Friday 31 May 2019

Nora Danish

I have to thank a reader for taking me back to Malaysia. Seems controversy erupted with this actress after this pictures was publish:

 She has denied surgery. Some simple checks suggest she'd been padding for awhile actually...


Tuesday 28 May 2019

Caitriona Balfe

She is an Irish model and actress. She also did VS!

She has filled out now, her boobs are bigger. Outtake from "Outlander".

Sunday 19 May 2019

Debbie 2

Part 2.

Debbie groaned as the traffic slowed as she entered the Wichita Falls city limits. She'd been driving for over an hour now after visiting a friend and an exclusive beauty salon down in Fort Worth in preparation for the weekend's upcoming event. This weekend, Debbie, with her husband Hank, was to participate in the 'Wichita Falls Country Club' golf tournament. It was important, Debbie felt, that she was to look her absolute best for the event, as quite simply anybody who was anyone would be there. It was also the first time she and Hank had been invited so it was important to impress. Debbie glanced up at her reflection in the mirror, applying a little extra lipstick as she did.

She ran her tongue seductively through her perfectly white teeth and smiled at herself; Marcia had done a good job. Debbie studied her golden blonde hair, anxiously looking for any possible signs of her dark roots, and smiled once again as she found none. She glanced down at her perfectly manicured finger nails, then at her shiny gold wedding ring. She then looked up again at her face, the slight double chin was still there, her cheeks looked a little fleshy and she could feel her girdle and waist cincher digging into her soft middle. Marcia at the salon had given her all sorts of diet plans but Debbie just couldn't stick with them. Since an early age Debbie had possessed the kind of curves that sent men crazy, and also allowed her to eat pretty much whatever she wanted. And she had always wanted a lot. It's just that now it was all catching up, and she struggled to fit herself in any of her clothes even with artificial support. Debbie then smiled again, despite all that she could still command the attention of any man she wanted, and so she continued to apply her red lipstick.

The large white Chevy Suburban veered into the left hand lane as Debbie carefully maneuvered the lipstick. Traveling at 80mph the man passing had little time to react. He rammed the gas down on his rented Buick and swerved further to the left. Kicking up sand and dirt as he did so. Debbie's eyes only left her reflection in the mirror as the dust and sand crashed heavily against her window, completely blocking her vision for a few moments. She instinctively rammed her foot down for the brakes, missing the pedal completely as she clumsily maneuvered her precarious high heels. Then the smoke cleared. "Fuck it!!" She muttered to herself. Some people just don't know how to drive; she honked her horn at the idiot in front. If she was in the left lane why didn't he pass on the right? Debbie reflected. She then groaned again, tugging at her tight cotton skirt, a girdle could be so uncomfortable on long journeys.

Ten minutes later Debbie pulled off Interstate 44, and as she stood at a red light waiting to turn down 'Aireville Terrace' she noticed a large sign reading 'Mr. Shine's Car Wash'. It occurred to her that her shiny white car was probably more gray after that idiot on the interstate, and one of the neighbors might see it before Hank had chance to hose it down. That couldn't be allowed to happen. So as the light turned green Debbie cut across two lanes of traffic and into 'Mr. Shine's'. Debbie stopped at the beginning of the line of several cars, put the car into neutral and carefully stepped down from the mammoth vehicle. Her skirt really was tight and she didn't want to risk an accident in front of all the trailer trash that worked at such places. As she tugged once again at her skirt a Hispanic women in the blue 'Mr. Shine' uniform began in heavily accented English,

"What can we do for you"

Debbie straightened up, brushing some of the creases in her tight white blouse. She looked down at the women, she was a little short but with perfectly straight black hair, and even in her overalls was strikingly pretty. Not in the voluptuous and explosive manner of Debbie but in a more subtle, athletic way. Debbie felt a pang a jealousy as she read the girls name tag.

"I can't understand you, speak English!" she said whilst avoiding any kind of eye contact.

"Ehh" said the confused Maria "What can we do for you"

Debbie had had enough; if such people want to flood across the boarder they should learn English before they did so. "This won't do" said Debbie as she placed her hands on her waist and spread her legs as far apart as the skin tight skirt would allow. It was no use being nice with this girl. Debbie glanced around looking for someone suitable. She then pointed, and speaking very slowly began "See....him....over....there" Maria nodded "". Maria shrugged her shoulders and walked over, "What a bitch" she thought to himself. She'd been born and raised in Texas and must have seen a million dumb blonde's in big cars, who the hell did she think she was?

