexy. I bet you admired yourself in your full length mirror for hours before you got here; Making sure you looked perfect, imagining the men drooling over your sexy bod' packed into this sexy little white number here. But that's where you made your mistake. You didn't spend any time looking at yourself from behind. Did you?" Debbie's hands shot to her backside she ran them over her girdle again she could feel anything. What was she getting at? She thought to herself.

"This dress clings to back of your thighs so tightly, that you can see where your pudgy little legs bulge out the bottom of that long leg girdle of yours." Melissa said through a very satisfied smile.

Inside the stall Debbie's hands slid down her backside to the back of her thighs, then down to where her girdle ended. She gasped. She felt the two large bugles where her thighs expanded out of the legs of her girdle, right where Melissa had said they were. She slid her hands around the cuffs of her girdle from back to front feeling how the bulges diminished toward the front of her thighs. She had never noticed before. She thought quickly.

"Sorry sweetie, but I'm wearing stockings." Debbie said smoothly. "They only come up to the thigh. Maybe none of you girls from the trailer park have seen them before, seeing how all your hosiery comes out of a little plastic egg."

"Ah, there's the condescending bitch I've come hate. I was wondering where you'd gone. I was almost starting to feel sorry for you. Trapped in there in your little girdle and corset, not wanting to come out because you were ashamed of what a shallow phony you'd look like to anyone who saw you. But I'm over it now, I can't wait until everyone sees what a shallow phony you are." Melissa laughed.

"This is ridiculous! Just give me back my dress." Debbie said exasperatedly.

"What's ridiculous is that you're so vain, you'll stay in that stall all night making up lie after lie, rather than come and get your dress back, just because you can't bare to be seen in your girdle." Melissa laughed again. "It's really pathetic."

"Is that what this is really about? You jealous little bitch, you just want to know if you're prettier than me?" Debbie said exasperated. It seemed inevitable to Debbie. She already knew the answer but she wanted to make it sound ridiculous to Melissa.

"No. It's about embarrassing you. You seemed to love doing it to me so much; I figured I'd give it a try. So I thought, what would embarrass you? I couldn't think of a thing, and then you walked up to my bar and laid it right in my hands." Doing her best impression of Debbie, Melissa mocked Debbie's conversation with Hank. "'-Your damn right I look good-I'd rather stand all night then put a wrinkle in my perfect dress, and mess up my perfect look-' I realized how vain you were, how important it is for you to be beautiful. Then, suddenly to my great pleasure, I noticed your 'foundations' showing through that sexy little dress of yours. I laughed so hard to myself that I knew that was it. " Melissa fell into a fit of laughter. "I have to admit, I didn't know what my plan was when I walked in here, but this is working out pretty good don't you think?" Melissa added.

"No. I think this is the stupidest, sickest thing I've ever seen. So what are you going to do now?" Debbie said in a very worried tone.

"I just want you come out and get your dress. So I can get a look at the real you."

Debbie's heart began to pound faster, her breathing becoming shorter. She was panicking. In the privacy of her closet Debbie often gazed at herself in the mirror looking just like this, and always liked what she saw. That's because all Debbie saw was her silhouette, the fantastic curves her girdle provided. She never really ever paid much attention to the girdle itself. Why would she? It was never meant to be seen. Why would it matter what it actually looked like. The fact that it suddenly mattered a great deal was pressing down on her with an emotional heaviness that made the constriction of her girdle pale by comparison. Debbie was feeling squeezed, as if her girdle were shrinking about her hips and waist. She looked at herself again, incased in heavy beige lycra spandex, suddenly horrified by all the panels and stitching, and by the inescapable obviousness of the purpose of her girdle and cincher. They were all business, with nothing sexy about them at all. One glance, one peek, one glimpse would expose her figure as a fraud of such magnitude, that no one would ever see her as anything other than a laughing stock.

Again she glanced at herself, and then around the stall. Her purse was lying on the little shelf next to the commode. Did she have her cell phone? Maybe she could call Hank and he could come in and rescue her. She grabbed it and tore it open, desperately hoping to find salvation, but to her dismay there was no phone. She dug through, past the lipstick, powder, rouge, money, and a few other- Money, there was money! She frantically began to count it, hoping there might be enough. How much did she have? How much would it take? They were the thoughts of a desperate woman.

"Look I'll pay you." Debbie said

"What?" Melissa said surprised

"I've got a hundred bucks in my purse" Debbie clutching the money she had pulled from her handbag.

"Lady I don't want your money. Save it for a treadmill. I told you what I want, now come on, let's go." Melissa sound delightfully confident.

Nowhere left to hide. The rejection of Debbie's bribe made her lose all hope of saving face. The bribe was practically an admition of guilt, there was no fooling Melissa now, no pretending. She was caught; Melissa was going to have her revenge. How painful will it be? She glanced down at her girdle and waist cincher again, desperately wishing they didn't looks so embarrassing. They had always been such an ally; the source of so much of her confidence and beauty. They were now about to betray her by revealing how bad her real figure must be, the very secret they were employed to keep hidden.


Debbie slid the latch of the stall door to the left, and slowly pushed the door open.

"There you are." Melissa said brightly. A rush of adrenaline coursing through her as her hands began to shake. The pit of her stomach was in knots, like she were in the middle of a 20-minute long sit up. She was enjoying this more than she thought.

Debbie stepped out of the stall, perched on top of her stilettos with her arms folded over her middle trying to hind her cincher.

