Saturday 30 June 2018

Make-up Removal

Always take your girlfriend swimming early on...

Might as well remove their face!

Thursday 28 June 2018

Olivia Cheng

Olivia is an Asian Canadian actress. Her break-out role is on Netflix's "Marco Polo". Seems she broke out her tits for the role too. She can also be seen in "Arrow" and "Supernatural" among many other TV productions.

Promo and glamor pics:

Her "Marco Polo" breakout scenes:

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Sunday 24 June 2018

Flower Girl By Daring Diane

It's been awhile since I've had any stories. This is reproduced from Daring Diane's blog.
Please go there to read the rest of the chapters.

Chapter 1
Rebecca stood staring at the empty luggage carousel.  She knew friends that had lost their luggage, but it had never happened to her, until now.  She looked around and asked a clerk what she should do.  She was directed to the lost luggage reporting desk across from the carousels.  She pondered all of the business trips where she might have lost her luggage.  But no, here she was taking a few days off to be in her friend's wedding and now she had none of her personal items or her clothes.  Thank God her bridesmaid dress was here in town.  But, what was she going to wear for the rest of the week.  She needed to go shopping.  This was not a complication that she or June (the bride) needed in the midst of a wedding.
Rebecca was completing the paperwork for her lost luggage report when she hard, “There you are, I've been looking all over for you.  What's holding us up Rebecca?”
“Oh Molly, thank god for a friendly face.  The airline has lost my luggage.” Rebecca was exasperated. “I'm sorry for the delay.  It's nice to see you.”  Rebecca approached Molly, June’s older sister, and stretched up to give her a hug.  Molly bent down and they exchanged a friendly hug.
Molly was taller than Rebecca at almost 5 foot ten inches tall.  Rebecca, at a little less than 5 feet, always wore heels to add to her height.  But even with heels, Molly was a good 8-10 inches taller.
Rebecca had met and bonded with June’s sister Molly during the wedding planning visit this past summer.  Rebecca spent a 4 day weekend with June, her family and other bridesmaids getting measured and helping to iron out plans for the wedding.  Molly was the maid of honor and her daughter Marty was the flower girl in the wedding.
Rebecca picked up her purse and the two women began to make their way out to the parking lot.
“So, when will the airline get your luggage to you?”
“They say it usually comes in on the next plane.  If not on that plane, the chances of recovery decline pretty fast.  I just wish I had brought a carry-on bag.  I literally have nothing but the clothes on my back.”
“I'm sure your stuff will arrive later today or in the morning.  Until then, we'll find you something to wear back at the house.”
“Thanks.  I appreciate you putting me up for the weekend.  June and your parents are obviously overwhelmed and the last thing they needed was a house guest.”
“It's no problem.  We have the room.  It will be great for everyone.”
After a twenty minute drive, they arrived at Molly and Bill Wilson's home.
Molly mentioned to Rebecca that she was in for a surprise when they got to the house.  Molly indicated that Bill had redone their old guest room for Marty and that Marty's old room was now the guest room.
“Bill, Marty we're back from the airport.  Come say hi to Rebecca.”
Bill walked out of the kitchen.  “Hi Rebecca, how was your flight?”
“The flight was OK.  The luggage service leaves a lot to be desired.”