Moments later the, much to Debbie's relief, somewhat lighter skinned man came over. "What's the problem" he said in a distinct Texan drawl as he looked up and down at the ready to explode blonde. She was hot.

Debbie smiled, "I just wanted 'the works' wash. I was just having trouble communicating with missy over there" she said, rolling her eyes knowingly.

"No problem, it'll be $12 and about half an hour" the man smiled back, waving the work party over to begin work on Debbie's Suburban. Why do the cute ones always have to be like that? he wondered to himself.

Debbie then leaned over ever so slightly, as if appearing to whisper in the man's ear, yet making sure the whole work party could hear

"I know just what's in there so make sure none of those people take anything. I know what their like". She then smiled, pushed her sunglasses back on and wiggled slowly over to the waiting room. Swinging her hips with each step forward, her heels clicking rapidly on the ground. The work party's jaws dropped, "What a bitch!" they all thought together, but every man wished desperately to be the guy who bought her that car, that's why they were in America. Maria shook her head.

As Debbie stepped into the waiting room she glanced around, noticing the looks of admiration she was receiving from the male customers as she stepped forward and joined the line. Several people later Debbie handed over one of her four Platinum cards and as she did so something caught her eye. Somewhere deep in her stomach she felt a rumble as she looked at the tubs of Hagen Daaz ice cream. She licked her lips. She couldn't resist, yes she knew her weight was now in the mid 180's and she was supposed to be on a diet but after a long drive she needed something. "I'll take a large tub of the chocolate Hagen Daaz" she said quietly to the girl at the desk. As Virgie leant over and passed Debbie the tub of ice cream she couldn't help noticing the extreme hourglass look. Funny, she thought, Debbie's type didn't normally go for the ice cream.

Debbie then carefully sat herself down, and stared at the ice cream. She couldn't resist, Debbie eagerly peeled the top open and, using the plastic spoon provided, began to devour the sweet ice scream. Fifteen minutes later Virgie once again glanced over at Debbie as she finished off the ice cream. What a piglet she thought to herself, she'd gulped the whole thing down in minutes. Must be a one off though she thought as she looked down at the firm stomach and rear, she then looked up noticing Debbie slight double chin and ample chest. Strange she once again thought to herself.

As Debbie stood up and wiggled her way slowly out of the door and on to her now perfectly clean car she couldn't help feeling a little bloated. She'd eaten all that ice cream very quickly, she felt ready to explode in her skin tight outfit. Damn, Debbie thought to herself as she continued her wiggle towards the car; the Mexican girl was stood there with her keys. She would check everything when she got back in, she wouldn't put it past her sort to steal a few free calls from her cell phone. She then glanced once again at the girl, she had the kind of athletic good looks that Debbie had made fun of at high school, the kind that had never seemed to aroused the boys attention quite as much as her curves had. And also, Debbie reflected, the kind of looks that held after you passed thirty. She once again felt the pang of jealousy. "Ohh" Debbie groaned quietly, she really was ready to explode.

"Car is ready, its a nice car too, somebody special buy it for you?" said Maria, smiling broadly.

Debbie snatched the key's from her and as she opened the door and said with an evil smile "Yes my husband, it must be frustrating for you seeing cars like this but never getting to drive one out. Is it?"

Maria's jaw drawer dropped once again, she couldn't believe it. How could she answer the bitch?

