Sunday 31 March 2019

Saturday 30 March 2019

Ieva Laguna

She is a VS model and she is listed as a 32A. I think she is one of the prettier VS models and she has done some really weird photo shoots.

Padded beyond VS:

In her VS:

No bra:


Tuesday 26 March 2019


Somebody please tell me who the author is?


Debbie pulled her spotless white Chevy Suburban into the drive thru and ordered three Big Mac Meal’s and, of course, went large. Things had worked out well for Debbie, who eight years ago, at age twenty one had married the son of a local car dealer and as a result had never really had to concern herself with money. This in turn allowed her the luxury of staying home and looking after their six year old son Daniel and keeping up with local social circle.

Debbie pulled up to the drive thru window and once again looked at herself in the mirror, in fact the wing mirror in Debbie’s car permanently faced her rather than the road. From an early age Debbie had been considered the ultimate blonde, stood at 5ft11 with golden blonde hair and curves in all the right places it wasn’t difficult to see why. Its just that over the last twelve months Debbie had to admit the figure had slipped a little, well to be precise it had slipped 27lbs upwards. This time a year ago she’d weighed a healthy 156, now she was up to 183. She looked again, yes she could clearly see the beginnings of the double chin, the fleshy face and as she reached out for the Big Mac she noticed that even her perfectly manicured fingers were looking a little chubby. And yes her belly was beginning to bulge over her tight jeans.

Until now the weight gain hadn’t really bothered her, apart from when she walked up stairs. Hank had seemed to like it, and after his performances in bed over the last few weeks Debbie had to feel that what he said was genuine. In fact he’d actually seemed to encourage her, indeed she could specifically remember him insisting she had a second plate full at the ‘all you can eat’ last night. Her friends hadn’t said anything either, but as they were gaining at a similar rate they were hardly likely to. That seemed to be the way things worked out in Wichita Falls, Texas, if you’re curvy and blonde at twenty, you’re going to be fat, rich and blonde by thirty.

That was OK with Vickie, it’s just she wasn’t sure what her fitness freak mother would think.

Moments later she pulled the large, white Suburban onto Interstate 44 and then drove on through the traffic to her spacious house where her husband and son waited for their evening meal. Normally Debbie would have taken great care preparing a large meal for them, but today she’d been busy preparing for the party they were going to throw for her mothers sixtieth birthday. Debbie hadn’t seen her mother for over two years, primarily because of her mothers decision to divorce her father and tour around America with a fifty year old hippie loser in an orange camper van. So she was anxious to say the least. Added to which the whole of the Hill and Smith family would be descending on her house. The party would be held tomorrow, and Debbie was praying than her husband, Hank, would have remembered to prepare the house. Hank was usually good at these kind of things but with guys you just never can tell thought Debbie.

Debbie smiled as she pulled up into the driveway, stopped and put the Suburban into neutral. The caterer, ‘Big Joe’s Barbecue’, was still there, Hank’s pickup was in the garage and all seemed to be in order. Debbie let out a sigh of relief, though carefully as her blue jeans really were tight. In fact so tight that after she’d lowered herself from the Suburban and begun walking towards the house she was forced to take short steps, any other movement and she would have just have burst right out.

As she approached the door Hank opened it, and then gave her a warm hug and kiss.

As Hank released her Debbie nervously began, "How is everything?"

Hank smiled again and put his arm around her "Everything’s going great. We’re all set, and Joe’s just in the yard finishing off the barbecue. Just relax honey".

Debbie smiled and gave Hank a hug as they walked through their well decorated hall. Once again she congratulated herself for choosing him over all the others guys she’d dated at High School. He was ‘mister perfect’: great looking, played sports, good around the house and made very good money. Yes they had a good life, and she was determined that her mother and the rest of her family should see that.

