Saturday 13 June 2015

Tabby's Age-Play Holiday by Tabitha Kohls


Content removed.  Please visit link to read the story.


  1. I hate to bother you about this, but could you please remove this story (which I wrote) from your site. You can leave the link in place, if you want.

    I don't mine people sharing links to my site, but the problem with sharing my stories themselves is that when I eventually go to publish this as an ebook, Amazon will claim the story is available for free on your site and refuse to let me publish it. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't bother you, but I do try to maintain control of my "free" stories for this reason.

    Thank you,

    - B-Rex (AKA Tabitha Kohls)

    1. Thank you, truly.

      I really don't mean to bother you about it, I'm not the least bit mad or anything. But I've had this problem before from Amazon when making a collection of my short stories, and had to run around the internet finding where people had posted them.

    2. No problem. Thanks for informing.