Debbie smiled back coldly, feigning mock sympathy. She loved that feeling of untouchable superiority; it helped her put one over the pretty car washer. She opened the door to the truck and prepared to clime in, as she did so quite a few of the car wash attendants watched her. They knew from years working there that the view of a nice looking woman in a tight skirt as she climbed up in to a large sport utility was not to be missed. Maria noticed them gathering and frowned. It wasn't that she minded the guys staring in general, quite converse, she often played along and asked the guys "Whatchu tink a that?" and all the guys would give thumbs up and smile. Maria knew it was one of the few pleasures they got working at a car wash. It's just that now they were going to be drooling over this bitch, and it bothered her. She watched as Debbie tried to raise her left leg over the doorsill, but she couldn't seem to do it on the first try. Then she reached down and pulled her skirt up to give her legs a little more room to perform the tricky maneuver. She lifted her leg again slowly and carefully, this time she got her foot onto the sill, and exposed quite a bit more leg in the process, and slit in the back of her skirt had ridden up to just under her bum and was stretched open so that several inches of her slip was showing. Her skirt strained around her firm round bum as the men all stared. Maria rolled her eyes; it figured the bitch would put on a show. Debbie reached and grabbed the seat and the door and rocked back and forth slightly like she was trying to build up enough momentum to heave herself up into the truck. Suddenly, Maria took a close look at Debbie's slip and realized it wasn't a slip all it was a girdle! She walked a little closer and looked again. She saw the heavy looking white Lycra spandex and nylon material stretched between Debbie's legs and began to laugh hysterically. The men all looked at her confused. Maria yelled out in her best Spanish. "False alarm guys, she wearing a girdle!" and began to laugh harder. The men still looked confused. Maria reached out and grabbed hold of Debbie's skirt and held it as Debbie stepped up onto the doorsill. As Debbie stepped in with her right foot she felt a tug, she reached behind her, fearing she was caught on something. Maria slipped Debbie's skirt up over her bum and gave everyone in the car wash a clear view of the shiny white firm control girdle that lie beneath. Debbie straightened up quickly, as her hands flew to backside. She gasped as she realized what had happened and turned back to see Maria laughing. Maria was still explaining in Spanish "You know, elastic around here" she said gesturing with her hands around her hips "to make you look skinny, when you're really a fat pig." A look of realization swept over the crowed of men as they nodded understandingly and waved dismissively at Debbie and began to laugh as they walked back to their assigned places. Debbie clumsily tugged her skirt back down over her girdle and smoothed it back into place. She quickly slid onto the seat and slammed the door closed; she was too embarrassed to confront anyone now, and drove off.

That evening Debbie lay across the sofa with her head resting on Hanks powerful legs, and as she finished off the final piece of pizza began "Hank I'm concerned about what happened at the car wash" That was an understatement as Debbie was still seething at the way she'd been humiliated that in front of a bunch low lives. She had, of course, called the manager of the car wash later that afternoon and told him exactly what, from her point of view, happened. He had then assured her that such a girl would no longer be working for 'Mr. Shine', and had literally fired Maria as Debbie talked on the phone. One of the advantages, Debbie thought, of having a husband whose family owned the biggest garage in town. This reaction had pleased Debbie initially, but she still felt bad about the whole thing. How could they laugh at her like that?, and she had, if she was honest, been a little cruel to the girl, it wasn't her fault she was so pretty. Anyway, Debbie thought, she'd quickly pick up a job at a McDonald's or something.

She decided to change the subject to something happier. "I can't wait til Friday, Hank. Tell me again who all's gonna be there!" Debbie said excitedly. Hank began to rattle off the names of the all the important guest as Debbie drifted to sleep with a big smile on her face.

The next Friday morning Maria now under the employment of 'Professional Cleaners Inc.' was dropped off at 39 Aireville Terrace with the task of making sure the house was shiny clean for a Mrs. Debbie Hill. It was her first day on the job and like all the new girls; she got to clean this house. Apparently no one like the owner and every time someone new started, the person assigned to the Hill's got 'promoted' to another home. Of course no one at Professional Cleaners ever told the Hills why they went through maids like Handy Wipes, they just said that all of the girls had quit, which didn't do anything to bridle Debbie's belief that all 'these people' were unreliable. Maria took a deep breath; the thought of cleaning someone else's house depressed her. Not that the job at the car wash was glamorous, it's just that it seemed more like a job, and this seemed like being servant. Maria swallowed her pride and walked up the long walkway to the front door, all the time thinking just what she'd do if ever she saw that blonde again, she smiled as she imagined the first bunch hitting home.

Debbie smiled in the mirror after she'd finally managed to button up her skin tight jeans, she was only dropping Danny off at school and then doing the going on to the grocery store but you just never know who you could meet. Added to which it was good practice for the outfit she had planned for the evenings outing. They'd been busy on the day of her thirtieth birthday so tonight she and Hank were to go out to an exclusive new bar that had opened over the other side of town. She then slipped on a white blouse that whilst appearing tight around what Hank called the 'Silicone Valley', covered up the way her belly bulged over her jeans. Then the doorbell ran. Must be the cleaner.

Seconds later Debbie opened the door and looked at Maria without recognizing her. "Who the hell are you?" she asked surprised. Maria couldn't believe it. She stared once again. Yes it was her, it was the blonde. Maria clenched her fist; this would be sweet. She prepared her swing. At that moment Danny stepped out of the room and said as a matter of fact, "Mommy, we'd better be setting off to school. I don't want to be late" Debbie glanced round, "Sure honey, get in the car and I'll be over in a minute".