She placed the McDonald’s on the table and shouted down their six year old son, Danny. The meal progressed as usual, Hank described his day at work, followed by Danny’s excited account of what happened at school, and Debbie nodded and smiled in the right places. And stuffed herself with all Danny’s left over fries. Following the meal Danny was tucked safely into bed, and after reading a short story Debbie slipped into her increasingly tight night gown and sat down next to Hank and watched TV. Whilst munching away at a couple of chocolate chip cookies left over from dinner.

As she did so she glanced down at her considerable belly, and once again wondered what her mother would think. Last time they’d met she’d been a trim 150, now she was in the 180’s. She turned to Hank: "Honey do you think I look fat?"

Hank smiled and turned to his gorgeous wife, "No baby, you look just great. Men prefer women with a little meat on em".

"I’m just thinking that maybe I’ve got a bit too much meat on me"

Hank shifted across the sofa, and placed on arm around his wife’s shoulder and with the other rubbed her soft belly: "Honey, you really do look great. Now I wouldn’t have bought you that new car if I’d have thought you weren’t a real MILTF now would I"

Debbie smiled, "But don’t you think I should try wearing a different outfit for tomorrow. That suits ready to burst".

"No, you look great in it" said Hank quickly. He could still remember that suit, Jesus it was tight, and he sure didn’t want to miss seeing it again.

At that point ‘Worlds Biggest Accidents’ reappeared from commercial and both Hank and Debbie redirected their attentions to the disgusting sights on TV. Debbie continued to munch through the cookies.

At 10am the following morning Debbie, after spending several hours preparing herself, wiggled slowly onto the ‘deck’ where Hank was working on the chairs he’d picked up from his brothers furniture business. "How do I look" she said, smiling broadly, whilst at the same time gasping for breath.

Hank turned round, and as he did so a broad smiled crossed his face as he looked over at his stunning wife. He gasped, "Honey, on a scale of one to ten you score eleven".

Debbie beamed back at him.

Hank smiled again to himself, as he looked across. Debbie had somehow crammed herself into a creamy white skirt suit that they’d bought together on a trip they’d made down to Houston. The suit had cost $1000 but as Hank looked over he could see it had been worth every cent. Starting from the top Hank noticed the perfectly straight, shoulder length blonde hair and expertly applied make-up. As he continued to look down he gawked at the skin tight jacket as it hugged her fleshy shoulders and arms, and just managed to force its way over her mountainous breasts. Hank then remembered something about the suit, it was designed to cater for those ladies who had a little to hide around the middle and rear, and as a result came with a powerful girdle and ‘stomach scruncher’. That explained his wife’s somewhat narrower waist and firm rear, although even with such powerful underwear it was clear that her curvy body was trying desperately to burst out. Indeed the buttons of the jacket could clearly be seen to be at the point of popping off. Debbie would have to be careful.

The jacket cut off at the waist, providing a full view of a desperately tight pencil skirt. The skirt clung to every curve of her hips and clung to her well battered legs, until the point where it stopped just above her knee’s. Hank once again wondered just how she did walk in a skirt like that, just stood still it looked hard enough. In fact Debbie had been forced to arch her rear and splay her legs outwards simply to keep balance, an effect that Hank greatly appreciated. To add to the ensemble Vickie wore precariously high heeled white spiked stilettos. Yes she was definitely a MILTF.

Debbie pleased with Hank’s response smiled again, swivelled round and wiggled back into the house to go and dress Danny. He had to look his best too.

As she did so Hank gawked shamelessly at her as she performed her mesmerizing wiggle, moving her rear in almost complete circles just to make the smallest of steps forward. The skirt cupped her bulbous rear, providing all watches with a spectacular view of her buttocks straining desperately to burst their way through the material. Added to which the zip on the back of the skirt could clearly be seen to be stretched to the absolute limit. Once again Hank thanked God for giving him such a gorgeous wife, and then Nieman Markus for giving him such an outfit to put her in.

