Saturday 27 July 2019

Maud Welzen

VS model, 32A

Secret exposed:

Friday 12 July 2019

The Insider - Chapter 1 "The Lunch Date"

Anyone can confirm who authored this?


Bill Smith was on his way home for lunch from the office, which is only around the block. He could walk it but he drives to maximize his time inside the house. His wife’s BMW isn’t in the driveway. She works local too and sometimes stops home for lunch but not today.

            Upon entering the house, Bill moves quickly past the well-stocked refrigerator and upstairs to his bedroom. He takes a quick glance around, and sees that as usual everything is neat and in its place. He moves quickly to his wife’s side of the room to a large lingerie chest and slowly opens the third draw down, his eyes scanning over the contents, taking inventory. The two black long leg panty girdles are there, and so is the control slip, but the beige one is missing. Excellent, he thinks to himself. He slides the drawer closed and moves across the room to the closet, opening the door. His eyes once again scanning the contents, taking inventory. The new suits he had just bought her were there, but it looks like the red one isn’t. Excellent, he thought to himself again. He closed the closet door and started out of the room. He looked at the dresser momentarily, then continued to the door. As he reached it he stopped, turned back and approached the dresser again. He opened the upper most left drawer and stared at the case inside, it was devoid of markings of any kind. He opened it carefully and let out a sigh of relief, it was empty.

            Bill Smith moved as quickly as he could back down stairs and into his Blazer and backed out of the driveway. He nearly ran into an oncoming car as he tried to steer, buckle his seatbelt, and dial his cell phone all at the same time.

            “Hello baby.” His wife’s sexy voice answered.

            “Hey, honey. How’s your day going? “

            “Good, just fine.”

            “Well I’m on my way to lunch, you got time for a bite.”

            “Oh, are you calling to take me to lunch? That’s so sweet. Sure I can go, I'll just let Diane know I’m taking lunch now, and I’ll meet you down stairs in like fifteen minutes.”

            “OK, see you in fifteen, bye.”

            “Ok, bye-bye.” Her sugary voice sounded so sweet.

Bill looked at his watch, it was 11:45, but he was only five minutes from her office. He would have a good ten minutes inside before she came down.


            He pulled into the parking lot of Morgan realty, a giant Victorian house that used to belong to one of the cities founding fathers, but now was the home of  the largest real-estate office in the state. Morgan realty did one billion dollars worth of commercial and residential business last year, all at six percent commissions. Do the math.

            Bill sprang up the steps fueled by the excitement of anticipation. He loved coming to her office. He figured this is where all the good conversations would be taking place.  If only there was a way to hear them. He was still trying to formulate a plan for that.


            "Hey Doris, is 'Gorgeous' around?"

            "Oh, hello, Bill." Doris said with a big mile.

 Doris, the receptionist, was your average housewife turned grandma with a retired husband and a desk festooned with dozens of pictures of her grandchildren.  She started working a few years ago to get of the house, and help pay for all the traveling her and her husband do visiting all those grand children every year.

"She's around, I'll page her for you." Doris said as she reached for the phone.

"No, don't page her she knows I'm coming, I called a few minutes ago and told her I was coming to take her to lunch."

"Oh, you're taking her to lunch. That's so nice." Doris beamed.

Bill checked his watch as if  his wife were late.  "You know if she doesn't make it soon, I'll take you to lunch, how's that Doris?"

"Oh, sure." Doris said, obviously a little flattered with Bill's flirting. "I'm sure you'd rather take that beautiful wife of yours, instead of me."  Bill's ears sparked to the reference about his wife being beautiful.

"Yeah? You think she's that beautiful?" He asked playfully.

"Sure, she is." Doris said playfully back. Bill liked where this might be going.

"You know it's only because she tries so hard." Bill said and winked.

Doris laughed out loud, but quickly fought it back to a controlled smile,  "MmmHmm." She said as she turned back to her computer screen and resumed typing.