Maria realized that Debbie didn't recognize her, and still shocked, managed to fumble out an explanation as a million thoughts ran through her head. "Colleen, uh..quit. I'm the new girl."

Debbie looked outside and saw the Professional Cleaners inc truck and took a deep breath.

"Really! You people are unbelievable!" she said exasperatedly. She brought Maria into the house and went over all the rules exactly how she wanted everything done. After a while she turned to Maria "So just get on with it and don't break anything otherwise it'll come out of your pay" and with that she turned around again and stepped through the garage door after Danny. Maria still couldn't believe it. That woman had cost her a good job; her apartment and then when she stood on her doorstep the damn women hadn't even recognized her. If her son hadn't stepped out when he had she'd also now have a broken nose Maria thought to herself as she began get out her cleaning equipment. She glanced out of the window as the white Suburban reversed onto the road, yes it was definitely her. She'd recognize that car anywhere.

As Maria continued to clean the house her hatred for Debbie Hill intensified. The women obviously had no taste; the house was decorated in some over the top ranch style, with guns hanging on the wall and paintings of ridiculous looking cowboys shooting Indians. Maria had also taken a good look at what appeared to be Debbie's 'trophy table', with pictures of her from various 'important' events. Maria winced as she looked at the cheerleader photos, then the wedding shots and finally of her stood posing in some flashy Las Vegas casino. Maria could just imagine the sort of person Debbie Hill was, the kind who'd never really had to work for anything and had shamelessly taken advantage of every man who'd fallen for her explosive blonde bombshell look. And Maria could imagine there'd been quite a few who'd done just that. It's just that Maria knew the secret behind those curves, and uncontrollably, she felt the urge to tell Debbie's photo what she really wanted to say to her face. "If everyone only new what a fat bitch you really are." It felt surprising good to let it out, "I bet you'd just die, wouldn't you chubby?"

Maria started in the basement, cleaning the family room and Danny's playroom. Next she cleaned the bar, and then opened the door to what she thought was the bathroom and found what looked like a store room. It had a multi-gym in the middle and lots of shelves with all kinds of rarely used appliances and things on them. There was a bread maker, an electric rotisserie, and a food dehydrator. In the corner were a steam press for pressing clothes and an Ironing board, "Like she ever does her own laundry." Maria laughed to herself. There was a Thigh-Master, an Ab-Cruncher, both with dust on them, Maria noticed, an expensive looking food processor, a sewing machine, and one of those Bose boom box radios. "Does this chick buy anything that doesn't come from the Home Shopping Channel?" She tuned out the light shut the door and found the bathroom at the other end of the basement. Next she went up stairs and after cleaning the vast ground floor of the house Maria worked her way up to the master bedroom. Maria glanced quickly around the expensively furnished room and then walked over to two double doors, must be the closet Maria thought to herself. She'd been instructed not to enter it by Debbie, but Maria just couldn't resist. The idea that a phony like Debbie didn't want her in her closet was too tempting, who knows what she might find. The least she could do was have a look around.

Maria gasped as she entered. It was massive; in fact it was probably equal to the size of Maria's old apartment. Maria continued to glance around, along the wall opposite hung Debbie's vast array of clothes and shoes, beyond those and built into the walls were some of the most beautiful drawers Maria had ever seen. Presumably to put her foldables in. Along the adjacent walls was drawer after drawer of what appeared to be her lingerie and adjacent to that was Debbie's vanity. It was beautifully carved out of some expensive wood and just to finish it all off was the largest full length mirror Maria had ever seen. She turned the lights on, and gasped once again as the theatrical lighting perfectly illuminated the room; it was like a set out of Dallas. And it was all wasted on such a bitch rued Maria.