At precisely 9.50 the doorbell rang, and Debbie, followed by both Hank and Danny, wiggled her way desperately to the door to welcome the days first guest. With a beaming smile Debbie thrust the door open and embraced her younger sister, Mary, who’d flow all the way from San Francisco, where she was studying for her doctorate in ‘Women’s Studies’. After the warm embrace Debbie glanced critically at her younger sister, she had died her golden blonde hair red, she was in a very loose pant suit and really did look like all those hippie students she’d heard of who studied at Berkeley. She just hoped the neighbours didn’t see her.

Mary, not surprised to see her sister in such a precarious outfit and sensing her sisters scrutiny turned and introduced her boyfriend, James. Hank took this as his cue, and thrust a his powerful right hand out to James and performed the kind of hand shake that only a car salesman can perform. James winced under the pressure.

"Well y’all come in" said Debbie as she began her wiggle on through the corridor and out towards the deck. Mary was disgusted, that suit was ridiculously tight on Debbie, had she no shame. Had she no pride. Women, in Mary’s opinion, should rely on their intellect rather than their appearance to command attention, although Mary thought to herself Debbie didn’t have much to fall back on in that category. Added to which Mary was somewhat surprised to see her sister had maintained the hourglass look, some well placed sources around Wichita Falls had assured her she’d got rather tubby.

To further her disgust, Mary could clearly see her sisters dumb, himbo husband staring shamelessly at the tightly packed behind, whilst her boyfriend continued to rub his hand after what was undoubtedly a rough handshake. This was going to be hard work, thought Mary.

Debbie sat them both down on the deck, and as Hank fetched Mary and James an apple juice, and himself a ‘Bud’ Debbie lowered herself carefully into a chair and smiled once again at her sister. And as she did so Mary couldn’t help noticing the beginnings of the double chin. Mary looked again, yes she definitely looked larger around the face and arms but the waist and hips appeared firm. Strange thought Mary.

"So what are you two studying now"

Mary began "I’m still doing Gender Studies".

Debbie smiled again "So just what do you study in Gender, is it kind of like sex".

Mary winced, "I’m studying the effect that being married has on the mental health of women".

Debbie smiled again, "Well that’s a good thing to study, without Hank I’d just be a wreck. I mean I don’t know how women working can possibly bring up a child properly, a child needs a mothers love, don’t you think".

Mary winced once again, "I’d say its more important for a women to be independent, not dependent on the wants and needs of a man".

Debbie didn’t want to go into this subject again, so she decided to switch the conversation. "So, that’s good. Well, err, James what is it you do".

James seemed to wake up from his study of Joe preparing the barbecue and in a distinctly ‘Berkeley’ accent began, "I study the social processes involved in the creation of pollution caused by the overuse of the automobile".

"Well Hank sells cars" Debbie chipped in.

Before James had time to prepare a response the doorbell rang once again, and, desperate to escape Debbie leapt up and wiggled desperately to the door. Almost ripping the skirt in the process.

To her relief her father, Dan, walked in, gave her a hug and beamed at her.

"Damn it Debbie babe you look great. Am I the first here".

"No Daddy, Mary and her new boyfriend are on the deck".

"What kind of freak is this one?" said Dan.

"The usual, he study’s the social processes of automobiles, I think".

Dan snorted, he’d been in the army for ten years, then the sheriffs department for another twenty and had a definite opinion about that kind of thing. In fact it was only for his eldest daughter that he’d agreed to come. He lived in Wichita Falls, so it was no trouble getting there but he really didn’t want to see his ex-wife and her freakish boyfriend, let alone Mary and one of her ‘twinkle-toes’ boyfriends from California. Hopefully he’d be able to hook up with Hank and his buddies, talk about football and cars and have nothing to do with them.

Debbie then began her wiggle through the hall and as she did so Dan just couldn’t help thinking that his eldest daughter appeared to have lost some weight. Not that he was complaining, at least he had one daughter who cared about her appearance.

Fifteen minutes later, after a fair few of the families other relatives had arrived, the doorbell once again rang. Debbie wiggled again to the door and to her considerable relief opened it to her mother. After a short hug Debbie critically looked her over. She was wearing pink leggings, a flowery hippie style shirt and had flowers in her hair. Debbie felt like screaming, how could her mother do this to her, one of the neighbours would definitely see. Hell, half of Wichita Falls must have noticed!