Bill stood there, motionless as he pondered the meaning of 'MmmHmm'. Was it knowing assertion? Was Doris' mind racing over exactly how his wife managed to look beautiful.  Bill was certain she was, and his heart began to beat a little quicker in his chest.  Of course she knew, they all had to know, and Bill dreamed of being able to hear them discuss it. It was frustrating and exhilarating at the same time.

Lori Smith came walking down the large front stairs that ended at Doris' reception desk, with her handbag in hand, looking stunning in her red Liz Claiborne suit. Her blonde hair in a big ponytail bouncing about her shoulders.  Bill took it all in. The very fitted skirt clung to her thighs as she took each step, displaying the perfect visible panty lines, of the girdle Lori was wearing beneath it.  He quickly looked over to Doris who's eyes were also fixed on Lori as she descended the stairs.  His plan had worked, the alterations he had had performed on Lori's skirt had the exact effect he was hoping for.  His heart pounded in his chest as he watched Doris watching Lori.

"High Baby." Lori said with a big smile as she walked up and gave Bill a quick kiss on lips. Bill stared into her eyes as she neared, never glancing down at her skirt, as he so desperately wanted to do. "Hey hon', gee you look nice."

She replied with a slow and appreciative "Thank, you."  She turned to look at Doris and said "Doris, I'm going out to lunch with Bill, I should be back in an hour if anyone needs me."

"Ok Lori, enjoy." Doris said as she watched Bill and Lori walk out. Bill looked at Lori as he they walked out, but made sure he glanced over his shoulder once to see Doris staring at Lori's backside as they walked away. So fixated was Doris, that she never noticed Bill watching her.  Bill's heart continued to race.  They walked to the Blazer and Bill opened Lori's door for her. Unlike her BMW, the Blazer was not easy to get into for a woman wearing a skirt, who wished to keep her girdle from showing.  Lori needed to put one leg up into the vehicle which would cause her skirt to rise up exposing her thigh. Lori was aware of this however, and placed her purse into the SUV first, then she used her right hand to hold her skirt down as she raised her left leg up into the vehicle. Bill kept close watch, as the skirt pulled tight over Lori's silhouette, again giving a perfect outline of her girdle. As she stepped up into the car, she reached her right hand for the door sill and slid onto the seat, bum first, then grabbed the hem of her skirt and hauled in down as she spun into the car. The obviousness of her effort made Bill chuckle, as he closed the door, he smiled and strode around to the driver side of car thinking how good life was.

"What are you in the mood for?" Lori asked

"How about Sombrero's?"  Bill said optimistically, as thoughts of the restaurant's interior raced through his head. Sombrero's has a Cantina area with high  top tables with tall backless stools, perfect for showing Lori off to all those that sat or happened by.

"Great, I haven't been there in a while."  Lori said agreeably.

The drive to Sombrero's was a short one, and as they pulled into the parking lot Lori began digging in her purse for her makeup items. She lowered the light up vanity mirror and  re-powdered and lipsticked as Bill pulled into a parking space near the door. She put her makeup items back into her purse, then  turning to glance at her profile in the vanity mirror, Lori felt her ponytail to see that it was securely fastened and in place. Bill stared at the golden blonde hairpiece, examining it for texture and color, and comparing it to Lori's natural hair, which he was happy to see it didn't match perfectly. Of course Lori dyed her hair blonde, and after a while her roots would begin to show and her blonde would fade a bit. The texture of her hair was dry and fine, but her hairpiece was thick and shiny, even and perfect. The mismatch in color and texture was just enough to make it obvious to anyone who would take the time to notice, that Lori's hair was fake. Bill couldn't wait to see who would notice today. 

