Sunday 30 December 2018

Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend by iSpyStuff

Author identified. Thanks Jimmy!


Sue's plan was to stop by the jewelry store to have them look at her engagements ring. She had bent the prongs cleaning out the garbage disposal and the stone had come loose. She was afraid that if she went another day without getting it fixed she would lose it. She hadn't taken it off since the day Ron gave it to her two weeks ago. The thought of leaving it with strangers for the day, even if they were a reputable jewelry store, made her a little uneasy, but it had to be fixed and she would only be without it for a few hours.
Sue walked into Christy's and found the store empty, which was good because she needed to drop the ring off quickly and get down to Lord and Taylor to pick out a dress for tonight's party. It was the first time Ron and her would be out in public together since the engagement, and she was nervous since the party was being hosted by friends of Ron's, Dan and Alicia's, and she wouldn't know many people there. Who knows they might even run into an old girl friend or two of Ron's.
She stood there for a few minutes before she heard voices from the room at the back of the store. She leaned over the counter trying to peer into the back room in the hopes of signaling someone to wait on her. After what seemed like a while, a pretty blond stuck her head out the door and spied Sue up and down only to disappear again out of sight. A few second later, Sue heard the sound of muffled giggles. She walked to the back of the store puzzled, surely the woman saw her, what was that all about? As she neared the back of the store she could begin to understand a woman's voice. "So much for the commission on this one"; followed by a man's voice "...Oh you mean you don't think she's here for the 2 carat emerald cut sapphire earrings?" The voices burst into laughter.
"Judging from the JCPenney sweats and the hair clip, I'd say she's probably in for the free ring cleaning"; followed by more giggling.
Sue looked at the giant mirror that covered the wall behind the counter. Her sweat suit was from JCPenney, and she wasn't there shopping for an expensive piece of jewelry, the woman was right, but Sue wasn't here for the free ring cleaning either "How dare she judge me like that?" Sue thought.
As she stood there, she practiced all manner of things to say to the sales women when she finally came out. "Who does she think she is...?"; but Sue's mental rant was cut short by the sound of high heels tapping on the marble floor, and Sue looked toward the front of the store and saw three women enter the store.
"Jennifer!" one of them called as she leaned over the counter and waved into the back room.
Out of the back room came the sales woman, walking with some difficulty, as fast as she could toward the front of the store. She looked like some kind of movie star, with a huge pile of blond hair, and the tightest red dress Sue had ever seen stretched over an extremely curvy figure. The dress was a sleeveless red cotton knee length number, with a scooping U-neckline that showed off her ample cleavage. The hemline was so tapered that she had to take small steps, and pivot from side to side on her 4-inch heels as she walked
"Excuse me." Sue was all set to give 'Jennifer' a piece of her mind, but Jennifer didn't give her a chance
"Someone else will be right with you" Jennifer said as she continued to walk toward the front of the store where the other women were.
"What a bitch!" Sue thought to herself
She looked with fascination, as Jennifer walked by her. The dress was so tight, that the tops of her stockings could be seen. As Jennifer walked, the dress straining across her legs, Sue spied through the fabric, a lace texture that was making horizontal depressions across each of her thighs.
Then a man's head appeared out of the back room, he was walking toward Sue, but his eyes were fixed on Jennifer's Derrière as her hips swayed back and forth. Sue noticed that Jennifer was glancing into a round vanity mirror that was on the counter as she walked past it. The mirror was facing behind her and Jennifer was using it to get a nice view of the admiring gentleman. As the man looked on, Sue noticed a little extra wiggle developing in Jennifer's walk, as a seductive, satisfying smile appeared on Jennifer's face.
The man stopped at the counter in front of Sue, but his eyes never left Jennifer's wiggle. Sue looked at him and realized he was mesmerized.