To her horror, at that moment she heard the powerful engine of Brenna Carlson’s Ford Expedition driving up the road, of all the neighbours this was the worst that could possibly have arrived. Brenna was about the same age as her, the wife of the local WalMart manager and although somewhat shorter had a figure and credit card to equal that of Debbie. Her son, Casey, was also several test points up on Danny. She was about the last person Debbie wanted to see her hippie mother and that freakish boyfriend of her’s. Debbie acted quickly.

She thrust her mother through the door of the house, then stood in front of her mother, therefore blocking any view from outside. She then pointed at the van and yelled, with as much force as her tight underwear allowed, "Get that fucking van off my driveway and park it round the back".

Jeff, the fifty five year old ‘boyfriend’ looked in horror as the overly curvy blonde in the tight suit, who he assumed to be Debbie, yelled at him. He then leapt back in the van and shot off down the road.

At that moment the large white Expedition pulled into the house opposite and as Brenna Carlson with her son Casey stepped out Debbie gave her a friendly wave and prayed once again that she hadn’t seen who got out of that camper-van.

Mary stood back in the hall, after not seeing each other for over two years the first words her mother had heard Debbie say were "get that fucking van off my drive". Once again Mary thought to herself "What a bitch".

She then greeted her mother.

Seeing that her mother had now walked off with Mary into the house Debbie wiggled her way down the driveway and over to meet Brenna. They were actually good friends, it was just that in every good friendship a little competition was needed. For instance, the day Hank bought Debbie the new Suburban, Brenna had demanded that her husband went out and trade in her Explorer for a new Expedition. To hell with the debt. And Debbie respected her for that, she’d have done exactly the same. They also had one more thing in common, something that was never discussed, but it involved a few secret visits each year to a lingerie shop down in Dallas.

"Hi there" Debbie said smiling to Brenna.

"Hiya, family all over today" said Brenna, anxious to know just who that freaky van had belonged to.

"Yeah, my mom’s flown over from ….er… Las Vegas" Debbie gulped.

"Oh, she’s one of those seniors who go over to Vegas for the sun, casino’s and cheap real estate" Brenna said slyly.

Debbie normally would have protested about cheap real estate but in the circumstances the last thing Debbie wanted was for it to get out that her mother was a hippie that toured the country in a camper van. It was much better for Brenna to think that she actually owned real estate, however cheap.

"So what have you been doing" said Debbie directing her attention to Casey.

Brenna cut in, this was a question she was desperate to answer.

"We’ve been over at the ranch, Casey’s learning to ride a horse". Brenna smiled smugly.

Casey then cut in, "mommy can I go over to Danny’s house".

Debbie winced, Brenna smiled and looked over. This was her chance to finally meet the family, and see just who did drive that van.

Debbie’s head spun, if she said yes Brenna would have to come over too; to not invite her would look odd. Although at the same time, if she did come over she’d definitely see her mom. Unless. Debbie had an idea.

"Sure, both of you come round. We’ve got barbecue and you can meet the family".

"Cool" said Brenna "I’ll just get changed and be right over".

As Debbie wiggled back across to the house her plan began to form clearly in her head. Her mom wouldn’t be causing any trouble when Brenna was there. She smiled to herself.

Moments later she was showing her mom the way down the stairs into the basement room, whilst being careful not to damage her skirt in the process. This was a relief to her mom who was desperate for a little quality time with her eldest daughter. Debbie told her they were going to look at present she was storing for Mary. This had also pleased her mom.

Seconds later her mother cleared the doorway and stepped into the first of the three basement rooms. Debbie smiled, and pointed at the formidable exercise machine on the floor.

"Mom, I’ve bought this for Mary, so she can work out after all those hours reading. It’s just like the one I use" she said as she ran her hands down her shapely body "but I just want a second opinion about whether its right. And I know you’re an expert on these things".

