Friday 30 August 2019

Japanese Girlfriend

Source unknown. Any leads appreciated.
I'd love to be the guy underneath her.

Monday 19 August 2019

Friday 16 August 2019

Speedo Stuffer Exposed by swimfan2©

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Thursday 8 August 2019

Clauvino Da Silva

The Brazilian gang leader who tried to make a prison break by disguising himself as his teenage daughter was found dead in his cell, local authorities said.

Clauvino da Silva, 42, died in an apparent suicide Tuesday at a Rio de Janeiro prison just three days after he was busted in his elaborate escape attempt, the Rio Times reported.

The convicted drug trafficker was discovered unconscious in the high-security unit to which he’d been transferred at the Bangu prison complex as punishment after his foiled escape attempt.

“The inmate appears to have hanged himself with a bed sheet,” Rio’s prison authority said in a statement.

The pint-sized gang leader — who went by “Shorty” — made headlines over the weekend for trying to walk out the front door of the prison while impersonating his 19-year-old daughter, who had been visiting for the day.

He was caught by prison guards who stopped him at the exit doors because he was acting nervous.

Viral footage released by prison authorities showed the tattooed inmate remove his over-the-top costume.

Slowly, da Silva stripped off a creepy silicone face mask, long black wig, glasses, tight jeans and a pink T-shirt that belonged to his daughter. As he revealed his stubble and tattoos, da Silva was asked to identify himself and responded with his full name.

His daughter, who planned to stay behind in his place, and seven other visitors were detained in connection with the failed escape.

The gang leader had previously escaped prison in 2013 when he and dozens of other inmates dug a 15-foot tunnel to the sewers.

He had been serving a sentence of nearly 74 years at the time of his death, the BBC reported.

With Wires

Sunday 4 August 2019

The Insider - Chapter 2

Bill sat his desk and thought about Lori strutting around her office and all the things that were probably being whispered by the women who Lori was trying so hard to out do.  They must know, he thought to himself, it figured that they would. If Lori was wearing her girdle because it made her ass look nicer, than it follows that someone must be looking at it.  That was reasonable to assume. Lori herself must feel the that the women she works with are looking close enough at her bum that she needs to improve the way it looks with the girdle, other wise why wear it? It certainly wasn't for Bill. He'd never given her any indication that he had any particular desire for her to wear it. Granted he had supported and encouraged the idea in his own particular way, but Lori had come up with the idea herself, and for the most part her motivation was how the other women at work saw her, not Bill's attitudes about it.

                No, Bill thought, it wasn't for him but rather for some group of prying eyes that Lori felt existed at the office that she needed to be ready for. It was those eyes Bill was counting on. If Lori was right and they did exist, then those same eyes would undoubtedly uncover all of Lori's phony attempts to fool them. Bill would help that along of course to his great pleasure and satisfaction. It would be because of Lori's attempts at deception that the 'lookers' would show her no pity, the laughter would be real. Bill was counting on it but did it really exist? What if it only exist in Lori's mind? This was a possibility that Bill was all too afraid of.  What if  all his efforts were in vein. What if no one knew or cared that Lori's great looking boobs were falsies, or that her buns of steel were really buns of lycra spandex, or that her golden locks slept on a foam head instead of Lori's? If that were the case than everything would be different.