Maria noticed a dress bag hanging on the end of the row; it was from Yvonne's, the most exclusive dress boutique in Dallas. Maria couldn't resist having a peek. She unzipped the bag and there hung the most Beautiful gold dress she had ever seen. She ran her fingers over the material "You sure are one lucky bitch." she said to herself. Then she looked at the tag inside the dress, which read 7. "Oh you right, you wish!" she laughed in disbelief. "I hope you got another one of those girdles, your gonna need it." She zipped up the bag and began to walk out of the closet when suddenly she stopped and thought about what she had just said. She bit her bottom lip and raised an eyebrow as a sneaky smirk crept onto her mouth. "I wonder...?" She couldn't resist getting a better look, and so began carefully looking through all the drawers. If Debbie wore a girdle maybe there were other things about her that were fake too. She giggled to herself as she sifted through the powerful looking girdles and waist cinchers. As she opened the drawer containing Debbie's bras, she got a little excited hoping to find out Debbie wore padding, but to her dismay all of them were normal, even sexy, double Ds from Victoria's Secret. She was sure that Debbie's pushed up looking boobs were going to turn out to be fake, but she had to concede that they weren't. Then she then looked at Debbie's vanity and thought maybe she wears falsies and she keeps them in there. She slowly looked through Debbie's make-up drawers, but the only new info she came out with was that Debbie wore false eyelashes and fake nail tips. Then she glanced down at her watch. She'd spent over twenty minutes sifting through the women's drawers and really ought to be getting on. What if the bitch got back when she was in here? She'd be out of another job. Then one last drawer caught her eye, she looked again at her watch, what harm could one more drawer do? As she opened the drawer a look of surprise crossed Maria's pretty face, unlike the others this one contained neither clothes nor beauty products but instead what looked like a photo album. Maria couldn't resist and flicked it open; a broad smiled crossing her face as she did. The first half was largely dedicated to photos of Debbie at high school and before she was married, usually, Maria noted, attached to some big looking guy. Hell, though Maria, this woman must have screwed the whole school football team. She then moved on to the section that largely covered her with her husband. Although as Maria looked closely it became apparent that the album wasn't kept for sentimental reasons but rather it showed off pretty much all the outfits or other possessions she'd acquired. Maria shrugged her shoulders as she began to close the book, Debbie Hill was even more shallow and vain than she'd expected.

Maria closed the doors to the closet and went back down stairs to get ready to leave, when the phone rang. The answering machine picked up and Debbie's sugary voice said "Well howdy y'all, you've reached Hank, and Debbie, and Danny Hill. We're so sorry we missed ya' but leave a message at the beep and we'll call 'yall back as soon as we can. Thanks and have a great day." Maria stuck her finger down her throat. Beeeeeep. "Oh, hi Debbie, It's Brenna. I was just gonna run down town for some new shoes for tonight, and I was wonderin', if you hadn't found any to go with that gold dress yet, then maybe you'd want to go with me, but seein' as your not there, you must already be out looking for a pair! ha ha ha, Oh anyway...See ya tonight. Oh wait, I almost forgot, Dale wanted me to ask you to ask Hank if y'all wanted ride together since he's plannin' on drinkin' and what with the Lonestar bein' so far away and all, that it might be better if we took one know? Anyway, call me. Bye"

The Lone Star! Tonight! Maria slumped into one of the kitchen chairs and thought to herself. "Ugh, I never saw this bitch before last Thursday, and now I can't get her out of my life! That's just fucking great, now I have to listen to her complain about the service all night, and all of 'us' people all over again, while she dances with the mayor in her new $1000.00 dress." Marie pictured it in her head. "Fuck that, I'm calling in sick." She sat there for a few minutes. She really couldn't afford to call in sick; it's just that the thought of having to serve Debbie all night and put up with her bullshit was more than she could take. Maybe, though she thought to herself, she wouldn't have to take it. "What if her snobby friends found out about her little beauty secrets?" Maria thought to herself, " I bet she'd be outta there faster than she ran from the car wash!"

She thought for a minute and then an evil smile crossed her face and she began to laugh. She looked at her watch, not much time, and ran upstairs and into Debbie's room and into her closet, opened her drawer and looked at Debbie's girdles. "Which one?" she thought to herself, not knowing how to be sure Debbie would wear the 'right' one. Finally she grabbed two of the white open bottom style that she had seen Debbie wearing at the car wash and ran down to the basement.

Maria went into the storage room and pulled out the sewing machine and pulled off the hard plastic cover. It was one of those computerized ones with all the stitches at the touch of a button. Only the best for Debbie, she thought to herself. She looked at the list of stitches inside the cover and smiled with triumph. Number 47, zig-zag stitch. She looked on the shelf and found a box with spools of thread in it, and took out a white one. She looked at the back of Debbie's expensive girdle, and smiled. Just as she thought, it had one seam down the back. She took the sewing machine and the girdle over to the ironing board, where she pulled the girdle over the end so that the seam was facing up and set the machine down at the other end. She took a utility knife out of her apron pocket and stuck it in the seam, cutting the first few threads at the waistband. The girdle peeled open as Maria slid the knife along the heavily stitched seam. When she got to the hem, the girdle fell on the floor. She picked it up, plugged in the sewing machine, pushed 4, 7 on the keypad, and loaded the thread. She wrapped the girdle back together, lining up the two halves again and ran it through the machine from waistline to hemline. She pulled it from the sewing machine, leaving a long trail of white thread hanging from the bottom. Then she did the same thing to the other girdle, put the sewing machine away and headed back up stairs. She went back into Debbie's closet and placed the girdles back in the drawer, with one on top of each of the piles on either side. No matter which one Debbie grabbed, she be sure to get Maria's handiwork, but the risky plan hinged on the extra thread she left hanging from the new stitching. She folded the girdles so that the long trailing threads were rolled up inside. Her hope was that Debbie would squeeze herself in to one of them, without noticing the hanging thread in the back. If she made to the Lone Star and Maria could see the tread hanging just below the hem of her dress, her plan would work.