Her mom eyed the machine over.

"Looks pretty damn good, must have cost over a five hundred bucks" she said.

Debbie smiled, "Yes, well Hank really is making good money. It’s no trouble, I mean what’s family for. You goin’ to have a go on it?".

"Yeah sure, why don’t you join me". Debbie straightened out a little, the mere thought of exercise sent shivers down her spine, she smiled again.

"I couldn’t possibly mom, I spent an hour working out this morning, and, well I just haven’t got the energy right now. It’s hard work entertaining all these people" Debbie said sincerely.

Her mom nodded. "Good to hear it. See ya soon".

She smiled to herself, maybe she’d got the wrong message after her daughters earlier attack on Jeff and the van, and it was a good machine.

Debbie turned, leaving her mom setting up the rowing machine, and as she wiggled carefully up the steps and into the hallway, checking her look in the giant mirror, she prayed that the machine would keep her mom occupied for the time Brenna was here. Her mother could say all sorts of embarrassing things.

Thirty minutes later the doorbell rang once again as Brenna Carlson and her son Casey arrived. Excitedly, moments after their arrival, Casey had shown Danny his new pet lizard and the two boys had run up the stairs to no doubt torment the poor creature or play on Danny’s Nintendo. This pleased both Brenna and Debbie who could now concentrate full time on their look, children can be the perfect fashion accessory one minute and the worst the next.

After some deliberation Debbie had decided to introduce Brenna to her sister, Mary, after all despite being a little strange she did go to a big university and that would no doubt impress. Particularly as Debbie knew that Brenna’s academic qualifications went no further than her own college diploma in beauty therapy. In fact, that’s where they’d first met.

Mary looked up in horror as she saw Debbie approaching with another women who she definitely hadn’t seen before. James had been captured by Hank who was busy showing him and all the other ‘good ol boy’s’ at the party his power tools and sports equipment. She’d mercifully avoided this and instead was sipping another apple juice and wondering just where her mother had gone.

Debbie began, "Hi Mary, I’d like you to meet Brenna, she lives just across the road".

Mary gulped and gave Brenna a glance over. She was somewhat shorter than Debbie, yet had a similar hourglass look, and was tightly encased in a knee length blue dress. Much to Mary’s disgust she also noticed the dark roots on her long blonde hair that confirmed heavy dye and chest that, like Debbie’s, could not possibly have been real. Just another one of Debbie’s bimbo friends Mary concluded.

"Hi I’m Mary, nice to meet you" lied Mary.

After exchanging pleasantries both Debbie and Brenna carefully lowered themselves into chairs either side of Mary and began to help themselves to some apple juice. Both quietly disappointed that there wasn’t something a little heavier on offer.

Mary decided to take the initiative.

"So, Brenna what do you do?" she said, then quickly wished she hadn’t.

Brenna looked a little confused, sipped at her drink and looked over at Debbie.

"Well, err, my husbands manager of the WalMart Supercenter, and I look after our son Casey. What do you do" said Brenna still smiling.

"I study gender issues at Berekley in California" said Mary.

"That’s near San Francisco isn’t it" said Brenna.


"Their all gay in San Francisco aren’t they" said Brenna intelligently.

And so the conversation progressed, and after ten minutes Brenna had successfully established that her husband did in fact earn more that James, and that Mary really ought to look after her appearance a little more. She’d also been told that not everyone in San Francisco really was gay, although Brenna herself really wasn’t sure about that. For her part Mary wanted to scream, she was thoroughly sick of both Debbie and Brenna as they tried desperately to out do each other on family income, kid grades at school and were constantly preening themselves just to make sure everything looked just right. As Brenna began to complain about the presence of an African-American, to use the polite and unused phrase, teacher at Danny’s school Mary was ready to really give them both a piece of her mind, but then mercifully Joe’s barbecue interrupted.