"Oh-..My--.God." Melissa sounded stunned as the words fell out of her mouth and her mouth just seemed to fall open. She took a long disbelieving look, gasped, and then burst out laughing. She doubled over momentarily, pointing at Debbie as she continued to laugh, but could not find the breath to say a word.

"Are you finished?" Debbie said annoyed.

Melissa began to get control herself and while she had stopped laughing, she still couldn't speak through the huge smile she was trying to conceal by biting her lip. She held Debbie's dress strait out to the side of her like it was dead cat, and just leaned against the wall as she waited for Debbie to come and get it.

Debbie's eye's never left her dress as she walked hurriedly to reclaim it and try to get her dignity back. Just as she reached for it, Melissa pulled it back closed to her body and dashed past Debbie into the open stall. Debbie turned stunned, with a puzzled look on her face as Melissa dashed passed her, and just watched as she disappeared into the stall.


Debbie's eyes bulged out of her head. She was now outside the stall, standing in a public restroom in her girdle!

"Hey!" She screamed and ran to the door pulling and banging on it desperately. "Open up! Give me back my dress! Please!" She looked at the door to the restroom with a look of fright on her face, as if someone might walk in any second. A whole new feeling of panic took hold of her now. She had been tricked. How could she have been so stupid? "You set me up!" "Your move fatso!" Melissa replied with great satisfaction.

Before Debbie could even think of a move she suddenly heard voices; female voices. She dashed for the other stall to hide. Bam! She hit the door with a thunk. It was locked. Her mind was racing. How did it get locked? There's no one else there. Too late, the door to the restroom began to opened and in walked Mrs. Wilson, Brenna Carlson, and four other women from the party. Debbie's brain must have stopped working properly because of the shock. She began to spin in all directions as if searching for a place to run, but not finding one. Her hands began to slide and flail about her body as though she would be able to hide every part of her at the same time if just moved fast enough. Finally she uttered something. "Don't look! I'm in here!"

One by one the women could not fight back their laughter at the sight of Debbie in all her spandex encased glory.

"Debbie, honey" said Mrs. Wilson through a big smile, "you're in there all right, and from the looks of things I'd say it was no small feet to get you in there."

The laughter grew into a roar.

"It's not funny!" Debbie yelled.

"I'm sorry honey, but I just keep thinking of what you said about any of us wives not liking our husbands drooling at the sight of you in that dress." Mrs. Wilson continued, as Debbie looked confused.

"What did she say?" asked Rita Wanamaker

"She said, 'Tell them they can kiss my tight little ass." Mrs. Wilson said smugly.

The women all gasped, as if shocked, but their expressions quickly changed as they focused back on Debbie and they all smiled.

Rita couldn't resist verbalizing what they were all thinking. "Honey, the only thing tight and little about your ass, is that girdle you squeezed it into."

The women broke out laughing again, as Debbie tried to say something but couldn't. She suddenly heard a voice behind her.

"Ma'am, you left your dress in the stall."

Debbie turned to see Melissa had come out of the stall and her dress hanging in the hook of the open door.

With out saying a word she dashed for the stall, shoving Melissa as she passed, and pulled the door closed behind her.

The women all looked at Melissa who made no attempt to hide the devilishly guilty look on her face. She walked through them and opened the door. They all stared at her with a combination admiration and thanks on their faces, but none of them said a word.

"Something tells me she's going to be a lot more fun at parties in the future." Melissa whispered. The women all looked at each other. "Fun for you that is."

The door to the stall opened again and Debbie stepped out looking just as she did when the party began, a perfect bombshell, in her perfect dress. With an angry, but humble look on her face she started walking toward them.

"She's all yours" Melissa winked and all the women smiled and nodded approvingly, as Melissa walked out.

Across the great room, Melissa found her place behind the bar. She grabbed her purse and headed for the door. The party was over her; she understood that with no complaints. She smiled at Hank and gave him a wink. He raised his glass and that was that. Or was it? Melissa paused and walked over to him.

"It worked, just like I thought. You're going to have a different girl on your hands now." Melissa said.

"Thanks to you." Hank said understandingly.

"I'm just curious, how did you get all those women to show up in the bath room?" Melissa asked bewildered.

"Simple, I just told Brenna that Debbie was taking a long time in the bathroom and that she might be having trouble zipping her dress back up, and asked if she wouldn't mind going in and helping her with it." Hank said innocently

"Clever." Said Melissa. "There was no way she going to pass up an opportunity to see what your wife was wearing underneath, and that she might want a couple of witnesses to share her discovery with. Very clever, and I thought you were just a dumb car salesman."

"Let that be a lesson to you honey. There ain't no such thing as a dumb car salesman. You take care now."

"Thanks, you too." Said Melissa. She turned and strode out the front door with no job, and the most satisfying feeling she had ever known, putting steam in every step she took. Life was good.

Saturday 29 October 2016

Leslie Lam Lei-Han

As usual, she denies surgery and claims it was some strategically placed pads. Judge for yourself:

She was in "Gigolo 2" with Connie Man:


 Hong Kong press claims this shot shows she is double padded:
 Sex scene from "Gigolo 2":
 I would have expected her tits to hang lower...
Old modelling pics:

 The nose has definitely had some work. Why not the chest?

Thursday 27 October 2016

Lucie 5041

From the Czech Casting series.

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Lauren O'Connor

She is a Playmate and supposedly 32C.