She gathered her cleaning stuff, loaded up the truck and drove off down Aireville Terrace. Maria smiled excitedly. What unbelievable luck. What she thought was a curse, she had turned into a fantastic shot at redemption. "What a great plan." she thought to herself. True it had very little chance of working, but waiting to see if it would, was going to make the next 6 hours feel like she won the lottery.

Hanks smiled as Debbie wiggled carefully down the stairs, checking herself in the mirror as she did. She looked truly stunning. She had somehow crammed herself into an absolutely skin tight shiny gold dress that clung to every curve of her voluptuous body. Her golden blonde hair had been expertly made up into an elaborate bun. The thin straps of her dress appeared ready to split as they dug into her fleshy shoulders. Her stunning double D cups were almost overflowing from the plunging neckline, and the shiny golden material appeared ready to burst as it clung around her firm but voluptuous stomach and rear. The dress continued to cling to her legs as it tapered in mercilessly, stopping just above her knees, squeezing them tightly together. Hank's eyes widened as he looked at her 5in, gold spiked stilettos. She could barely stand let alone walk down the stairs; he rushed up to help her. "Thank you honey" Debbie whispered sweetly as Hank took her hand. She'd noticed the way he'd looked at her, which was good. The 'Lone Star' was a very exclusive bar and it was important to look your best, especially when they were meeting with Brenna and Dale.

As they reached the foot of the stairs Hank exclaimed, "Wow, squeezy babe you've gone further than ever before. You all right in that?" he said. Whilst the last thing he wanted was for her to change out of the dress it really did look impossible tight. He didn't want her strangling herself with it.

"I'm fine honey" cooed Debbie as she gasped for breath "Just might need a little help with stairs". She then flipped out her vanity mirror and began touching herself up, her dad would be hear any minute to look after Danny. A few moments the doorbell rang and Debbie wiggled precariously towards the door. The dress really did make it almost impossible to move, but that was a look Hank loved, just wait till I get him on the dance floor she thought to herself. He won't be able to keep his hands off. With that she thrust the door open.

"Hiya, Debbie babe" said her father, Dan, bellowed out as her gave her a welcome hug.

"Hi, daddy" Debbie sweetly returned, "Thanks for coming over and looking after Danny. He's out in the yard, wants to play baseball" she said as she rolled her eyes. "You're set for a fun evening".

"Good" replied her father as he stepped into the hall.

Dan gave his eldest daughter a brief 'ten-four and then exclaimed "Debbie, darlin', you look great, they'll be guys dropping beers all night"

"Why thank you daddy" said Debbie as Hank walked down the hall buttoning up his shirt. "Hank, honey we need to be going" said Debbie as she stepped out of the door and into the driveway.

"I thought we'd take my truck" Hank shouted back.

"Don't be silly, honey" Debbie shot back "we'll take the Suburban"

"Why?" muttered Hank as he strode down the hall.

"How much did the truck cost?" Debbie questioned

"$28, 000" a confused Hank returned.

"And how much did the Suburban cost?"

"$32,000" said Hank. One thing he'd never tell her was he'd picked the damn thing up cheap for $20,000 at an auction down in Dallas, it wasn't important so she need never know.

"Well, that's why" said Debbie triumphantly. Debbie rolled her eyes in mock frustration, how could Hank seriously consider going to the most expensive club in Wichita Falls in a pickup truck. They'd have taken it to a rodeo or something, but it was totally inappropriate for 'Lone Star'. Hank smiled as he passed Dan and whispered, "You sure brought that girl up right". Dan nodded.