A large man in a chef’s outfit bellowed "Right y’all foods ready just come up and get what you want".

Both Debbie and Brenna smiled and with some difficulty got themselves up from their seats and wiggled over to the table where freshly cut steaks and ribs lay.
For her part, Mary got up and headed into the house in search of her mother. She couldn’t figure out where she could have gone.

After making sure Brenna was happily chatting with her father next to the barbecue Debbie dashed down the steps looking for Hank. It was important he played a prominent role in the proceeding, she wanted every women to see what a hunk of a husband she had, and he was looking particularly good today. As she wiggled round the side of the house she noticed Hank appearing from the outside basement door obviously with another crate of ‘Buds’ for the guys. She stopped him.

"Hank honey, what are you doing" she said sweetly.

Hank paused and put the crate down, "Just getting some more beer, and…er… apple juice for that guy from California".

"Look, honey, I know you’d rather spend time with the guys but I want you to spend some time with me, people need to see us together".

"Sure no problem baby, I’ll drop this off and be right with you. Oh just one more thing, been talking to your mom back there, didn’t know you were giving Mary my multi-gym" said Hank with a concerned look across his face.

Debbie giggled, and rubbed herself seductively against Hank’s hard body. And with a sly smile began:

"Don’t be silly, I just told her that to keep her busy. Brenna’s here and, well, mom can say some silly things sometimes".

"Oh, I see" said Hank, not fully understanding his wife’s motives.

Debbie continued to rub herself against Hank, and as she looked herself over in her vanity mirror and re-applied some lip stick began.

"Hank, honey, have you seen Brenna in that blue dress" Hank nodded "Well I think she’s got a real cheek coming to my party and trying to out-do me like that".

She backed away again, adopting a model’s pose and giving Hank a full view of her spectacular figure.

"Now, honey, I want you to be honest, how do I look" she said.

Hank gulped, "Baby, you look stunning. I mean Brenna can’t do nothing for nobody like you can" he reached over and gave her a hug "You look like something out of a dream"

Debbie smiled broadly, and gave Hank a deep kiss, leaving him with little doubt about what she wanted to do that night. She loved it when he said just what she wanted. And with that she wiggled back up to the barbecue, and Hank followed on with the heavy crate, staring once again at his wife’s tightly packed rear as it tried desperately to burst the stitching of her skirt with each step.

Inside the basement Debbie’s mom leapt off the rowing machine and headed for the door. An open widow had given her all the information she needed. She’d give her stuck of daughter a good piece of her mind, and in front of that bitch from across the road too.

As Mary reached, after searching all around the ground floor of the house, the bottom of the steps she noticed that the deck was on stilts, under which it was clear Hank kept a considerable collection of sports equipment and other things that obviously wouldn’t fit in the house. In fact at that moment she could see him opening yet another beer from a large crate and demonstrating to the group some ridiculously oversized fishing pole. She could also see James looking somewhat unimpressed as Hank demonstrated the perfect swing, and in doing so nearly taking his eye out. What a dumb jock she once again thought to herself, although he does suit Debbie perfectly she thought.

As she walked round the wall she was shocked, a few moments later, to see her mother stagger out, covered in sweat, of what appeared to be a back door.

Mary ran over, "what’s happened mom"

Her mother gasped for breath, "That bitch of a sister of yours just locked me in a god damn basement with a multi-gym. Said she wanted me to try it before she gave it to you, but it seems she just wanted to get me out of the way. Well I’m going to get her".

Mary couldn’t believe it. "Show me".

Moments later Mary was lead down into the basement and shown the multi gym machine, and the window through which she had overheard her eldest daughters conversation. Mary then stepped into the next room, out of pure curiosity, and switched the light on. It had a washing machine and dryer and clothes clearly hanging to dry, as Mary glanced around she noticed a couple of garments that really did catch her eye.

"What’s that mom" she asked pointing to four white ‘panty like’ items that hung drying.

Her mother looked for a second and then smiled broadly.