There was a time when those things themselves turned Bill on. Back then, girlfriends would dress in  falsies or a girdle for his pleasure. It was wonderful to be touching and examining them close at hand as Bill fed on the visual images of  a tightly girdled backside and mercilessly pushed up boobs in satin, falsie stuffed Wonderbras. But those days were past, and so were those girls.  It was a surprised to Bill that such images would lose power over him, he hadn't expected that, and as that drive faded so did his interest in those women  But he soon came to the realization of what it was that truly fueled his desires. It was the exposure of such things. It was hearing and seeing the laughter of other women who turned the tables on the phony. It was something that couldn't be replicated in a bedroom by a girlfriend that only wore a padded bra to bed as a prop. There was no real emotion because it wasn't really her bra, it was essentially Bill's. Bought for him, and worn for him, to simulate what the phony girls look like when they take their shirts off. The girdles, squeezed into only to show what a girl who really wears one looks like when putting it on, and what she looks like under her sexy skirt, but without the phony attitude to go with it. Bill could never ask these girls why they wear it. He could never watch them in front of the mirror examining themselves and smiling with the results of their deception. He could never expose them and see and hear the laughter of other women because these girls weren't really phonies. They didn't misrepresent their figures to the real world, and it was exposing that misrepresentation and feeding on the ensuing reaction that got Bill out of bed every morning.

That's what made Lori different, she was a real phony. The oxy-moron coined by Bill and discussed only with himself, became the focus of a life quest: To find a 'Real-Phony'.  His obsession with Lori beginning the moment he saw her at  the bar at Diego's with friends having an after work Margarita. It was the flash of shiny beige on her thigh that caught Bills eye, peeking out from under her tight black skirt. It had felt like nothing Bill had ever felt before, like winning the lottery, or discovering who shot John Kennedy. There was this blonde bombshell and she was wearing a girdle.  It had been almost two decades since Bill had come across his first phony, a discovery that had changed his life and lead him down a long frustrating road of unfulfilled temptations and fantasies. He had often wondered what it would be like to be like every other man, attracted to women for their beauty instead of motivated by the desire to expose their beauty secrets.  If Bill had suspected that the search for his second phony would take nearly twenty years, he surely would have chosen a different path.  If he could go back to the day he walked into Betty's room and discovered her secrets, would he really be able to change the course of his life, or simply delay the inevitable? Bill seldom had those thoughts anymore, Lori changed all that, and with each passing day her stuffed bra and tight girdle made the frustrations of the past seem like distant memories.  Everyday the opportunity to see the joy on a woman's face upon discovering that Lori perfect boobs are falsies is a real possibility.


                There must be a way to see that joy and hear that laughter and to be a part of it, but how? Bill had spent many an hour in his office thinking about that subject but despite the time invested very few options seemed realizable. He had fantasized about elaborate plots to install hidden cameras and microphones to record the stares and whispered conversations but they remained for all practical purposes, just fantasies. One scheme kept coming back over and over again. It had many risks but it might be workable. What if, Bill thought, he could get someone at the office to talk about it? It figured that if some of the women knew of Lori's cheating, they might be dying to talk about it to someone. The trouble was, would they be willing to talk to Bill? There was good reason not to, not the least of which was that these women would surely be afraid that Bill would run back and tell Lori what they said. They would naturally assume Bill would tell her, being her husband and all. Also, their initial reaction would be that Bill was on Lori's side so he would be the second to last person that they would want to discuss the topic of Lori's falsie's with. Bill would have to put that fear to rest first. If he did get into a situation where Lori's falsies or girdle could be brought into the conversation he would have to make sure his attitude made the women feel comfortable with him laughing along; That he was one with them in the same conspiracy. If this could be achieved they may seek him out to get him to confirm their suspicions about Lori's beauty secrets. Yes, surely if he played this right, they might come seeking him, and that would make things much easier, and safer.