Bill jumped out of the car and hustled around to Lori's side. She usually waits for him to get there and open the door for her, but Bill didn't want to take any chances by being slow, incase she decided not to wait.  Not to fear though as she sat smiling at him through the window, patiently waiting for him to prove what a gentleman he was. Bill opened the door and Lori slipped her right leg out and reached for the ground as Bill smiled at the pure genius of ordering his Blazer without running boards. Lori had still not mastered a way of getting out of Bill's SUV without the inevitable happening, so her new approach was to do it quickly and get it over with. She slipped quickly along the seat, as her outstretched leg touched the ground, and her skirt slid upwards revealing two to three inches of her shiny beige firm control long leg panty girdle. Her sheer stockings did nothing to obscure the look and texture of her girdle, as the rolled-under and heavy stitched cuff pressed into her thigh. Bill's heart pounded as he watched Lori quickly smooth her skirt down and look around to see if anyone noticed. She smiled as she said to Bill, "Ooo, I was showing there, I wish you would have consulted me before NOT ordering running boards."

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think of it, I just think the truck looks cleaner without them, but don't worry babe, I blocked the view, no one could see."

"I know" she said playfully as she continued "I wish you didn't have to see."

"What, you mean maintain the illusion?" Bill asked

"Hey! Be quiet" Lori added as she smoothed her hands over her well packed behind.

"Hey, the bottom line is you look amazing." Bill looked into her eyes as he slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, kissing her softly on the lips. Lori smiled confidently and put her arm around Bill as they strolled into the restaurant.

With his hand on the small of her back, Bill began to feel with his fingers checking for more of the effects of the alterations that Hazel had done to Lori's suit since the last time she wore it.  The jacket of her suit was very fitted and now slightly shorter than before. It sat well up on her hips only covering a couple of inches of the top of Lori's skirt, which was now riding a little lower on her hips due to its expanded waistband.  Bill's index finger probed the small of Lori's back until it found the waste band of her girdle, which, as he had hoped, was now sticking up above her skirt. He continued to feel with his other fingers, locating the waste band of her skirt which he was happy to discover was down at his ring finger, a whole inch and a half. He used his pinky to check the distance from the top of her skirt to the bottom of her jacket, and found it to be only about another inch and a half  below.  There would be no hiding it today Bill laughed to himself as the two strode up to the hostess.

"Table for two?" the cute nineteen year old in the low rise jeans and cropped low cut top. Bill watched as Lori looked her up and down, then jumped in with, "No let's just sit in the bar."

"Oh, sure." Lori said unsuspectingly.

Bill scanned the room quickly and found what he was looking for. A group a business women seated at one of the high top tables right next to an empty one. He moved quickly and purposefully, as they approached the table he showed Lori around to the side nearest the group of women and pulled out the stool. He continued on past to the seat next to it, so the women were on his right and directly behind Lori. As they prepared to sit Bill watched the women as they scanned the new arrivals. The women at the far end of the neighboring table was the first to stare. She eyed Lori up and down, and came to a halt at her ponytail, staring at it for several seconds  before looking Lori up and down once more. Then Lori lifted up her left leg and slid herself up on the stool, being sure to slid in a way that would pull her skirt down as she sat, in order not to expose any thigh, but in a way Bill was counting on to pull her skirt down in the back. Finally as Lori put her arms up on the table and leaned forward, her jacket lifted up in the back about three inches, and everything fell into place as Bill had planned. Lori's pantyhose had long since slid down the smooth frictionless surface of her girdle and they remained unseen below the top of her skirt, leaving an unobstructed view of the top two and a half inches of Lori's girdle protruding out of the back of her skirt. Its shiny heavy looking lycra spandex material and severe stitching left no doubt as to what she was wearing beneath her tight sexy skirt. Lori was of course oblivious, as she only ever focused on her hemline, checking to make sure her girdle wasn't peeking out the bottom of her skirt. Bills heart pounded in his chest to the point where he was beginning to fear the change in his physiological state might be noticed. He looked away from Lori's visible girdle to the real prize, the woman at the table behind her.

Bill  watched as the women facing Lori shoved a fork full of salad in to her mouth, nodding in agreement to what ever the woman to her right was saying, it was only a matter of time. She swallowed, laughed and aimed her fork back at her dish, but before she looked down at the food, she glanced at Lori again only this time her eye move sharply and quickly to focus in on the exposed girdle. Bill watched as the woman's eye bulged slightly and she seemed to pause for a second or two. She kept staring as she poked her fork at her plate, not really trying to eat, then she leaned toward the women to her right and  mumbled something to her, trying not to move her lips. The other women's facial expression suddenly froze as she realized she was being let in on some kind of secret. She listened for a few seconds, and Bill wished there was some way he could hear what was being said. Then the woman's head slowly turned toward Lori and she saw it. Her eyes brightened up like she was going to begin to laugh, but she suddenly bit her bottom lip to stop herself and turned back to the first women and began laughingly to whisper something, causing the first women to begin laughing as well. Bill took a deep breath, his heart raced, he was loving it.

Lori had since picked up the menu and was glancing at it trying to make her choice. Bill kept his eye on the table behind her. The other two women now wanted to know what was so funny, and Bill watched as the women on the right now took the lead in explaining, with hushed speech, the situation. The other two women glanced over including the one almost directly behind Lori, who had to turn over her left shoulder quite severely to look. They all leaned into he middle of the table and continued to talk in hushed voiced, then one by one they all looked up at Lori's hair.

 Bill looked over at Lori and drank her vision up with his eyes. He looked at her full chest pressing her fitted jacket out at the bust line, and knew right away where the contents of the empty case in Lori's dresser drawer were residing. He reached out and put his hand on Lori's back, leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You look so pretty today." He told her softly. Lori smiled confidently "Thanks honey."

Bill picked up his menu and decided on the burrito, then he glanced back the table behind Lori where the women seemed to have gone back to lunch as usual. He relived the moment in his head, the looks, the suppressed giggles, too bad it would only live in his memory, he thought, but he would put that memory to good use tonight when he and Lori retired to bed. He took another deep breath, trying to calm himself, and slow his heart down, wishing he didn't have to wait, but he was use to it by now, this was his life.

"So how was your morning." Bill asked cheerfully as he continued to study the red suit straining about Lori's body.

"Oh, it was fine, I gave a presentation on the groups status toward the sales targets for the quarter, and I think it was receive really well. Trevor told me after the meeting that he was very pleased with the way I'm running the quarterly meetings, so that was nice. Oh and...", she began to giggle in an embarrassed way, or more like false embarrassment, "..You know, he said during the meeting, right in the middle of my presentation about some of the groups that weren't making their targets, that maybe we should '…Just send Lori over wearing that suit, that would close a few deals.' How about that?!

"Well what did you think?" Bill asked with great interest.

"Well, I guess he was trying to pay me a compliment so I was a little flattered, but there were a lot of other women in the room like, Sue, and Maryellen, and Deanna, and I felt a little pang of this feeling like,  now their going to hate me because they're jealous."

Bill smiled a deep satisfying smile and took another deep breath before saying as smoothly as he could, "Don't hate me because I beautiful." In his best Kelly LeBrock imitation from the old shampoo commercial.

"Yes! Exactly." Lori said as shifted in her chair and smoothed her hands of her skirt and checked her hem.

"Did any of them say anything to you about it?"

"Well, as a matter of fact, Deanna said something to me on the way out, she said 'Wow Trevor was impressed with you today.' I said yeah but it was with my suit not my work." Lori said laughing quite hard at her own little quip.

"What did she say to that?" Bill asked.

Lori had to think for a second as if any memory beyond the flattering parts were not meant to be remembered. Bill had found over the years that Lori had a selective memory for any evidence that others knew of her artifice. It was as if she couldn't conceive of anyone knowing her secrets and disregarded any innuendo or reference to them as coincidence.

"She said 'well I don't think it's the suit as much as what's underneath.'" Lori paused as if rolling the words around in her head trying to understand them, having not really paid much attention to them the first time.