"They my dear are what are known as girdle’s. It’s what fat, vain girls use to go down a size or two. Looks like your sister has something to hide".

Mary began quickly, "Yes that fits, the girl I spoke with at the beauticians here said that Debbie really had gotten quite big, and by the looks of that suit I’d bet a million bucks she’s got one on right now". Her mother nodded.

As Mary and her mother dashed round towards the deck, uncertain what to do with their newly found piece of information, they saw Hank take one last swish with the giant fishing pole. Then explain just how big the bass was he’d caught with it last month and then lead the rest of the guys up the steps and onto the deck, undoubtedly to fill themselves up with BBQ.

As they stood below surveying the complicated device, a familiar voice could be heard above.

"So just where is your mother" they heard Brenna ask.

"She’s real tired, after the flight over from Vegas and just had to go and have a sleep. I just can’t bare to disturb her" said Debbie caringly.

"Oh" replied Brenna. "Debbie, I just have to ask, but who was driving that van I saw coming out of your drive".

Debbie shifted her weight a little, and began "It was some loser nuts from some wacko cult near Waco. Hank kicked their ass and they ran off". And as Debbie continued to describe the bad people in the van, and how Hank had kicked em real good Mary picked up the fishing pole.

Mary suddenly had a plan, it was crazy in the extreme but it might just work. She looked upwards to where she could clearly see through the gaps in the deck were Debbie stood talking to Brenna. Mary grabbed hold of the giant pole and looked upwards.

As Mary carefully manoeuvred the surprisingly light aluminium pole towards the gap in the deck above, her mother whispered.

"Stop, I’m going up there to give her one last chance", and with that her mother dashed quickly up the stairs.

Debbie gasped as she saw her mother, drenched in sweat and looking as mad as she’d seen her climbing up the steps and towards her.

"Oh shit" she muttered to herself.

"What was that" said Brenna.

"Oh…er… nothing. Let me show you the new hot tub we got last month" said Debbie, trying desperately to manoeuvre herself into a position that blocked her mom from Brenna’s view. A task made particularly difficult by the knee clamping nature of her skirt. But it was too late.

Brenna looked towards her mom, "who’s that, I don’t think we’ve been introduced".

Debbie began to sweat ever so slightly, "Oh, her, she’s nobody. Let me show you the tub".

Now this intrigued Brenna, who stood firm. Debbie never described her relatives as nobody’s, even though most were.

From below Mary could watch all Debbie’s desperate movements, and grew madder by the second. How could she treat their mother like this. She’d had enough, she’d give that bitch a party she’d never forget. And so she slowly began to move the pole into position.

Her mother was now almost next to Debbie, causing her to stick her hips out in one last desperate attempt to keep her mother away. She could just imagine it, Brenna would want to know just how big the retirement home was in Vegas, and her mother would instead tell her about the van. Brenna would appear all interested, find out all the details about her and Jeff’s activities, and she’d never be able to live it down. Then she felt a slight tug. She froze.

No it couldn’t be. Then she felt it again. She yelped ever so slightly. Something was pulling at her girdle. She ran her hand’s desperately down her tightly packed rear and legs, searching for whatever she must have got caught on. She found nothing. As it slipped again her eyes began to bulge.

"What the….." she thought to herself. Then it slipped further again. Debbie thrust her arms onto her hips in a confused attempt to wedge the girdle in place. It continued to slip down, she pushed harder. A look of bemused terror crossed her face. She could feel her excess gradually bulging out, placing more and more pressure on her too tight skirt. She began to fidget desperately, swinging her hips wildly in a hope of shaking off whatever was pulling at her. The girdle continued to slip.

Brenna looked in surprise, then an evil smile crossed her face. She could clearly see Debbie’s excess building up and figured her girdle must be slipping. Brenna had always suspected Debbie of wearing one, but had never been able to prove it. She began to laugh loudly. As this happened every eye on the deck pointed at the strange sight of Debbie wiggling desperately as she expanded slowly inside her skirt.