Jennifer walked to the front of the store where Missy, Tina, and Mary were waving franticly at the counter. As Jennifer approached, the girls took note of her sexy figure packed into the tight red dress and wondered. The girls, although friends, had always been jealous of Jennifer's head turning good looks. They usually consoled themselves by joking about Jennifer's dark roots, false eyelashes, and fake nail tips, but the fun really started a few weeks ago when Tina told Mary and Missy that she had seen the tags for a girdle in the waist basket in Jennifer's bedroom. . The girls had been wondering if she's added a new beauty secret to her arsenal.
"Did you here the news Jennifer?" Mary asked
"What news?" Jennifer said, pretending not to know.
"Ron got engaged!" Tina blurted out before Mary or Missy had a chance.
"Oh, that, I did hear something about that." Jennifer said and nothing more.
"You're not mad?" Missy asked as Tina, and Mary waited for the answer.
"No, not all, we had broken up. Ron's free to do what he wants" Jennifer said.
The girls all looked at her skeptically.
"I haven't seen her yet, have you?" Missy said
"No, but there isn't much to see from what I hear" Jennifer said coolly as she checked her look in the mirror.
"Well I'm sure she's nothing compared to you Jennifer" Tina said as she looked Jennifer up and down.
"Well, it's just that I know what Ron likes, and I heard that she doesn't have any of it." Jennifer added.
"Any of what?" Missy said.
Jennifer briefly feigned not wanting to say, "Like breasts, and hips." Jennifer finally said laughingly. "I heard she's one of those skinny little girls that looks like she runs a marathon everyday. Really I can't imagine Ron would find someone like that attractive."
"Yeah he always seemed to like the full figured girls, right Jen?" Tina said smirking at Jennifer.
"I beg your pardon, but full figured is another term for fat!." Jennifer said defensively. She looked at Mary a little shocked and asked her "would you call me full figured?"
Mary played along "No, in fact I was just thinking how fabulous you look, have you lost weight?"
Jennifer ran her hands over her hips. "I don't know because I never weigh myself. So many girls are hung up on their weight, I mean, I know when I look good, so I don't need to step on a scale everyday to prove it. I have been working out at the gym lot more lately though, and all my clothes feel looser. You know, it's not the pounds, it's the inches, 'cause muscle weighs more than fat, so you can lose inches without losing weight."
The girls all look at each other and laugh slyly
"Hello, can you help me?" Sue said with an I've-been -waiting -here-for ten-minutes-hoping-someone-would-notice-me tone in her voice.
The man awoke from his trance. "Yes, of course. I'm Monty, and how can I help you today?"
"Well Monty, I bent the prong on my engagement ring and I'm afraid the stone will fall out." Sue explained
"Oh, I see. Yes of course." Monty said. "Let's just have a look, shall we?" He peered down at the ring on Sue finger. "Well now that doesn't look to bad, we should be able to straighten that right out for you, no problem."
"Jen, did he buy the ring from you? "
"No, he didn't, and don't think for a moment I'm not going to let him know how much that hurt my feelings"
"I'm sure he would have felt funny coming to you Jennifer, I mean six months ago it might have been you he was buying that ring for." said Tina
"If it wasn't for little miss what's her name it probably would have been!" said Mary
"Oh, as if this chick stole him from me! You girls know I broke up with him!" Jennifer insisted.
"So are you going to go to Dan and Alicia's tonight?" Missy asked.
"Dan and Alicia's?" Jennifer sounded surprised.
"Oh yeah, aren't you invited?" Mary asked
"It's some kind of coming out party, so we can all meet his fiancé." Tina finished.
"No, I haven't heard a thing about it." Jennifer said as they all paused for what was an uncomfortable moment.
"Oh, good" Sue said ". Because tonight we're to meet all his old friends at a party for the first time since the engagement, and I couldn't possibly go without it, or with it bent like this."
"Tonight?" Monty shook his head. "Oh I don't think I can get it done tonight miss, I'm sorry but we're closing up at five tonight and I've got a few others to finish up before I go."
"I'm usually not one to be pushy, but is there anything you can do?" Sue asked
Monty looked at Sue and saw her for the first time. Even in her sweats and hair clip, she had a simple elegance and sincerity about her, that was unmistakable, and even though he didn't think Sue had heard Jennifer's comment earlier, he felt bad for having laughed at it anyway.
"Let's have another look, shall we?" Monty said as he examined Sue's ring again.
"You know this is an exquisite diamond miss...uh..."
"Wheatley, Susan Wheatley"
"Miss Wheatley, Yes." Monty said as he looked back down at Sue's ring. "The clarity and color are really quite exquisite, but the cut is something special."
"Oh?" Sue wanted to know more.