“I'll go get your luggage.”  Bill offered.
“No, that won't be necessary.  The airline assures me they will bring my luggage to your door, when they find it.”
“Ohhhh,” said Bill, almost apologetically.  He realized he had unknowingly stepped on a sore spot.
“Hi, Becky,” a youthful voice arrived.
Rebecca knew it was Marty by the use of her shortened name, but she was stunned as she turned and found herself looking up at 'little' Marty.  Marty had continued to use the name Becky when only June, her friend from school was supposed to use that name.  Rebecca bristled at its use but knew Marty only did it to irritate her.  But Marty was less than 5 feet tall last summer and she now towered over Rebecca.  “Wow, what happened to you?” she queried.
Molly answered her question, “Yes, it's a stunner.  She has grown over seven inches since last summer.  We had to buy her a whole new wardrobe and even had to replace her bed.  This is the surprise I mentioned.  I knew you would be surprised by the huge difference in her look.  Marty got height and some curves, referring to Marty's obvious breast development.”
Rebecca, trying to shake off the surprise said, “I guess I can't refer to you as little Marty anymore.”
Marty responded snidely, “No little Becky, I guess you can't.”
Rebecca sensed some hostility in Marty's response.  Rebecca had kidded Marty last summer, but she assumed there were no long term bad feelings.  Rebecca wanted to get out of this moment and decided she should figure out a quick exit.
“If you could show me to my room, I'd like to freshen up and use the restroom.”
Molly directed Marty, “Marty, show Rebecca to her room and show her where the bathroom and towels are located.”
Marty grabbed some pink towels and showed Rebecca into her room.  Since it was Marty's old room, it was decorated for a young girl.  The room was pink, everywhere.  The furniture was youthful.  There was a white youth bed with two matching dressers.  One of the dressers had a padded top used for changing small children.  In addition, in the corner was a matching crib.  The crib had clearly been unused for a while. It had a fancy blanket on the back rail and was filled with a variety of stuffed animals.  It was clearly a mother's way of turning the crib into a decoration while keeping it in case another child came along.
“Mom cleared out a drawer in the dresser and there is room in the closet to hang your clothes.”
“I don't have my clothes, yet.  The airline lost them.”
“Bummer.  Well, there's space when they catch up with you.  The rest of the stuff is my old clothes.” 
Marty beat a hasty retreat leaving Rebecca alone with her thoughts.
Rebecca slipped off her jacket and her heels.  Looking in the mirror, her coffee stained blouse and skirt were obviously not going to meet her needs for the rest of the week.  Some turbulence on the flight resulted in her wearing both her own and her neighbor's cups of coffee.  Of course, those stains would not be removed so easily.  Sitting on the side of her bed, Rebecca pondered her dilemma.
Rebecca called down to Molly and told her she was going to take a shower.  Molly came upstairs and consulted with Rebecca regarding her clothes situation.  Molly indicated she would find some clothes that Rebecca could wear until her own clothes arrived.  She gave Rebecca a short robe and told her to go ahead and get in the bath. 
Rebecca felt that Molly was mothering her a little, but she needed a little support right now and it felt good.  She began filling the tub.  She returned to her room, slipped out of her clothes, donned the robe and entered the bathroom for a long soak.