"Hank, get over here" Debbie yelled.

Hank dropped his latest Bud and in his semi-drunken state began to walk towards his obviously distressed wife. He couldn’t figure out what was happening.

"Don’t stand their you idiot, help me "she yelled.

Hank looked confused, if he knew how he would. The sight of her stood there like that was just too much though.

He grabbed hold of her hips and began to squeeze. In shock Debbie momentarily let go of the slipping girdle. It was an action that would cost her dearly.

"Don’t do that you fool" she bawled, giving Hank a look that was usually reserved for pump attendants and the like. Hank backed away.

Below Mary gave the pole one last tug.

Debbie felt it slip right down. She screamed. And the flood gates opened, Debbie felt the skirt pushed to explosion point. No this couldn’t be happening. Her waist and rear had suddenly increased two sizes, it looked and felt for a brief second like she might explode. Debbie held her breath, and privately cursed every extra cookie or French fry she’d ever eaten.

The crowd looked down at what appeared to be a formidable open-faced girdle laying at her feet, then up at the somewhat larger Debbie. Wild choruses of laughter broke out. Tears welled up in Debbie’s eyes. In a move based more around pure horror and desperation rather than clear thinking she clumsily grabbed downwards to try and restore some dignity and pull up her girdle.

The skirt already under immense pressure gave up the fight. As she reached down, the pressure between her soft skin and the over-stretched material grew too much, with a loud RIPPPP the stitching of her skirt exploded outwards, revealing her bare behind to all. Debbie screamed. This was just too much for her. She lost all sense of clear thinking, nine of her fake finger nails popped off, she could feel her fake eye lashes slipping and as all this happened she instinctively swung her hands back to cover up her exposed rear. The sudden movement was too much for her skin tight top, and as her arms shot back the buttons exploded forward and showered all those stood to her front. They gasped as they stared at Debbie’s formidable and now completely exposed chest, they then looked down to the packed to bursting stomach scruncher. The laughter intensified,

Debbie looked around desperately, everyone was laughing at her. Now in a complete state of panic Debbie acted without thinking, she leapt forward in an attempt to dash through the sliding doors. As she leapt forward the girdle at her legs acted as a vice, and within seconds the body of Debbie Hill went crashing to the floor. She screamed once more as her body thudded again the patio deck. Then she blanked out.

Bellow Mary smiled to herself as she listened to the laughter above. Hank looked in horror as he ran over to comfort his fallen wife. Brenna was laughing so hard she almost collapsed, Debbie would never live this down.

"Hey Debbie, been working out much lately" she said between laughs.

"You look even worse than that freaky sister of yours" she continued.

That was it, Mary had Brenna lined up and began to pull. This was another phoney who needed to be exposed. Brenna screamed but it was too late, within seconds her girdle lay at her feet. The rest of the crowd began to laugh harder. It was too much for the distraught Brenna, she like Debbie before her, tried desperately to grab for the girdle and as she did so Debbie’s mother stood behind said,

"Here let me give you a hand" and with that she gave her a solid push forward.

And as she fell another loud RIPPP could be heard as Brenna Carlson crashed down next to the stunned Debbie. She too blanked out as she hit the deck.

As Hank carried the now frozen with shock and embarrassment women through the patio doors and up the stairs Mary could be heard from below yelling triumphantly

"It is true that everything is bigger in Texas".

The deck irrupted in hysterical laughter.

Sunday 24 March 2019

Phony University

This is the work of Logan Chance. You can see more of his works here:

 Current series is "Bald Boss":

Friday 22 March 2019

Ramona Luv and Piper Austin

Ramona Luv is a 34B while Piper Austin is 35D but the difference sure looks like a lot more. Sets from AmKingdom.

Tuesday 19 March 2019


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Saturday 16 March 2019

Athena Faris

Not that small, but she's got lots of lovely bras.

Sets from JaysPOV, NewSensations, TeamSkeet, SisLovesMe, CherryPimps, and others.

 I think B cups are best