As the two headed out of the door Dan looked at his daughter wiggling over in her ready to burst dress. He looked again; she had to sway her hips almost in complete circles just to take the tiniest of steps forward, arching her rear simply to maintain balance. He could see the zip almost ready to burst, and her breasts, with each step, coming closer to spilling out. Dan had to admit she looked great, but as he did so he prayed quietly that she'd be looking the same when she got back. He wished, just for once, she'd dress a little more sensibly. Although, he reflected, from the age of thirteen onwards she'd been the same. He smiled as he remembered the dress she'd worn on her first date with Hank, that damn thing really was a second skin. Although perhaps not quite as tight as this one. He then winced as he remembered the white suit at the party, hopefully that wouldn't happen again.

Twenty minutes later Debbie, with Hank on her arms stepped into the 'Lone Star Bar'. The Longhorn was a new club, which, as the sign on the door said, offered the best Wichita Falls had to offer in food and entertainment. A band was scheduled to play some real 'rockin rodeo' music later on, but for now Debbie and Hank were relishing the thought of tucking into the t-bone's they'd seen advertised on TV. As they slowly made their way towards their reserved table Debbie glanced around, noticing that all the women were very well dressed, but perhaps none so spectacular as her. She also thought she saw a familiar face behind the bar, but quickly ignored the thought. Who could she possibly know who worked behind a bar?

Seconds later they arrived at their table, where Dale and Brenna Carlson already sat, "Howdy all" bellowed Hank as the somewhat large Dale stood and shook Hank's hand. Brenna also stood, revealing a tight yellow dress that clung to every curve of her hourglass body. Although, it wasn't quite as tight as hers Debbie noted with satisfaction. "Hiya Brenna" she said as she carefully sat herself down.

"What do you girls want to drink?" Dale asked loudly.

"I'll have that cocktail they had on TV" said Debbie quickly, it was the most expensive on the menu

And after Brenna had asked for exactly the same thing both Dale and Hank heaved themselves up and headed for the bar. As they did so both Debbie and Brenna whipped out their pocket size vanity mirrors and made sure their look had withstood the journey from the car park to the bar. Brenna then looked over, "How's the diet going Debbie?" she said with a sly smile

"Oh, very well" lied Debbie. Of course after their problems at Debbie's party both women had initially started a diet. Although if both were honest, which was not an option, their diets had been decidedly unsuccessful. In fact Brenna had actually gained a little since her humiliation. "Me too" said Brenna quickly.

"Heard you had some trouble at the car wash?" Brenna asked, wishing she'd never brought up the subject of diets. Particularly when they were both about to stuff themselves with T-Bones.

"Yeah" said Debbie "some stuck up little Mexican just couldn't understand me. Well, I told her to speak English but she just answered me back. I mean they shouldn't be allowed across the border"

Brenna nodded in agreement, "I've heard some bad stories about them. Do you know one of them robbed my sisters house in Amarillo"

Debbie smiled knowingly, "I know. Well after I'd left I checked I my cell phone and do you know they stole ten minutes worth of calls. Well I called the manager and told them who I was and they fired her. But still its worrying"

As Brenna nodded in agreement Maria placed the menu's on the table and heard the whole thing. The bitch was here, talking crap but what she didn't know was that she was missing a certain photo. Maria began to work out just how to let her know. Then Hank and Dale sat back down, with two cocktails and two 'Buds' and anounced they'd ordered the famous 'Longhorn Steak'.

Debbie groaned ever so slightly, she was half way through the gorgeous steak and could feel her expanded stomach pushing desperately hard against her powerful underwear. She gulped, and continued eating. The steak was too good to put down and she was quite confident in the strength of her underwear.

Maria looked over, Debbie was stuffing her face happily, just what she wanted.

Debbie put her knife and fork down, her plate was clean. She smiled over at Hank, "Can you get me another drink, honey"

"Sure thing, squeezy" said the semi-drunk Hank, Dale got up after him.

Brenna looked over and with raised eyebrows said inquisitively "Squeezy?"

Debbie blushed, "It's Hank's nickname for me. Says I'm his big squeeze toy. He just can't keep his hands off". Brenna had an alternate explanation but she kept that one to herself, she tried not to think about that party at Debbie's house.

"That's cute" smiled Brenna back.

"Got your drink" bellowed Hank as he sat down loudly. Kissing Debbie on the cheek as he did.

"Hi, I'm Maria, and well here at Lone Star every Friday night we run a best dress competition for all the ladies. The bar staff vote and we just present you with a free bottle of wine on the stage, and you get yourself in the paper" Debbie and Brenna sat upright. Maria looked over to Debbie, "Well we all voted for you. Just love that hip hugging dress. Would you come up with me and we'll make a quick presentation"

Brenna gave Debbie that could have frozen hell over, Debbie smiled smugly. She'd put one over Brenna, and was loving every minute of it.