Chapter 2
As Rebecca lay in the tub, she shaved what little hair grew on her legs and underarms.  As she entered the working world, one of her first treats for herself was to have laser hair removal on her legs and under her arms.  With minimal follow-up, she was virtually hairless and required only a few moments to clear up the stragglers.  Other than on her head, the only hair that remained was a small patch above her mons.  Rebecca had often found that her dates enjoyed finding her totally hairless.  In a moment of recklessness, Rebecca soaped up and quickly removed the remaining hair on her lower body.  She felt clean and refreshed.  Maybe she'd get lucky this weekend and find an unattached man at the wedding.
With that thought in mind, she leaned back, closed her eyes and tried to release her concerns regarding her lost clothing problems.
After a long soak, Rebecca felt fully refreshed.  She exited the tub and dried her hair with a hair dryer and brush from the vanity.  She had no makeup.  She returned to her room and found Molly waiting there.
“Well, my dear, we have a situation here.  My clothes are clearly way too big.  Bill's won't fit you either.  It may seem crazy but even Marty's clothes are way too big.  But I have found some clothes that will fit.  You're just going to have to work with me.”
Skeptically, Rebecca said, “OK, you're scaring me.  But, I don't have a lot of alternatives.”
Molly handed Rebecca some full cut panties that were decorated with little flowers.  Clearly, they were children's underwear.
She heard Molly saying, “Look it's all we have that is going to fit.  It's underwear, so it won't be seen.”
Rebecca turned away, held up her towel and pulled the panties on.  She then took the white cotton camisole Molly proffered.  Molly handed her a pink t-shirt with scalloped collar, sleeves, and bottom.  A picture of Princess Barbie centered the front of the shirt.  Rebecca slipped the shirt on.  Molly smiled and said, “The shirt fits well.  It looks like we've identified your size.  These pants should fit.”
Rebecca slipped the pants on.  They were Capri style pants that were tight but not overly.  The pants had an elastic waist for comfort and easy fit.  She sat on the bed and Molly helped her with some ankle socks and pink tennis shoes.  Rebecca felt uneasy as Molly helped her with her socks and shoes.
“Th...Thanks.  I can do it.” Rebecca stated uneasily.
Molly responded.  “I know you can.  I just thought I could help.  Everything seems to fit well.  Now that I know your sizes, this will help me in finding other clothes that will fit you.  We can only hope your clothes show up first thing in the morning. Till then, you'll be fine.”
Rebecca realized that in the camisole and t-shirt, her chest was non-existent.  “Molly, I think I'll wear my bra instead of the camisole.”
“That would work fine, except that I threw all your clothes in the wash since you only had the one set.  I assumed you would want to wear your bra tomorrow.  So, it is being washed.  I didn't realize how much your bra contributed to your chest.  I realize you are proud of your body and I don't want you to be embarrassed, but we're all friends here.  You can throw on a fleecy top if you want something baggy to divert attention.  No one will realize that your chest is a little smaller.”
“That would be great.  Thanks Molly.”
As Rebecca hopped off the bed, she realized that without her heels, Molly was significantly taller in relation to her.  This fact had not gone un-noticed by Molly while they were dressing Rebecca.  Molly opened a drawer and pulled out a well worn fleecy with a hood and a zip front.  Like her t-shirt, it was a faded pink.
Molly had been surprised to find that Rebecca's bra was so heavily padded, but she did need to wash her clothes.  However, in her present outfit, Rebecca gave no outward signs of any chest, at all.  In fact, Rebecca would be rather disturbed to find that she was wearing Marty's old clothes.  Not recent clothes, but clothes Marty outgrew almost a year ago.  Rebecca was wearing Marty's favorite outfit from third grade.  They had gotten the t-shirt for Marty at Disneyland.  Molly decided it was best not to point this out to Rebecca.  Rebecca was upset enough with the loss in clothes.  However, Rebecca almost looked like a cute kid in this outfit.
“Rebecca, let's go on down and let everyone get re-acquainted over dinner.”
The two of them made their way back downstairs.  As they entered the family room, Marty and Bill turned their heads and did a double take.  As Bill searched for something to say, Marty jumped right in with a snide remark, “Becky, don't you look cute?”
As Becky prepared for her next attack, Molly grabbed Marty and dragged her into the kitchen.  “Stop this right now.  We have a long weekend ahead of us and you need to give it a rest.  You can not be fighting with a friend of your aunt's just for fun.  Rebecca is here for the wedding and she is our guest.  She lost her clothes and she is embarrassed enough about having to borrow clothes.”
“Yeah, but mom, those are MY old clothes.  I grew out of them a long time ago.  She looks like...”  Her mother cut her off.
“Stop it.  She can't help that she is shorter than you and I.  Anyone wearing those clothes would look odd.  Whatever she looks like in those clothes, she is an adult and you will treat her as such.  Again, she is our guest.  Until her clothes get here, she has to have something to wear.  She does not know they are your clothes and I'd just as soon delay her knowing as long as possible.  Be nice to her and treat her as you would normally treat a guest in our house.”
Marty reluctantly agreed, “Ok mom.  I'll try to be nice.”  As Marty made her way back into the family room, she was trying to figure out how she could embarrass Rebecca the way Rebecca had embarrassed Marty last time she visited.  Marty had a lot of pent up frustration from their last encounter.
When Rebecca was last here, she had pointed out Marty's small size at every chance she got.  Marty had tried to feel like a part of all the wedding plans, but Rebecca kept calling her squirt or pointing out how small or cute she was. Marty could feel a little payback was in the offing.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Sandra Ng

Sandra is a veteran Hong Kong actress. She has had her chest flatted to play male characters and enlarged to play bimbos.

As a guy in "12 Golden Ducks" (2015).

As a girl in "Golden Chicken" (2013):

The real deal:

Thursday 21 June 2018

Emily Model

From her own site:

Tuesday 19 June 2018

16 Reasons Why I Will Never Believe Anyone Ever Again

A slightly different type of artifice, but just as fun.


 Blueberry muffin: