Wednesday 31 January 2018

Reanna Mae

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Monday 29 January 2018

Final Post?

Dear all,

I will continue this blog for as long as I can but the days left may be shorter than I expected.
The in-famous Vicki Black has gone ballistic at me for not posting her some of her "quality" contributions.

As a result, she is threatening to "contact the administrators of the website that you were going after for the majority of your information and letting them know that you are in effect stealing from them".

Many other people have also contributed and a lot of stuff don't get get published too but she is the only one who makes demands on me.

I like something, I publish it. I don't like it, I don't publish it. My blog, my choice. I don't have to explain myself to anyone. Unfortunately Vicki doesn't understand this, even when I took the trouble to reply to her emails. Her response is to destroy something that doesn't comply with her wishes, taking this blog away from everyone.

To everyone who has been visiting, commenting and contributing over the last 3 years, thank you for your support. If this blog suddenly gets banned, you know what happened. Thank you very much, it has been a great run. I am happy we have been able to enjoy something we like together.

To Vicki, go fuck yourself. When this blog goes black, I'm retired. I'm tired anyway.

Anyone working with her, beware the fate that can befall you. She is insane, spiteful and vindictive.

You can see her entire email here:

Vicki Black <>
To Me
27 Jan at 5:23 PM

I have not once told you how to run your blog but when you are holding me to a standard that you cannot even meet yourself then you're being hypocritical in turning people off from wanting to help you continue your site. So to say that I'm balling cuz I have nothing better to do is unfair because I am tired of trying to find material that fits the criteria for you for you to turn it down and say it's not good enough! What about the Christie from the Walmart spread? She's flatter than a pancake in the padded bra in the pictures show that barely any Improvement yet you posted that and told me that the pictures I sent you did nothing so come on! Do you understand what hypocrite means? And if I ever call get along quite well decided to hate on me whenever I would submit you material that does fit in line with what you do. Also the pictures of the Italian lady that you called Russian have been on artifice exposed for years and the bra padding site from Yahoo groups. I know it is hard for you to find content but when other people send you content you should post it and say thank you because I sent you two emails with pictures and you refuse to post them because you don't have their name and I think that's stupid.

Also you're going to put me in a position where I may be forced to contact the administrators of the website that you were going after for the majority of your information and letting them know that you are in effect stealing from them. I only told you those warnings before so you would understand that what you're doing is not only wrong but could get you in a lot of trouble and I but I had never had any intention of actually turning you in. I just thought it's ironic that here you have someone sending you quality stuff that more than meets your expectations of actual size versus size desired and you turn them away and don't even post them so what is the point I spent a lot of time looking for those pictures for you to sit there and say they're not good enough for you! I don't understand you at all maybe it's because you're Asian and you got penis envy going on and when an American white woman finds better material than you you have to go on a I have a bigger dick March and snuff out quality stuff that I send you!

Have a wonderful day! I miss the old Matt that used to actually like what I had to say and when I would contribute and asked me to send you the cereal and now it's like for some reason you've got something against me ever since I've tried sending you pictures instead of stories which I do not understand nor will I ever understand so I have to assume that it's because you're an Asian little boy with a small dick and doesn't know what to do with it. Sorry if I'm being insulting but that's how you make me feel when you tell me my submissions aren't good enough for you even though they are of the same quality if not better quality that you and I both have spent a lifetime enjoying.

Have a good day!

Sunday 28 January 2018

Anna Liska

Sets from NuErotica and

Saturday 27 January 2018

Friday 26 January 2018

Kristi Jones

Kristi is really a Wal Mart employee (amateur) who appeared in a Playboy special video "Women of WalMart" (2004). Have to commend her for her nerves as she was the smallest of all the women featured :)

In uniform:

After work:

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Italian Amateur

This has appeared all over the internet. Somebody asked for empty bra line pics, so here they are.