"Wow that's great, squeezy babe" bellowed Hank and then to Maria began "You bar staff have taste. I'll buy you all a free drink" Maria smiled, if only he knew what was coming next. "Come on Debbie, babe get up there and take the honors. I've got the best lookin wife in town"

Debbie breathed in and carefully got up, Maria then stepped over and took her arm. "Just come with me please" she said officially. Debbie was sure she recognized the waitress but just couldn't place it. She strutted confidently across the floor with Maria, swing her derriere from side to side, soaking up the envious gazes of the other women in the bar. As they reached the steps leading up to the stage, Maria turned to Debbie

"What we'll do is get you back stage then the guy at the bar will announce you as the winner and I'll present you with the wine. Then a guy from the paper will take your photo. That OK"

Debbie smiled, "Yes, sure. Just give me chance to touch up back stage". Maria nodded and watch as Debbie went up the steps first. She studied the slit in the back of Debbie's dress as she walked up the steps. Her heart skipped a beat. There it was, the little white thread was hanging down from under her dress, and stopped right at her knee. And so as Debbie carefully applied a little extra lipstick, Maria moved over and stood next to Debbie and waited. Her heart pounded as looked at the vain, stuck up, unsuspecting glamour queen. She was in for a surprise.

"Oh ma'am you have a thread hanging in the back there." Maria said as she reached behind Debbie and pinched the thread between her thumb and forefinger.

Suddenly she felt a hand grab her arm. "No don't you stupid bitch."

Maria froze. "Oh shit!" she thought.

"This dress costs more than you make in a month, and I don't want you yanking on it if you don't mind." Debbie twisted her self around and took the thread from Maria. "I'll get it!"

Maria's look of shock turned to one of triumph. "Yeah, sure. You don't want it showing in the picture."

Debbie looked at Maria smuggly and pulled the thread.

The zig-zag stitch worked just as Maria had hoped it would, and unzipped itself with every inch that Debbie pulled the thread.

Debbie felt a losening around her thighs and froze.

"Here, let me help you with that." Maria said as she grabbed the thread out of Debbie's hand and gave it quick hard pull. As she did, the seam up the back of Debbie's girdle unzipped itself from hem to waist.

Debbie's girdle popped in half and she felt a sharp jab as the powerful elastic snapped. Debbie yelped. She looked over to Maria, her eyes bulging. Maria began laughing loudly. Debbie could feel her dress strain under it's new job of holding back Debbie's bulging rear and stomach. She thrust her hands on her bum and felt for her girdle with a look of panic on her face. Then the curtain's started to move.

"Stop them" Debbie pleaded to the laughing Maria.

The curtains continued to move outwards, the bar was clearly in sight. She could see the crowds of people staring at her. Debbie breathed in. How could this be happening to her?

"What's the matter ma'am did you lose something?" laughed Maria.

She walked back up to Debbie, who was still sliding her hands over her rear trying to find her girdle, but all she could feel was her soft giggly fat. A smattering of laughs broke as the women at the tables began to point at Debbie and whisper to each other.

"Here you go ma'am, congratulations!" Maria said as she handed Debbie the wine.

Debbie knew just the slightest of movements would lead to her exploding out. She breathed in desperately. She could feel her soft belly squeezing against the material of her dress, she could feel her bulbous rear ready to burst through the zip. She froze still, imagining the picture in the paper.

Nervously she reached out and grabbed the wine, and the unbelievable happened. Debbie's broken girdle slid out from under her dress and fell on the stage.

The bar erupted in laughter. Debbie reached down to grab the girdle, a move she should have learned at her party, would lead to disaster. Her dress expolded. She dropped the wine bottle, which crashed to the stage and shattered. She shot up straight and reached behind her with both hands and felt the gaping hole in her dress. She tried to hold it closed as she slid her feet sideway, still facing the crowed, her broken girdle dangling behind her, and shuffled of stage to the roar of laughter.

Maria never felt so good in whole life. A warm feeling of satisfaction fell upon her as she looked out to see Hank and the Carlsons getting up to follow after Debbie as headed out the front door.

"Did you see that?" said another waitress walking up to Maria. "That was the most humiliating thing I've ever seen. That poor woman! What happened?"

"She just couldn't contain herself!" said Maria, as she let a long white thread slip from her fingers and fall to the floor.

Monday 13 May 2019

Tuesday 7 May 2019

Kristyna 4994

From the Czech Casting series