"Well I would agree with that. That suit really shows off your figure quite nicely." Bill said as he eyed her up and down and reached out and rubbed her back.

"I know, that's why I wear it. I looked at Deanna when she said that and said 'Oh, you think?' and shook my booty a little. She laughed."

'I'll bet she did' were the words screaming through Bill's head. Deanna, he thought, is someone he should get to know better.

They finished up lunch and Bill watched as Lori climbed back up into the blazer and primped as he drove back to her office. He walked her back to the lobby and gave her kiss goodbye under the watchful eye of  Doris the receptionist. They both watched as Lori climbed the steps back upstairs and the last of Bill's alteration to Lori's suit were showing their effects. The slit in the back of Lori's skirt had been opened a little further up so that with each step she took, the resulting  spreading of the slit revealed a bit more of Lori's inner thigh than it should have, and there, in stark contrast to her well tanned legs, was the gleaming beige spandex of  the leg of her girdle. Through the tight skirt, the bulges in her thighs where her girdle ended were also more visible then from the front, and together with the exposing slit gave a clear picture of the tight girdle that shaped Lori derriere. Bill looked at Doris, and found her gaze following Lori as she walked up the stairs. He looked for signs in her face that she saw it too, but he could only detect the hint of a smirk. Doris looked up, and Bill quickly looked away, he didn't want to discourage her study of Lori's figure by catching her in the act. He waited. It was just a moment, but a moment of great anticipation. All his work, all the preparation, all the luck that needed to happen came down to right now, this moment, did Doris see it? Will she say something?

"Did you bring me the leftovers?" Doris asked playfully. Leftovers? Bill thought quickly about how to make this an opportunity, and keep this going where he wants it to go.

"I would Doris but, between you and me, Lori never has leftovers." Bill said in a laughingly worried tone. Would she take the bate? What did she know?

"Oh, jeez, well you'd never know it to look at her." Doris replied with a bit too much sarcasm in her voice to mean it as a true compliment, or so Bill had hoped. That kept the door open, but what next. This was a part of the game that Bill still hadn't mastered. How to get them to say the magic words. Bill never said them himself, it took all the fun out of it. He needed to lead her there and have Doris say it, that was the prize.  Something like 'Looks can be deceiving' seemed to obvious, he didn't know Doris that well and found that being too obvious put women on the defensive because very few of them would be that openly catty with anyone but a close friend. Also, if too much was implied by innuendo, than it didn't need to be said, and Bill needed to hear it. But more importantly he had to be careful about the creep factor. A husband who brings up the subject of his wife's girdle, and is too eager to talk about it looks like a pervert, and that would shut down the whole thing real fast. Ideally, Bill thought, if  he made an inquisitive women feel at ease, she would bring it up in the hopes Bill would confirm her suspicions. It would be tough though, as most women would be afraid to say anything to Bill because they would assume it would make it back to Lori.

Time was running out, did he have an answer or not? If he waited too long it would looked forced and feel awkward, and again things would shut down.

"What do you know?, it works." Bill said absent mindedly as if her were talking to himself.

Doris laughed as if she got the joke then asked suddenly "What?", doing her best to look confused. Bill smiled and thought 'Sorry Doris, that's the question you're supposed to answer. He'd set himself up. It happened all the time. He would lead them right there and they would clam up and play stupid. Bill wondered if they did that when talking to each other.

"Nothing." He said as if it were something he wasn't supposed to talk about. He could see it created a hint of suspicion on Doris' face and for another ecstatic second he waited for her to reply hoping it was 'Oh you mean her girdle'. His heart pounded, seconds passed finally Doris ended the tension and the silence, "OK, bye Bill."

"See you Doris."

Bill made it  back to the office without giving a single thought about driving or the route he had taken. He took a deep breath and tried to get refocused on work, lunch was over but the images and excitement surged through his mind like water through a broken dam. He took another deep breath, was this frustration or ecstasy, sometimes he couldn't tell the difference but he couldn't imagine it any other way.