                It could start simply with a hint and a knowing smile. Bill thought of lunch the other day and his banter with Doris at the front desk. What had she said "Where does she put it all?" referring to Lori's appetite which was such as to not leave leftovers after a meal. Was that a lead for Bill? Was she hoping he would say "Just between you and me, she packs it into her girdle."? Bill imagined the explosion of laughter from Doris as her suspicions were confirmed and she replied "Ha, I knew it! She wasn't fooling me. You want to know how I knew? Well I'll tell you…" Again Bill found his heart pounding and needed to take deep breaths to calm down. The fantasies were fun but they were still in his mind, and Bill need to figure out to make them real. He also knew better than to think it would be that simple. More than likely Doris would play dumb and say "Really, I had no idea.", and that would ruin everything. If that happened then Bill would simply be the one that told the whole office, there was little fun in that, not to mention that he would be the disloyal creep who blurted out that his wife wears a girdle. He would never be able to bring up the subject again, for fear he would get labeled as the 'girdle guy'. The worst case scenario was the women picking up on Bill's earnest desire to discuss his wife's lingerie, then he would be exposed as some kind of pervert and the game could be up permanently. There was one sure thing in the world even truer than death and taxes and that is that women will steer clear of a pervert. He would have to be careful. The idea was to get them to tell him what's being said about Lori without letting the cat out of the bag himself, and at the same time make it look like they dragged it out of him.

                Bill figured he would have to find the right subject. Doris was probably not it. She was older and probably didn't figure she was in competition with girls like Lori anymore. Even if she had figured out that Lori was stuffed and cinched, she wouldn't have much of motive for discussing it with anyone. Bill remembered the pictures of her grand children on her desk, and figured that she was just a kind older women who would keep Lori's secret to herself, even if asked. It would be catty to be otherwise, and Doris seemed anything but catty. Actually the more Bill thought about it the more he realized that gossiping about Lori's girdle and falsies for the sake of humiliating her was a down right shitty thing to do. Finding someone who would do it was against the odds.  Bill would have to find someone who wanted to see Lori go down; he would need to find a scruple-less, catty back stabber. Then again this was a real estate office, he reminded himself. Surely a women of questionable ethics existed at Morgan Realty, and Bill would make it his next task to find her.  He began to think of the possibilities of this spy being Bill's eyes and ears in that office, telling him in laughing detail, all the things the other women are saying and noticing. Maybe the spy could eventually help in exposing Lori. With that thought Bill's heart began to pound again. Yes, he would work hard to enlist a spy, but it was getting late and Lori would be heading home soon, and that meant getting changed. There some fun to be had there as always, so Bill packed up and headed for the parking lot.

                As usual Bill and Lori had both worked late and met up home shortly after 7:30pm. Bill mulled around biding his time while Lori looked through the days mail, pausing to look through each of the many catalogs that seemed to make the majority of the contents of their mail box. Today it was Victoria's Secret and Lord and Taylor.

It was part of Lori's daily ritual that she performed like clockwork. Bill knew all to well that it would end with her heading upstairs to change, in what came to be known to Bill as the 8:00pm show. Bill followed Lori upstairs and stared in exhilaration at her girdle which was clearly visible against her thighs as the slit fanned open and closed with each step she took. Bill smiled with satisfaction at his handy work and wondered how many women had walked up a flight of stairs behind Lori today.

Lori entered the bedroom, stopped in front of the huge mirror over her long dresser and began the ritual of dismantling her contrived appearance. She reached up with both hands and, after removing several bobby pins, she removed her silky blonde ponytail, shaking it and giving it a few strokes with brush as she walked toward her walk in closet where she secured it on a foam head with a strait pin along side a few other blonde hair pieces of various styles.  Bill followed her into their closet and followed her lead by taking off his suit and hanging it up.  Lori kicked off her shoes and bent down to pick them up. Bill watched from directly behind her as she did. Removing his tie, he felt around blindly for the hanger as his eyes were glued to Lori as she put her shoes on the rack, her bent over posture again revealing the shiny, heavily stitched, thick looking waist band and material of her girdle over the top of her skirt. Bill never got tired of seeing her exposed.

                Lori straightened up and began to unbutton her jacket as Bill did the same with his shirt, his eyes fixed upon his beautiful wife. She removed her jacket to reveal a red satin push up bra. It was from Victoria Secret, Bill remembers the day she went bra shopping. It's molded cups providing the support that was required to keep her extra large breast enhancers shoved up into her small breast securely. The cups also did a fair job of hiding the ridges and unnatural curvatures that resulted from having such large falsies and such small breasts. Bill watched as the molded cup's one big flaw revealed itself  when Lori reached to hang her jacket up. The stiff cups would lift away from her breast creating a gap into which one could see Lori's falsies. The pink silicone breast enhancers that Lori wore were state of the art. They bounced, shook, and hugged like real, albeit perfect, breasts.

With her jacket off the waistband of Lori's girdle could again be seen over the top of her skirt, and so could the small roll that hang over the top.  She reached behind and unhooked and unzipped the skirt giving a fairly good tug until it was far enough down to fall to the floor on its own. Bill gazed upon the heavy paneling of Lori's firm control girdle, and pronounced bulges that expanded out of it around her thighs taking note of the extent to which the girdle was straining to correct her figure. Bill reveled in the clear visual explanation this view of Lori provided. Stripped of  the sexy cloaking provided by her tight designer skirts, the shear magnitude of the correction her girdle was providing was now clearly and humiliatingly visible.  If the girls at the office could see this view, the view that shows the lengths Lori goes to look like a hottie, then the very beauty she counts on to gain an advantage would become a colossal liability.  The jealousy and envy her beauty generated would be replaced giggles and humiliating whispers. Reflecting upon this had the usual effect on Bill, which was to say his heart rate was picking up considerably.

  Lori walked out of the closet and wiggled her pantyhose down to her knees, then sat on the bed to pulled them off from the toes. She stretched them back out, rolled them up and tossed them at the hamper in the corner near the closet. She stood back up facing the mirror and looked herself up and down and then turned sideways and did the same as she felt around her hips and stomach. "I really need to lose a few pounds." She said conclusively.

"If you say so. I think you look great." Bill said supportively.

"I know, but I just wish this girdle wasn't so tight. I was sitting in my two o'clock wishing I could take it off." Lori said as she slipped her thumbs under the waist band and began to remove her girdle by pealing it down over her hips, the waist band leading the way as the rest of it turned itself inside out as she did. She stepped out of it, reached down and picked it up, and then turned it right side out as she folded it and placed it back in her girdle drawer. Underneath she wore a pair of thong panties which she always did so she could wear her girdles multiple times before washing it.

"Oh, that's much better." Lori said as she rubbed the lines left in her skin by the seems of her girdle.

"If it's that uncomfortable, is it really worth it?" Bill said as if to challenge her. Lori thought for a second as she looked at her now unsupported derriere in the mirror. Without her girdle it was a very different sight. Her firm lifted, smooth, shapely buns of steel, now sagged and hung down upon the tops of her bulgy thighs. She rubbed her hands over it making disapproving faces at the little dimples, lumps and bumps, and protruding tummy that replaced the taught shiny smooth texture of her missing girdle.

"I wish I didn't have to but look at this, there no way I'm letting anyone see this." Lori said, then giggled as she added, "I have a reputation to uphold."

Bill began to sing softly, "…here she is, …Miss America."

"Hey that's right. I refuse to be another fat ass woman like everyone else at that office. God, you should see some of them." Lori said defiantly.  "It's really embarrassing how they let their figures go." Lori added as she pulled her falsies from the cups for her push-up bra and placed them in the case in her drawer.

                Bill nearly choked on the hypocrisy of Lori's comments, so rather than say anything he sat on the bed in part to remove his shoes and in part to hide his state of arousal, which was now quite extensive.  Lori took off her bra and through it in the hamper and pulled a white tee shirt from her dresser and pulled it over her head. Lori usually went braless at night if there were no plans to go out of the house after work because after a long day of wearing the tightly strapped bras needed to hold her falsies securely, braless was such relief.  She then put on a pair of  long flannel pajama bottoms and the show was over.  He gave Lori an appreciative kiss knowing full well she would have no idea what it was he was appreciative of. His libido was stocked, in a few hours, when thy retired to bed, Lori was going to get it good.