Friday, 5 January 2018

Fun With Falsies

Videos from the


  1. These videos were really fun!

    When will the content I submitted be posted? I have sent in some good ones and they never made it here.

    1. I've not been working on new material for awhile - time, scarcity, etc. Which ones am I still missing? Resend?

  2. There was the video I sent you of the girl with a big padded bra masturbating and then the pictures of the Asian girl doing homework with the obvious the overstuffed bra.

  3. Then there was the link to chyoa I sent you and told you it was free to sign up for so you could get story material to post on your site for your Sunday story serial. I have written a few stories and send them to you but with the lack of content that I do submit you getting posted on your site I worry that if I send you one of my stories you won't post that either.

    1. Chyoa - Already did a post on the Lauren story with link to Chyoa. Idea is to highlight, not to re-post everything from another site. Don't think Splotch will appreciate that.

      Asian girl - can't find a video of it that I can embed. Only have some pics which don't look that great.

      The masturbating girl is actually quite big...

      Like I said, I may not post something for a variety of reasons. Don't hound me over it

    2. I won't do that to you anymore but in return I will ask that you do not meet me down to false hope sayings thank yous and awesome and all those other explain it is that week one to believe that their contents that they provide you will make it to your site. All it does is create Balto and expectations and that is not fair.