"I guess they figured it would too uncomfortable for Sue with you there Jennifer." Tina said.
"Sue? is that her name?" Jennifer asked.
"Yeah, Sue Wheatley I think. That's what Alicia said." Tina added.
"You didn't say you knew her name!" Mary said, surprised
"What else do you know that you aren't saying?" Missy asked.
"Yeah, how's the ring, I'll bet it's the size of a basketball!" Mary said
"No I heard it's kind of small." Tina said quietly.
"That figures, you see I always say, you can tell a lot about a girl by the size of her diamond" Jennifer said with the confidence of old fortune teller.
Monty elaborated. "This cut has more facets than any other's extremely difficult to execute properly. Besides, most people think bigger is better and all those facets reduce the carat weight of the stone so most jewelers wont cut them like this."
"No? Sue said a bit surprised
"No." Monty continued. "This fiancé of yours, he..."

"Well I heard it was her idea" Tina said. "Something about not wanting a big rock."
"Didn't want a big rock!?" Jennifer said excitedly. "See I was right" she added.
"Right about what?" Mary said as the girls all stared at her.
"About being able to tell a lot about a girl by the size of her diamond." Jennifer said loudly, adding "The girl's obviously an idiot!"
The girls all broke out in a howl of laughter.
Monty paused in mid sentence as Jennifer's comments rang out from the front of the store. He and Sue looked up to see Jennifer and her friends laughing loudly. Jennifer's words rang through Sue's ears as she looked back at her ring and wondered what it said about her.
Monty was still looking at Jennifer as he continued, "...he passed on the big and flashy stone ..." turning back to Sue "...for the smaller stone that shines much more brilliantly. Very classy in my opinion."
"Well, thank you." said Sue, beaming. "So, is there anything you can do?" she added hopefully.
"Sure, Miss I'll have it ready for you by five."
"Oh, wonderful. Thank you so much." Said sue, as the sound of high heels walking toward them grew nearer.
"Monty?" a sugary voice asked. "I'll need to leave about fifteen minutes early tonight. OK?" Jennifer said as she sauntered up behind Monty.
"Sorry, Jennifer I have a lot of work to do in back, and I need you up front to work the counter and close up." Monty said as he tagged and placed Sue's ring in a plastic baggie.
Jennifer moved closer to Monty, a moved designed to appear as though she needed to whisper in his ear, but who's actual purpose was to press her breasts against his upper arm.
"Come on Monty it's only fifteen minutes." Jennifer said still using a soft controlled tone. "Afraid you'll miss that customer who's planning on running in the store at five minutes to five, wanting to by the star of India?" she laughed.
"No, but this young lady needs her ring back today and it's going to be all I can do to get it finished by five." Jennifer looked at Sue dismissively.
With the seductive approach having failed, Jennifer decided to get aggressive. She slid between Monty and the counter with her back to Sue and pushed him back to arms length. Monty stepped back sheepishly as his whole demeanor seemed to change. Jennifer's forcefulness seemed to have brought out the little boy in him. Sue watched, as Jennifer lobbied for an early release, fearful Monty might give in.
"After all I do for you around here..." Jennifer said.
"Yes, but Jennifer, do try to understand, I'm running a business here and the customers come first."
"Business? What do you think brings all the male clients in here? Your great customer service or me?" Jennifer put her hands on her hips and shifted her weight on to her left foot, sticking her hip out and her breasts up.
Sue looked at the stuck up blonde bombshell and noticed that from up close and behind there might be more to Jennifer's dramatic curves then meets the eye. Sue could see what looked like boning running up from Jennifer's waist and stopping at a point a few inches below her bra strap. Sue began to lean in for a closer look.
Finally Monty said" I'm sorry Jennifer, you'll just have to manage" He winked at Sue over Jennifer's shoulder. Sue straightened up and said "Ok, see you at five then. Thanks so much. Bye." She hurried out of the store and down to Lord and Taylor's. Jennifer walked back over to Missy, Tina, and Mary. "looks like you struck out there Jennifer." Missy said teasingly. "Don't worry about him, you just be back here at a quarter 'til, and let me worry about the rest." Jennifer said reassuringly.
At 4:30, Monty walked out of the back room and to the front of the store where Jennifer was arranging rings in one of the display cases. "Well that didn't take as long as I thought." Monty said with an air of satisfaction. "Here Jennifer, this is miss Wheatley's ring, I'm sure she'll be in any moment for it." Monty placed the ring on the counter in front of Jennifer. "OK," Jennifer said with out thinking as Monty walked back the rear of the store. "WHEATLEY!?" Jennifer grabbed the ring off the counter and read the tag... 'Susan Wheatley' it said in Monty's hand writing. It was her, Jennifer thought to her self as she stared down at the ring. She wished she had gotten a better look at her when she was in the store, but no matter she'd be back for the ring in a few moments and she could see her then. "Back for the ring?" Jennifer thought to herself. She walked back the cash register and grabbed the store keys and walked back up front where Tina, Mary and Missy had just arrived. "So can you get out early?" Mary asked.
"Oh you bet, wait til you hear this. You know that mousy little thing that was in here talking to Monty when you girls were in here before? It was her." Jennifer explained. "It was who?" Tina asked.
"Susan Wheatley!" Jennifer said.
"You're kidding!" the girls all gasped at once. "What did you say to her?" Mary added.
"Nothing she left right after you girls did, but I'm going to love hearing her tonight. Trying to explain where her ring is at the party, that is." Jennifer smiled devilishly and held up the store keys for the girls to see. "Jennifer you wouldn't." Mary said disbelievingly. "Oh yeah, watch me." Jennifer said as she bent down to the gate switch, which was located in the molding at the bottom of the wall that ran the length of the store behind the counter. The girls watched as Jennifer inserted the key and turned it to the right. The entire front of the store was an electric roll up gate that rolled into the ceiling when the store was open and closed off the store from the rest of the shopping mall when closed. A moaning and clattering noise immediately began overhead as the gate slowly descended from the ceiling. " Hurry, you girls get the car and I'll close up here and go out back and meet you there. Hurry before she comes back."
"Wait, wait!" Sue yelled running with a shopping bag in one hand and her new dress on a hanger over her other shoulder. "I'm here, I'm here." Tina, Mary, and Missy, stepped away from the gate but they didn't go to the car, they stayed to see if any fireworks would erupt. "I'm sorry Ma'am, we're closed for the day." Jennifer said as polite as she could. "But I have to get my ring! The gentle man said If I got here by five it would be OK and it's only ten to five. I ran all the way." Sue pleaded. "Well the gentleman isn't here now, I am, and my watch says five O'clock, I'm sorry but you'll just have to come back tomorrow." Jennifer said smugly and turned back to retrieve the keys from the switch. "Listen, Jennifer..." Sue said reading her name tag in an effort to butter her up " don't understand, I have to go to a party tonight and..." Jennifer cut her off. "No, you're the one who doesn't seem to understand, I have to leave too, so why don't you go and put on your new little dress there, and stop wasting my time and yours, and go to your party. Thanks. Bye." She gave Sue a little wave.
Sue couldn't believe it. "Why are you so up tight?" Sue asked in frustration. "I'm not the one who's up tight lady!" Jennifer shot back and bent down to get the keys.
"Jennifer is everything all right?" Monty asked sticking his head out from the back room. "Yes, fine." Jennifer said.
"Hi, it's me I'm here for my ring!" Sue yelled. Monty looked puzzled and began to walk toward the front of the store. Jennifer spun and shot Sue a look that could have frozen hell over.
"Did you get it?" Monty asked.
"No. There seems to be some problem..." Sue looked at Jennifer with eyes full of fury. "... with the actual time. Jennifer here is in some other time zone, that I'm not aware of. I think it's the End-of-daylight savings time zone! You only set your watch ahead by fifteen minutes."
Monty laughed "I see." He looked at Jennifer, took the keys from her, knelt down and inserted them into the gate switch and turned it left to OPEN. The gate hummed and started to move upward.
Jennifer stood there with egg on her face and looked over at Tina, Mary, and Missy, who did nothing to help that feeling go away. She wasn't going to let Monty get away with embarrassing her that easily. Monty was still kneeling on the floor holding the key. She stepped between him and the gate, keeping her back to it in an attempt to keep Sue from hearing what she was saying. She bent over at the waste with her legs spread upart as far as her tight dress would allow, and with her hands on her hips said "What's that supposed to mean? 'I see.' What do you see?" She demanded of Monty as her backside brushed up against the gate. Sue watched as the slit in the back of Jennifer's dress slapped the passing bars of the rising gate one by one like a baseball card in the spokes of a kid's bicycle. As the slit flapped open something caught Sue's eye. It was a band of white lace wrapped around Jennifer's thigh. "I'll tell you what I can see...maybe that's why you're so uptight." Sue laughed to herself and looked over at Jennifer's friends to see if they had noticed too, but they hadn't. She looked down at the dress now draped over her arm and how the hanger was at the same height as the slit in Jennifer's dress as a strange idea popped into her head. The bottom of the gate was about to pass the slit and then, before she really had time to think about what she was doing, Sue leaned forward and the swivel top of the hanger went through the gate and right into the slit in Jennifer's dress. At the same time Monty got up and started walking to the counter to get Sue's ring.
Jennifer straightened up and took a step to follow Monty only to find she couldn't move, as something was tugging on her dress. She tried to turn to see who was holding her but the dress wouldn't move, and it was so tight there was no chance of her spinning inside it. "What the..? Jennifer muttered as she reached both hands behind her to find out what she was caught on. She slid her hands down the dress and over her well rounded bum until she felt the hanger, just as Sue slipped her dress off the hangar and into the shopping bag. "Hey?" She said, confused, and then her eye popped wide open as she felt the hanger moving upward and realized she was caught on the gate. "Monty,...the gate!...I'm stuck!" But Monty, figuring she was still ranting about having to open the gate, wasn't really listening.
Jennifer tried to bend down to turn the key herself, but the hook had her pinned to the gate and she couldn't reach it. She began to wiggle and shake her hips back and forth but the dress wouldn't come loose. She looked down and noticed that her hem had risen to the point where she could see white lace on both of her thighs. She gasped as she reached down and grabbed the hem of the dress and stretch it down to cover her thighs once more, hoping desperately that no one had seen it. The motor strained and the gate slowed. Jennifer squeezed as tight as she could and felt the tension building in her dress, wondering if it could hold. The tension proved too much for her manicure, however, as suddenly eight of her fake nail tips popped off and hit the floor like a broken string of pearls. With no help coming from Monty she looked down at the key in the switch near the floor and decided to try to turn it off with her foot. She kicked at it clumsily and to her horror it snapped off in the cylinder. "Oh no!" she whispered to herself.
Monty finally looked up and saw what was going on. He rushed to the switch to find the key broken off, there was nothing he could do.
"Shit! This can't be happening! Don't just stand there you idiot, do something" Jennifer screamed at Monty.
Suddenly Jennifer heard a loud rip from behind her.
"Oh no, my dress!"
Thinking the rip may have exposed her, and in more of a state of panic then a well thought out move, Jennifer let go of the hem of the dress and reached behind her to feel for the rip. With the tension removed, the hem of her dress shot up to her hips revealing to everyone that her firm shapely derriere was not the result of more frequent trips to the gym as she had said, but instead came courtesy of a heavy looking white long leg panty girdle. Tina, Missy and Mary burst out laughing. Jennifer slid her hands over her bum still trying to feel for the rip, but instead of the soft cotton material of her dress, all she could feel was the scratchy lycra spandex of her girdle and realized her secret was out. As the hem of her dress slipped over her hips to her waste, Jennifer let a whimper and made a vain attempt to hide her girdle by crossing her legs and bending down so she could cover it with her arms and hands. She couldn't stay bent over for long as her dress was showing no signs of slowing down. It bunched up like a sash around her waste and road up under her arm pits exposing Jennifer's mid drift, which was incased in a body colored waste cincher that looked as though it were ready to burst. It too was a heavy looking foundation, with stays for support and a sturdy zipper up the back. It overlapped the waistband of her girdle and went all the way up to a few inches below her bra.
"So that's how you lose inches without losing weight, Huh Jennifer!" Missy blurted out to Tina and Mary, who tried to say something but were laughing so hard they were beyond the point of being able to speak.
Suddenly there was another loud ripping sound as the dress began to rip in half and Jennifer spun around like a wound top that had it's string pulled until she was facing out of the store toward Sue and the girls who were all still howling with laughter. The gate was at about head level now. Jennifer put one leg forward and one leg back, reached up with both hands and tugged while she teetered precariously on her 4" heels as they slid around on the marble floor sending her fake nails in all directions, but the dress would still not come free of the gate. As she tugged and tugged, the dress pulled on the top of her waste cincher causing it to ride up, creating a gap between it and her girdle. Jennifer's soft middle bulged out between the two constricting garments in a most unflattering way. What just a few second before had been a beautiful woman in sexy red dress, now looked more like ship wreck victim being pulled out of the water by the Coast Guard as her sexy red dress looked like a harness under her armpits.
Then, when she thought the situation couldn't get any worse, the dress popped inside out and slid up over her arms and shoulders, and finally her head. She realized now that the only thing to do was get out of the damned dress and run for the back room. She let go and began to pull herself back wards but after her head popped out her arms got stuck in the torn, twisted Versace. The gate pulled it's way up into the ceiling leaving Jennifer standing there trapped with her arms over her head, in her girdle, waste cincher, bra, and stilettos for all to see.
Sue looked at the heavy diamond panels on the front of Jennifer's girdle and said "You know Jennifer? You were right. You can tell a lot about a girl by the size of her diamond!" Tina laughed so hard she actually had to sit down, as Missy yelled through her own laughter "Yeah Jennifer, how many carrots is that?!" Not to be left out, Mary added the final insult. "Gee, I guess diamonds really are a girls best friend!" as Jennifer finally pulled her hands free of the dress and ran to the back room.
Later that night at the party Sue met all of Ron's friends with the exception of his old girlfriend, who was nowhere in sight.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Vong Thammavong

First saw this girl on Cup E Magazine. Obviously doesn't fit.





Thursday 27 December 2018

Need a Tissue?

Still in Christmas mood people...

Stupid boy. I would have taken all her tissues...

Tuesday 25 December 2018

Taylor Bliss aka Brandy Bates

Merry Christmas everyone.

Set from InterracialPickups.

Sunday 23 December 2018

Taylor Reed

Sets from ATK and PawnThatPussy. She is listed as a 32A.

Saturday 22 December 2018

Anatomy class by Dr Kate

At medical school the was a shortage of bodies donated for dissection so our anatomy lecturer decided to use live models for demonstration purposes. 

The week arrived for the female pelvis. We had all enjoyed the male pelvis. Jim had volunteered fairly eagerly to show his dick off to the whole class and by the end of the session we all knew his body intimately and were all amazed when he jerked off in the name of science. 

And so it was the girls' turn. Surprisingly there were no volunteers at all and so to be fair a ballot was constructed. All the girls' names were placed into a hat and Jim had the honour of picking the lucky winner. I nearly died when I heard him say Kate. My heart stopped beating and everything went quiet. Surely he didn't call my name. Then everyone turned to me so there was no doubt and started cheering me on. I had to be dragged out to the front of the class as my legs wouldn't work. Dr Butler greeted me with a beaming smile, obviously pleased with the outcome. 

He asked me to remove my clothing but my fingers wouldn't work either. So he said he would help. He unbuttoned and removed my white coat and with it went my authority and prestige. He quickly continued, not wanting to waste any time and unbuttoned my smart blouse, pulling it open to reveal my plain white cotton padded bra and all my insecurities. I couldn't believe he was showing all my friends and colleagues that I needed padding. The audience was sat in complete silence as my naked flesh was revealed piece by piece for their education and pleasure. He removed the blouse and unzipped the skirt. Nice and slowly he inched it down over my hips as more of my panties came into view. It felt like an eternity but I'm sure it was only a few seconds before they were at my knees and then quickly off along with my high-heeled shoes. 

Now I stood there, bright red with embarrassment in only my underwear in front of everyone I knew. Stripped by my lecturer! Surely this was a dream and not a very nice one. I snapped out of my trance when my bra was unclasped. I tried to protest but knew it was futile and I couldn't muster the strength. I was going to be naked and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Carefully my bra was peeled off and my tiny tits were exposed to the general public. Gasps went up from the crowd and there was much whispering among them at how small my breasts were. No matter how much I tried to kid myself there was no doubt that my chest was flat. Just 2 puffy sensitive nipples on a very flat chest. Even when I ran there was no movement. And there was no excuse for wearing a bra except to modestly hide my nipples, certainly not for any sort of support. 

Now everyone knew. No one would look at me the same and I could not look at anyone the same. I would see it in their eyes. They knew. 

My bra was discarded with my other clothes but Dr Butler continued his naked quest and the audience was hushed again, waiting for the final chapter. He stood behind me and crouched down and slowly started to pull down my panties. Tears rolled down my cheeks and onto my left nipple. My pussy was slowly exposed to all those hungry eyes. I was thankful for the neatly trimmed light covering of fair hair that could give me a last tiny piece of modesty in this nightmare. I looked down, following everyone's eyes to see my naked pussy. A took a little gasp as I could clearly see my pussy lips so that meant that they could as well. Nothing was sacred any more. I was naked, exposed and humiliated in front of everyone. 

My panties were removed and my clothes discarded far away from me. I was a naked island. Dr Butler then broke the silence by drawing attention to my breasts, or lack of them. He described my puffy nipples in detail for the record and their erectness. To my horror, he then demonstrated to these medical students how to examine the breast. I couldn't believe my lecturer was touching my breast in front of all my friends. He commented that as Jim had such a toned torso, he clearly had bigger breasts than I did. I wasn't sure I could be any more embarrassed. 

It wasn't over though as after completing the examination, he invited others from the audience to examine my breasts. Both at once. Everyone was intrigued at my lack of breasts but enjoyed my sensitive nipples none the less. 

Moving along, Dr Butler ushered my towards the examination chair and my heart sank when I saw it. He put my legs into the stirrups and my pussy was now on show to the crowd. He carefully shaved my pubic hair off completely so to give an unobstructed view to the audience. I couldn't believe it. What was he doing? He couldn't do that. I'd always thought that my neat little bush was a marker of my womanhood. A sign of my journey through puberty. Now it was gone. Now to all those eyes I would look like a little girl. Maybe twelve years old at most, certainly not old enough to be a doctor. With his razor he took my womanhood away. I was very clearly a little girl again. 

My bare pussy was now demonstrated to the audience for their education. He pointed out the mons and the labia majora and labia minora. My lips were wide open and the once secret pink folds of my pussy were made public. He drew attention to the obvious glistening wetness of my bare pussy leaving no doubt that this experience had unwillingly been giving me pleasure. Finally, he focussed on my clitoris. Surely this had once been the most secret part of my body. It hadn't been seen by anyone before, not even me like this and only a couple of people had ever touched it. Not any more. Now everyone knew it. Dr Butler flicked it gently as it grew before everyone's eyes. The whole room was staring at my clit. I squirmed in the chair as my excitement grew and they all saw how horny I'd become. Dr Butler expertly demonstrated to the audience how to stimulate the clitoris. The feeling deep within my pussy was unmistakable and could no longer be ignored. I refused to cum in front of everyone though. I was not that sort of girl. That's what I kept telling myself as he kept on and on at my clit. On and on. My back was arching and my breathing rapid. Moans escaped from my mouth but I was powerless to stop this. Powerless to stop all these people from seeing me cum. My friends that I see every day. Guys that have asked me out only to be brushed aside. Now everyone would see. Everyone would share my most intimate moment. Finally I came with such a scream, juices flowing onto the chair and I collapsed. After a moment of stunned silence, cheering and applause arose from the audience but I could see that it had all been filmed on a huge number of camera phones. 

Dr Butler thanked me for my help with the demonstration as he unshackled me from the chair. How could I carry on though? They'd all seen my tiny tits, they'd seen me publically shaved and examined my bare pussy. They knew I had the body of a little girl. They'd all seen my clit and they'd all seen me masturbated in public. Nightmare.

Thursday 20 December 2018